In this issue:
Jeff Kopcak - TC

One device you might want to
put on your Christmas list for Santa is the YARD Stick One (Yet Another Radio
Dongle). It’s a dongle to transmit and
receive signals below 1 GHz, which include the 440 and 900 ham and ISM
(industrial, scientific and medical) bands.
This device was created by ‘hacker turned Ham Radio operator’ Mike
Ossmann - AD0NR. He’s the founder of
Great Scott Gadgets ( which makes gadgets like
the HackRF One or Ubertooth One.
The YARD Stick One is a
half-duplex transmit and receive dongle that operates (officially) in the
ranges of: 300-348 MHz, 391-464 MHz, and 782-928 MHz. Unofficially: 281-361 MHz, 378-481 MHz, and
749-962 MHz. Modulations schemes: ASK,
OOK, GFSK, 2-FSK, 4-FSK, MSK. HAK5 did a
getting started video: If you get one of these devices, let me know
what you do with it! More:
If you’re more a Raspberry Pi
person, the foundation released the $5 Raspberry Pi Zero. It features a processor about 40% faster than
the Raspberry Pi A with 512MB RAM, micro-SD card slot, mini-HDMI socket,
Micro-USB for data and power, unpopulated 40-pin GPIO header identical pinout
to Model A+/B+/2, unpopulated composite video header, and a form factor of 65mm
x 30mm x 5mm. More:
The Fo Time podcast had an
episode that I found very interesting.
Fo Time is actually a Ham Radio podcast.
Their subtitle is ‘the Other Ham Radio Podcast.’ Episode 38 is titled “Ham Radio-Listening to
the Spectrum.” As someone who loves to
operate on the ham bands I’m very interested to scan around from time-to-time
to see what else I can hear. The episode
goes though the allocations and uses of radio spectrum. It is an overview but they will talk about
radios to receive frequencies and modulation types. Give the episode a listen. I found it interesting and learned a couple
things. At the end, they encourage you
to get out there and tune a block of frequencies. You’ll be shocked to learn what is going
around you that you had no idea. More:
I plan to do a rundown of Ham
Radio podcasts I’ve found in a future edition of the OSJ. There are many out there and your fellow hams
are putting a lot of effort to bring you ham radio related topics -- for free.
I had a great time at the
NOARS meeting this past November. I
presented my program on the Raspberry Pi.
It sparked a lot of great questions, discussion, and even correspondence
after the meeting about possible uses for the device. Thanks for having me at your meeting.
Welcome to Tracey W8TWL as
the latest addition to the Technical Specialists. He brings a lot of commercial experience to
the group. He has a GROL (General
Radiotelephone Operator License) which allows him to repair aviation, marine,
and fixed stations. He is a certified
member of the SBE (Society of Broadcast Engineers), and helped track down false
emergency calls, pirate radio stations, and RFI problems. I’ve been to a couple SBE meetings. Want to know what it takes to keep an
AM/FM/TV station on the air? These guys
have all kinds of war stories!
Thanks for reading. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy
New Year!
73... de Jeff - K8JTK
John Myers, KD8MQ - ACC

Let’s start off this month
with a note about our Homebound Hams. We probably all know some club members
who are in nursing homes, or in the hospital.
Please remember them especially at this time of year. A Christmas card
or phone call could really brighten their day.
A lot of our older hams have
some interesting stories to tell. What if I told you that there is an online
repository for oral Histories of Ham Radio? It’s the ARRL Library. The library
has three parts; PDFs, PowerPoints, and Oral Histories. You can find it at Wouldn’t this be a great project for your club? Sit down
with a few of your old-timers, and record some anecdotes about Ham Radio in their
day. Then make them available to all via the library. There are guidelines
posted at the library page, which will answer some of your technical questions.
So let’s capture some of this history before time robs it from us. I’d like to
thanks Bill, K8RWH. The above comes from a conversation that we’ve recently had
via E-mail.
I started off the column by
mentioning that I hope to see the weather continue into January. Well, there’s
a method to my madness here. January 9th is the Ohio ARES VHF Contest. No doubt
there’s more about this in the Section Emergency Coordinators column. Stan,
N8BHL is the fellow who started the NVIS Antenna test last year (BTW, Stan
assures me that it’ll be back for this year).
