OK everyone! It’s almost here - - the first annual Ohio ARES
VHF Simplex Contest!
- On the bonus
situations, the EOC bonus is exactly what it says- operation must be from an
EOC, not a nearby trailer or remote location. EOC ops, add 50 points to your
total contact score. Operation from any
portable location (trailer, tent, park bench, igloo) is 100 points added to
your total contact score. Contact an
ARES officer of any type, add 5 points to that contact (in other words, if your
contact says he’s an EC, it’s worth 6 points.)
- On digital. All
modes are open, we’ve had some questions as to ‘which’ mode. Any of the modes
commonly accepted for NBEMS work!
- Frequencies haven’t
been mentioned. Grab any you like- if your district has a prescribed simplex
frequency, try that first. Anything except a repeater. Make sure you get the county or location of
your contact- the whole point is to be able to plot your best coverage area.
Look for ‘real’ signal reports.
- You know what? If
you get bored and want to fry some eggs on your six-meter antennas, go for it.
DO NOT INCLUDE your six contacts for a score, but plotting coverage will be
Here are the rules again!

When did you say it was?
The contest is January 9, 2016. The start time is (for those of us who sleep
in) 10 AM through 6 PM Eastern. Yeah, a civilized time-frame that doesn’t rob
sleep, and allows time with the family. Why, you can even watch a few cartoons
in the morning!
Where you gonna be?
You may operate this contest from anywhere. There are
certain benefits for venturing out from your warm, comfortable home station.
EOC stations can gain extra points. Portable stations can gain even MORE extra
points – that is, if your frozen fingers will still be able to operate a
keyboard. Portable stations MUST use portable antennas, nothing permanently
attached…kind of like Field Day on ice.
We are not going with any mobile operation this time. The image of a
bunch of vehicles running around with portable towers, 150 pounds of antenna
hardware and an occasional grounding anchor is best left to the ARRL
Da Bands – a la’ Mode

Da Contacts
The goal is to contact as many different stations in as many
different counties as possible. You can make as many overall contacts as you
like, they will then be multiplied by the number of counties you’ve
reached. Extra points will be available
for contacting an EC, AEC, DEC, ADEC, ASEC or SEC. Pretty simple- any more complex and we’ll
confuse the scorekeepers.
Da Score
Each FM Simplex contact counts as 1 point.
Each non- FM simplex contact counts as 1 point.
Each digital simplex contact counts as 1 point. (Detect a pattern here?)
Contact with EC, AEC, DEC, ADEC, ASEC or SEC adds 5 points.
Contact with an EOC or with a portable station adds 5
Operation from an EOC add 50 points to your total contact
Operation from a portable location add 100 points to your
total contact score.
Total contact score (all bands/modes added together) will be
multiplied by the total number of counties you contacted.
Da Logs
Please use any of the appropriate computer logging programs,
paper dupe sheets, a well-worn slide rule or rusty abacus. Just keep all that to yourself, we can’t find
anyone with the time to go through all the detail contacts. Submit an email to
“ contest@delares.org “ with the following:
Your name:
Group name:
Location: (City,
FM Simplex Contacts:
“Everything else” Simplex Contacts:
Digital Simplex Contacts:
EOC bonus:
Portable bonus:
Total Contact Score (Add above together, but you figured
that out already):
Multiply by total number of counties contacted (include your
Bask in the glory of a well thought out, well executed
Definition of acronyms..
EOC = Emergency Operations Center
NBEMS = Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System
ARES = Amateur Radio Emergency Service
SM = Section Manager
SEC = Section Emergency Coordinator
ASEC = Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
DEC = District Emergency Coordinator
ADEC = Assistant District Emergency Coordinator
EC = Emergency Coordinator
AEC = Assistant Emergency Coordinator
CW = Continuous Wave
SSB = Single-Side Band
FM = Frequency Modulation
EOC = Emergency Operations Center
NBEMS = Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System
ARES = Amateur Radio Emergency Service
SM = Section Manager
SEC = Section Emergency Coordinator
ASEC = Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator
DEC = District Emergency Coordinator
ADEC = Assistant District Emergency Coordinator
EC = Emergency Coordinator
AEC = Assistant Emergency Coordinator
CW = Continuous Wave
SSB = Single-Side Band
FM = Frequency Modulation