So, lest I digress, the VHF
Contest is scheduled for January 9th. I know that’s only a few weeks away, but
there’s still plenty of time to set up an activity with your club, or ARES
group, isn’t there? It sounds like a great excuse for a club activity. If we
have another weekend like the one we just had on December 12/13. Then bring out
the grills and the lawn chairs, and have a club midwinter picnic at the same
time. Make sure to send pictures!
By the way, I’m not so much
pushing the contest as I am suggesting ways for us to get together, and
socialize outside of meeting night. Meetings are necessary, but they don’t have
to be the only face to face that we have.
The National Parks On The Air
Event is almost upon us. The first monthly update recently appeared in the
January QST. Is your group up to the challenge of activating one of the nine
NPS units here in Ohio? Do you have questions? There’s a wealth of information
online at There’s also a pretty lively Facebook group at
This is the time of year when
a lot of clubs hold their elections. Congratulations to the winners of the
elections. I’d also like to thank the outgoing, and incoming officers for your
commitment both to your club, and to Amateur radio.
Here’s something that came in
on Twitter.
The Portage County ARS
(PCARS) recently donated nearly $4000 to the Center of Hope in Ravenna. You can
read the full story at
And that’s about it for this
month. I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
73 everyone, see you next
month. DE KD8MQ
Stan Broadway, N8BHL
2015 - What was it like?
I’m proud of all you did for
Ohio ARES this year! We made some major
strides as an organization, and we’re positioned to do even more this coming
Most important, the year
started off when ARES was given the chance to show its stuff as six counties
lost all phone service, all 911 service, and most cell and Internet service
during a very cold winter night. The speed with which ARES units activated, the
ability to quickly establish connection with the Ohio EOC raised some eyebrows.
The praise heaped on ham radio during one of the after-action meetings was
beyond expectations! There were many
other activations- a gas well leak, toxic water plumes, missing people – all of
which is why ARES exists!
ARES hams were a common site
at the largest public events throughout the year, which is always good
visibility for amateur radio!
We capitalized on our service
by helping to organize and present a ‘Plan for the Future’ for the amateur
facilities at Ohio EOC – with an eye toward moving to a larger space, with
better radios and the addition of amplifiers.
One of the best things about ‘The Sarge’ is the willingness to be
available for your many training exercises.
Internally, ARES staged a
solid training seminar in the spring, then featured our first-ever “NVIS
Antenna Day” (thanks to ASEC Tim Price, K8WFL and our northeast counties). This
proved to be a LOT of fun for groups all over Ohio. We hope for a larger event
in 2016! We also held the first of our
“Ohio EC Training” sessions- where we take the bookwork and make it real for
our EC’s in doing their job.
Oh- but wait ‘til 2016!
Our SET in October played on
the ‘Grid-Down Power Outage’ which is a real vulnerability. It was a chance to
get out the generators and alternate power sources and actually try them
out. Simplex was the word for that
day…and we intend to build on that simplex ability with the first annual “Ohio
ARES VHF Simplex Contest” on January 9.
This should be a really fun event! What’s more, it will give us the
chance to actually map our coverage abilities- just how far ~can~ we get on
this antenna? Information like this
should be valuable in devising area nets and proving our ability to communicate
in a real emergency. We’ll use two
meters and 70 centimeters and make as many contacts as possible over an 8 hour
period. Rules are available on the website in the SEC
portion. I hope to work you in the
We plan to further develop
our ability to communicate locally with work on antenna building that we can
incorporate into our annual spring conference!
And look for NVIS Antenna Day
to return toward the end of April!
We plan to continue our
efforts to position ARES and amateur radio in front of the state’s emergency
managers. Scott, N8SY, and I are members
of the Ohio EMA Director’s Association- allowing us a platform to interact with
county directors and present amateur radio.
We also will be regulars in front of other state agencies!
What you can do
There’s a mental picture I
have of some amateurs. While very well-intentioned, these hams just figure they
have this all down- have had since to ‘70’s.
“If you need me, give me a call!”
While I applaud the willingness to help, and the abilities that you’ve
developed, the truth is we are at risk for being lethargic or assuming we can
accomplish something without any practice!
It’s up to each county’s ARES groups to stay active…to keep up with
training, the FEMA courses, and your local agency exercises! We need to carry out meaningful training
every month! For instance, did you know Ohio is in the ~top three~ states for
terrorist contact?? This is a new and different concern and we need to be at
the top of this training, since ham radio is present at large events and big
public gatherings! Like many other
activities we may be called to, we simply can’t assume that we can handle this!
We need to be ready.
Most of all, we can be proud
of the time and effort our ARES members put in across the state of Ohio! You are all an impressive group, and I’m
proud to serve you!
>>>>>Announcing!<<<<<<<<The Ohio ARES VHF ContestJanuary 9, 2016
is tasked with being able to provide communications “When all else fails.” Local communication is critical and typically
takes place on the VHF or UHF amateur band. In order to improve our ability to
perform on these bands, Ohio Section ARES is sponsoring the ARES VHF Contest
(Yeah, we know, but calling it the Ohio VHF / UHF Contest got a little
long-winded). Participants in the contest
are encouraged to make as many contacts as possible within the timeframe of the
contest, with as many different geographical locations as the bands permit. The
contest is open to all amateur operators, ARES members are strongly encouraged
to participate. How else are you going to win the ‘bragging rights’ session of
your next ARES meeting?
contest is January 9, 2016. The start
time is (for those of us who sleep in) 10 AM through 6 PM Eastern. Yeah, a
civilized time-frame that doesn’t rob sleep, and allows time with the family.
Why, you can even watch a few cartoons in the morning!
you gonna be?
may operate this contest from anywhere. There are certain benefits for
venturing out from your warm, comfortable home station. EOC stations can gain
extra points. Portable stations can gain even MORE extra points – that is, if
your frozen fingers will still be able to operate a keyboard. Portable stations
MUST use portable antennas, nothing permanently attached…kind of like Field Day
on ice. We are not going with any mobile
operation this time. The image of a bunch of vehicles running around with
portable towers, 150 pounds of antenna hardware and an occasional grounding
anchor is best left to the ARRL contesters.
Bands – a la’ Mode
local emergency communication takes place primarily on the two meter and 70
centimeter bands, the contest is limited to those two bands. Within each band,
we will have these modes: FM Simplex,
“Everything else” Simplex; DIGITAL simplex contacts will make up a third mode
on each band. Contacts with a station
count once per mode- if you can talk the other guy into abandoning “his
frequency” and meeting you on SSB or CW, more power to ya! NO REPEATER CONTACTS WILL COUNT. If you get bored, you certainly are welcome
to chat amongst yourselves on repeaters, or simplex, or cell phones, or smoke
goal is to contact as many different stations in as many different counties as
possible. You can make as many overall contacts as you like, they will then be
multiplied by the number of counties you’ve reached. Extra points will be available for contacting
Pretty simple- any more complex and we’ll confuse the scorekeepers.
FM Simplex contact counts as 1 point.
non- FM simplex contact counts as 1 point.
digital simplex contact counts as 1 point.
(Detect a pattern here?)
with EC, AEC, DEC, ADEC, ASEC or SEC adds 5 points.
with an EOC or with a portable station adds 5 points.
from an EOC add 50 points to your total contact score.
from a portable location add 100 points to your total contact score.
contact score (all bands/modes added together) will be multiplied by the total
number of counties you contacted.
use any of the appropriate computer logging programs, paper dupe sheets, a
well-worn slide rule or rusty abacus.
Just keep all that to yourself, we can’t find anyone with the time to go
through all the detail contacts. Submit an email to > < with the
Location: (City, county)
Simplex Contacts:
else” Simplex Contacts:
Simplex Contacts:
Contact Score (Add above together, but you figured that out already):
by total number of counties contacted (include your own!):
in the glory of a well thought out, well executed effort!
73, Stan, N8BHL
John Ross, KD8IDJ
From the PIC..
It's been another great year
for the Ohio Section and for all of the public relations efforts from the
I've been fortunate enough to
serve as the PIC for two years, and in that time I have I come to know the
strength of the effort each club puts into their PR programs...especially their
From my vantage point I get
to see and read every newsletter...something I wish everyone could do...and, I
know I've said this before, but the depth of knowledge and professionalism is
As amateur radio operators we
know how to communicate over the's our legacy. But we also know how to
communicate using other more traditional forms of communication. Newsletters,
websites, club meetings and the old standby...regular mail. No what vehicle we
use we do it right and it all works. I can assure you no other "hobby"
does what we do and amateur radio is alive, living, breathing and growing like
no other hobby in the world.
I'm proud to be part of all
of this but the real recognition goes to all of you who are continually
dedicated to amateur radio.
There is always more to do
and you have my promise to help wherever and however I can.
Congratulations on an
outstanding year and I know 2016 will be even better.
The 2016 Newsletter Contest:
In just a couple of weeks the
big ball in Times Square will drop and that only can mean one thing...the 2016
Ohio Section Newsletter Contest will be officially underway!!
There has been just a few
tweaks in the rules for next year and you can read them at the end of this
column and on the website anytime. Start mailing and sending me your January
newsletters as soon as you can. I'll read them all and get them ready for the
judging in early July. Our three regular judges are on board again and I've had
a couple of other seasoned journalists ask if they can participate. Apparently
they have listened to me talk about the great newsletters and also want to be a
part of our effort!
My best wishes to everyone
for great Holiday Season!
Here are the rules for the
2016 entries:
A.) An eligible newsletter
must be regularly published at least four (4) times per year by an Ohio Amateur
Radio organization. The Ohio Section Journal and the newsletter for any club
that the current PIC is affiliated with are not eligible.
B.) Each organization
submitting a newsletter for the contest must enter at least two (2) issues
starting with January 2016 for judging. All Amateur organizations that have
regularly been sending newsletters to the Ohio PIC are automatically entered
(as long as these publications qualify under rule A, or C if applicable).
Unless you are automatically entered, the deadline for entries is Thursday,
June 30, 2016, and all entries must be in the hands of the Ohio PIC by that
C.) Electronic (Web based)
produced newsletters may also enter. Non-amateurs, in the Public Relations
industry will do the judging. They will be judging on style (15%), content
(35%), service to membership (35%), and clarity of presentation (15%). Style
means newsletter design of all pages. Content means amount of useful
information contained in the newsletter. Service to members means amount of
information using individual members' names. Clarity of presentation means
readability of the newsletter including accuracy of English grammar.
D.) No entries can be
returned and all decisions of the judges on content and eligibility are final.
The Ohio PIC only serves to certify entries, to provide the judges with
entries, and to announce their decisions only.
E.) The decision of the
judges is final.
Like last year we are keeping
our Honorable Mention categories. It allows the judges to award special and
unique efforts.
73, John, KD8IDJ
David Maynard, WA3EZN - STM

I hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. With the gasoline prices in Ohio being down
the news reports were all reporting how many millions of Americans were going
to be on the road. Here in Hilliard and
Columbus we had no snow but from what I understand the northern sections of the
state like Cleveland may have had as much a three inches of snow to deal
with. I can’t prove that they did
because I stayed home for Thanksgiving.
Christmas will be here before we know it. If you missed my ramblings last month you
missed some suggestion on where to leave you hint for that preferred Christmas
gift. You can still read about it on the
website and look off
to the left for the Section Traffic Manager reports and read the November 2015
While on the subject you should check out this website often
as Scott does a good job and frequently changes his survey questions. There are also many reports for all of the
Ohio Cabinet, more news and valuable links.
And by the way if you had to go to the website to read this Scott sends
the Ohio Section Journal out by email every month. If you are not getting it in you emails send
Scott an email ( so he can include you in sending the
From the reports I am hearing the Ohio Section SET went
well. The OSSBN reports that the traffic
count was up but the participation was down.
If you club or group participated don’t forget to send in you reports to
the ARRL and sent me a copy also.
Ed, KA1G has left the area and gone back to his winter home
in Florida. We thank Ed for his
participation and the traffic coming to him from Florida. He reported that with all the radiograms he
received there were only a few errors and the errors amounted to .004 percent
which is remarkable but not unusual for the NTS system. We hope to see Ed back again next summer
A short history of
Morse code
Morse code was invented by Samuel Morse (1791-1872).
Originally, it was developed for telegraphers. It was a new method where each
letter was represented by a set of long and short pulses of sound. Samuel Morse
formed the original Morse code by counting the letters from the local
newspaper. Then he assigned the most common letters a faster "key",
for faster transmission.
Morse's original code was not the same as the one in use
today, as it included pauses as well as dahs and dits. An international version
was established in 1851 in Berlin.
For many of today’s hams there was no choice; obtaining a
ham license required learning Morse code. Five words a minute was the
requirement for the entry level Novice license and also for the renewable, but
VHF only, Technician ticket. A General
or Advanced class required 13 wpm and it was 20 wpm for an Extra. Many newcomers exploring ham radio were
discouraged by the need to learn Morse code. In the United States, that
requirement to know Morse code to get an amateur radio license was dropped in
1991, and completely removed in 2007.
When morse code was required as an entry requirement to HF
ham communications the entry level speed was 5 words per minute (WPM). That
speed is slow enough to learn the basics, get on the air, and increase your
speed through practice. (Yes, I started as a Novice way back when you had to copy
5 WPM, and was later comfortable coping about 13 WPM to get my general license.
I thought I'd want to get enough code speed to get on SSB
voice. Since then I have discovered sometimes the bands are so poor that I
couldn't hear a single voice station on SSB. But, when I tuned down to the CW
portion of the band, lo and behold, there were CW contacts going on. I’ve
learned that Morse code needs only about a tenth of the power of SSB to make a
contact. Or, stated another way, if you use Morse code, it's like getting an
amplifier for your transmitter for free!
If your not going anywhere on New Years Eve here is
something fun to try. The ARRL Straight
Key Night is coming up on January 1, 2016.
Why not dust off that old straight key and give it a try. Who knows you may like it and have some
fun. Straight Key night starts at 0000Z
and ends at 2359Z (UTC). More details can be found at
If you are not a CW operator or are a little rusty you have
just a little time left to learn or practice before the Straight Key night. I
know I passed the 13 WPM test before the FCC some years ago but am really rusty
now. To help everyone out I have looked
up some websites with helpful information, programs and practice sessions to
help you master CW. Although I can not
indorse any one program or source you can try one of these links or do an
internet search for more information. I
will say that the ARRL MP3 practice files can be loaded on a laptop or other
device and taken with you for practice sessions. Code practice text
is from the pages of QST
magazine, the League's membership journal. The source is given at the beginning
of each practice session and alternate speeds within each session. The text for each session is also available
to download.
Publications and instruction:
Tips for Learning Morse Code:
So You Want to Learn Morse Code:
Just Learn Morse Code:
ARRL Training Courses, Aids and Apps -
The CW Operators Club:
Over the Air Practice and Practice Programs
– W1AW on air Practice
- W1AW MP3 practice files and text
I hope this inspires you to at least give morse code a
try. You may like it and have lots of
fun. Remember you do not have to have
the greatest new transceiver to use morse code.
And when you learn how to do it there are three CW traffic nets in Ohio
and many more nets around the country for you to test your skills. Look for one
of these nets and have fun
Buckeye Early - 18:45 daily on 3.577
Buckeye Late - 22:00
daily on 3.577
Slow CW Net - 18:00
daily on 3535.35
And with that said you will not be hearing from me until
January so have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years or happy holidays if
you so choose. Please be safe, buckle up
and do not drink and drive.
73 or 88 if appropriate
David WA3EZN
Ohio Section Traffic Manager
73 and 88 if appropriate,
David, WA3EZN
Lyn Alfman, N8IMW - Assistant
Section Manager (SE)

Hopefully, December will not
be as tempting...well maybe after the holiday dinner season, which is usually
the first half of December--I have two
carry-in and two restaurant holiday dinner/awards banquets. Oh well—there is always January for starting
a diet! Anyway I digest.., I mean I digress.
November was a much slower
month than October for me--thank goodness! And December will probably be like a
vacation since most of the local clubs do not have a meeting in December, only
I attended the Zanesville
Amateur Radio Club and Cambridge Amateur Radio Association as well as the
Muskingum County and Guernsey County ARES meetings. I had articles in the local
paper on the winner of the $100 Visa Card raffle, CARA’s club notes as well as
announcements on the CARA and Guernsey County ARES meetings as well as W8VP’s
Waller-McMunn Special Event Station for December 5 in the paper and on the
local radio stations. I also sent in a
monthly safety tip to the newspaper for the Guernsey Noble Long Term Recovery
Committee for the Guernsey County Emergency Management Agency.
I helped with CARA’s final
Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup and provided lineup and communications for the Dickens
Village Queen’s Parade (non-motorized) and the Cambridge Holiday Parade. I also made arrangements for CARA’s Awards
Banquet and set up CARA’s Thursday lunch reservations for the month of December
and January since they do not have a meeting in December.
I finished the winter quarter
issue of The CARA Communicator and sent it out by e-mail, snail mail, and
posted it to the web site. I updated the calendar on the web site.
As QSL Manager for the CARA’s
Y-Bridge Special Event Station, W8Y, I designed and sent out 29 certificates so
far, and I am in the process of designing the certificate for the Waller-McMunn
SES. Speaking of QSL cards, my husband Sonny, W8FHF, and I have been sorting
the large box of QSL cards for 8F that we just received in the mail, so we can
get them sent out before Christmas.
Sometime soon, I need to send
out Christmas cards and buy and wrap gifts for our large family. I look forward to Christmas Day—that is my
day off—no cooking or cleaning! I hope each and every one of you has a Very
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Don’t forget—ARRL dues go up
starting January 1, 2016! Renew them now
to save some money.
73, Lyn, N8IMW
From: Kitty Hevener, W8TDA -
Assistant Section Manager (SW)

Licensing classes and exams,
club officer elections, holiday parties, hamfests, and assorted public service
events have kept hams in this area quite busy. On a personal note, I have been
active in several of these events. In
September, I, along with ARRL Great Lakes Division Vice Director, W8WTD, staffed
the ARRL booth at the OH-KY-IN hamfest held in Cincinnati. I taught part of the technician class offered
by OH-KY-IN amateur radio society, chaired its club officer nominating
committee and made some contacts which contributed to them getting a clean sweep
in the phone sweep stakes contest. This
month, I have enjoyed good food and fellowship while celebrating the holiday
season with my 3 home clubs.
Being part of the team of
hams from Cincinnati and northern Kentucky who provided safety communications
for the honor flight half marathon was fun and gratifying. What struck me most was how well event
organizer, Todd Schutter, (KY4TS), implemented many of the inclusive practices
that have been discussed in this column.
For example, a listing of course assignments was provided in a .pdf
document with embedded text. This format
was accessible to everyone, including me, as a user of technology that speaks
what is on the screen. Without it, I
would have been left in the dust.
A high school student, in
need of community service credits, logged for net control. He was not a ham. The minimal amount of time that KY4TS spent
showing him how to log paid off in huge dividends with accurate logs that were
done efficiently. Todd and I took advantage of the opportunity to tell him
about all the exciting things our hobby has to offer. As a result, this student says he now wants
to get licensed. Resources to help him
achieve this goal were provided. How’s
that for a win-win?
From previous interactions, KY4TS
knew how to effectively communicate with a ham on our team who appeared to have
minor attention deficits or cognitive impairment. Here again, while Todd’s communication
techniques were beneficial to all of us, they were absolutely essential for him
to do his job.
Finally, I discovered that the
Northern KY club’s communication trailer was equipped with a ramp as well as
steps. While I could use both, I
preferred using the ramp because it was easier.
So, while the ramp is beneficial to everyone, it is essential to people
who depend on their wheelchairs to get into and out of that trailer.
As you can see, using
inclusive practices benefits the whole community be they hams or not. I look forward to the day when inclusive
practices are the norm throughout Ohio.
In January and February, I will
be doing programs for OH-KY-IN and Milford Amateur Radio Clubs
respectively. I hope to see you at one
of these events and in the meantime, Happy Holidays.
73, Kitty, W8TDA
From: Fritz Tender, WD8E -
Assistant Section Manager (Central Ohio)
The weather has been great; I
trust all antennas are ready for the winter.
I have not been spending as much time on the bands as I should but
perhaps 2016 will find more RF emanating from the home QTH.
None the less I do wish
everyone a Happy Holiday. May 2016 find
you working plenty of rare DX.
73, Fritz, WD8E
Scott Yonally, N8SY - Section
Hi Gang,
Can you believe this
weather?? I know that a few areas around the northeast will have some traces of
snow either by the time that you read this, or very soon after, but to have 50
degree weather for the first 16 days of December is just hard to believe. I
heard today that Christmas could be in the 60’s as well. I’m sure that we’ll
pay for all this good weather soon enough.
With this time of the year it
brings out the Christmas parties everywhere, and I have been to a lot of them
lately. I really enjoy spending the time with not only you, the Ohio Amateur,
but your spouse / significant other as well. Ohio hams have to be the most
generous, gracious and warm folks in the entire country! They have to be the
best cooks too.. I have had the best food of my life going to your events! I
love everyone one of you. You have the spirit for sure.
I know that there has been an
article going around the ham fraternity that says Amateur Radio is not
necessarily dependent on the youth for its survival. I do have to tell you, it
is a very thought provoking article for sure. On my way to a party the other
night I thought about that statement and how it related to my own life
experience. I got interested in Amateur Radio several times. First when I was a
Cub/Boy Scout, then again when I was in high school. Neither of those times did
I have the time or gumption to get my license. I was busy with sports, being a
kid and then working.. full time. After I got married I started volunteering
with the Red Cross. I taught First Aid and CPR. CPR was just new on the scene
at that point for everyone but doctors. That then got me started in
volunteering for disaster services with the Red Cross. I went to a lot of
disasters around the state, including Xenia. That’s where I really starting
looking at Amateur Radio as something that I could really sink my teeth into.
So, after a few more years lapsed and much discussion with my brother (WA8BIW),
he convinced me to get my Novice ticket. I was 27 then. So, the articles’
statistics seem to be somewhat valid, at least in my case anyway. I agree that
kids today have a lot of activities to keep them so busy I’m not sure how they
even get their homework done. Janie and I really don’t get to see our
grandchildren as much as we’d like because they are never home. They’re at
ballet, soccer, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, karate, cheerleading… the
list goes on and on. With that in mind I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe
you do have to be a little older to get the idea Amateur Radio can be as much
fun as all those other activities. Now, even with that being said, I’m not
giving up on today’s youth. I have reached a few of them, and they’ve even
gotten licensed. So, for whatever it’s worth, I’m still going to plug away at
the Cub/Boy/Girl Scouts to get enlistees to our absolutely FUN service.
Now, switching bands to
another subject..
I’ve really kept myself busy
this year by traveling all over the state visiting with all of you at your
hamfests, club meetings, picnics and breakfasts. It’s been fantastic! I’ve
enjoyed every minute of it! As you know,
the Ohio Section is the largest Section in the country. It’s even bigger than a
Division or two. So, with that in mind, it’s only fair to say that Ohio also
deserves to have a full time Section Manager. So, don’t be surprised when I
just “pop-in” at your meeting or function.
don’t just blow over this portion.. You need to make sure that your club is
involved with youth groups. Make sure that you have a contact with the local
Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts as well as a teacher or teachers from the middle
schools involved with your club.. Don’t forget, the youth of today will be
taking over this great “hobby” of ours, but not without your support and
willingness to bring them along. These kids are out there, YOU just need to
take the first step forward and approach them on it.

Are you getting those emails
from me? If not, all you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them. Heck, just
send me an email, I’ll get you
added to the ListServer. There’s a link to do this on the Ohio Section website,
it’s on the bottom left corner.. For your convenience, here’s a direct link to
it: I urge all of
you to make sure that everyone, regardless of whether they are a League member
or not, get signed up for one of these options. You can always “Opt-Out” at any
time if you feel this is not what you were expecting.
Let’s shift bands once
again.. I really want to talk to you about the Ohio Section Website.. You can
find the Ohio Section Website at: If you don’t have this website
set as your home page, I urge you to do so. This website is one of the
exceptions to the rules.. It changes all the time. It’s never stagnating, and I
would highly recommend that you check into the website at least 3 times per
week or more if you can. Yes, it does change that much! Now, I’ve been trying
an experiment to see just how many of you are actually looking and investigating
the website as you’ve told me you’re doing when I ask you at your club
meetings.. I’ve found out that not as many of you are actually looking as has
been stated at your meetings! How do I know this? I thought it would be
interesting to put a link on the main page for all to see. It’s very clearly
stated “Handbook Giveaway.” All that you need to do is fill in a couple of
boxes.. (your name and email). That’s you need to do to be entered into a
drawing to win a 2016 ARRL softcover Handbook. There’s nothing else required of
you and there’s absolutely no cost to you. The winner will be mailed the
Handbook at my cost. This is being offered just to see how many folks were
paying attention. I had the link there for a full week and not much activity
was generated. So, to make it more clear after a week I put a big RED arrow
pointing to the link, and still not much activity. So, now I’m making it very
clear that this link is there until the end of the year for you. I have decided
that I will do this from time to time, just to see if you are paying attention.
Got the idea? Best of luck to you!!
Ohio's Speaker Bureau.. Need
a speaker for your club meeting? I’m available. Please, feel free to give me a
call. I’ll do my very best to be at your function.

Are you a member of the
ARRL?? If you aren’t a League member, this is a great opportunity to become
one. ALSO.. with Christmas coming up in just about a week, this makes an
excellent gift to receive, or give.. and don’t forget, dues will be going up
starting January, 2016, so if you want to save $10, get your dues in before the
first of January.
Want more information on how
to join? Here’s the link: There’s even a 90 day FREE trial that you can apply
for if you’ve never been a member.. Got questions about being a member or what
the League is all about? Send me an email.. I’ll be happy
to call or write to you or even call you if you’ve given me your phone number.
We can even have coffee if you’d like.. and I’ll buy!!
Ok.. I know that I push the
website and website edition of the Ohio Section Journal a lot.. I’m even sure
some of you think it’s way tooooo much. But, the main reason for pushing this
so hard is that it’s where all the news is.. Yes, I know that there are some
who don’t even own a computer and won’t ever own one either, and that makes me
very sad. Not that they won’t own a computer, but they are missing out on so
much that’s going on because of it. There’s a lot of very good and exciting
news and happenings on the Ohio Section website.. If it isn’t your home page on
your browser, it should be!!
Are you following me on
Facebook? I post nearly everyday places I’m at, and pictures of things of
interest. Hey, even Kay Cragie, the
President of the ARRL is following me. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll get to see
all the places I go and the folks I meet along the way. Not on Facebook? It’s
easy to join in and the best part of it is, it’s FREE!!
And finally... I wish only
that the best for each and every one of you for 2016. Have a safe, and very Merry
Christmas and an absolutely fantastic New Year!!!!
73, Scott, N8SY
John Perone, W8RXX
Q. Is a record of the OO
notice kept anywhere?
A. Yes. A record of the
notice is kept at ARRL Headquarters for a period of one year, after which it is
destroyed. Records are kept so that if a case evolves into a serious, hard-core
compliance issue, it may be used by the FCC as evidence, showing that voluntary
measures of achieving resolution were ineffective. The information is also used
to guide OO's in special monitoring efforts. Otherwise, the information is kept
strictly confidential and is never released outside of the Auxiliary.
Q. I received a Good Operator
Report. What's that for?
A. Congratulations! To
emphasize the positive nature of the program, "Good Operator Reports"
are sent to operators whose radio signals and/or operating practices are
consistent with the highest standards and are a model for others to follow.
Every amateur should strive to pattern their operating and signals after your
During November, 2015 the
Ohio OO's monitored a total of 1030 hours and sent 3- OO cards & 1- Good
Operator card.
73, John, W8RXX
Reported period: Oct 2015
Unique visitors # of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
1,187 2,231 111,682 564,547 1.29 GB
David Struebel, WB2FTX

NTSD is part of the ARRL
sponsored National Traffic System and consists of a cadre of fully automated
store and forward bulletin board type systems known as Mail Box Operations
(MBO) or hubs operating on HF using high speed Pactor 3 protocols on a 24/7
basis moving formal message traffic. The goal of NTSD is to move that traffic
via digital means to the closest point of delivery at which point it is then
removed from the automated system by operators known as Digital Relay Stations
The DRS then take this
traffic to the nets at region, section, and local levels for any additional
necessary relay and ultimate delivery.
There were a total of 8344 pieces
of message traffic handled by Eastern Area NTSD during November..
This was accomplished by 6
automated MBO stations representing NTS areas 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 and a total of
60 individual Digital Relay Stations reporting at regional, section, or local NTS
levels. A similar level of activity for November also existed in both the
Central and Pacific Areas of NTSD.
Ed N8FVM is stepping down
from his Digital Relay Station operation after many years of service. Ed thank
you for all the fun we had along with getting you up and operational.
Consequently we need a new
Digital Relay Station in Michigan to replace Ed. If you know anyone who might
be interested please contact me at
Remember that NTSD operates
an equipment bank to loan Pactor 1 capable modems to new Digital Relay Stations.
In this case Ed has a Kantrronics KAM from the equipment bank which he can make
available for a new DRS.
73, Dave, WB2FTX
Cabin Fever Special Event
Jan 30, 1700Z-2300Z, K8PRC,
Pedestrian Amateur Radio Club
14.250 14.050 7.250 7.050.
1661 Manor Ave NW
Canton, OH 44708
Pedestrian Amateur Radio Club
1st annual Cabin Fever Special Event.
Breaking up the middle of
winter with a fun radio activity.
QSL via directions on K8PRC
01/17/2016 | SCARF Hamfest
Location: Nelsonville, OH
Sponsor: Sunday Creek Amateur
Radio Federation
01/24/2016 | Tusco ARC
Location: Strasburg, OH
Sponsor: Tusco Amateur Radio
02/21/2016 | Mansfield Mid
Winter Hamfest
Location: Mansfield, OH
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: InterCity Amateur
Radio Club
Merry Christmas and Happy New