Friday, April 17, 2015

April 2015 Edition of the Ohio Section Journal

In this issue:

















By: John Myers, KD8MQ - ACC

Hi everyone, welcome to springtime. It’s beginning to look like we may actually have a springtime, and dare I say, a summer this year. I’m looking forward to getting around to as many Hamfests, and club meetings as possible this year. I’m definitely planning to be at the Athens Hamfest on the 26th. The Jackson Hamfest on the day before will definitely be weather dependent, as I plan to do some camping in the area that weekend.

That weekend is also the day of the Ohio ARES NVIS Antenna test, which you’ll read more about in this issue of the Ohio Section Journal. Does your club or ARES group have plans to participate? It’s not too late to join in the fun.

Earlier this month, a piece entitled “I’m the Person” came across one of the mailing lists that I belong to. It tells of someone who comes to a meeting, is largely ignored, and just doesn’t come back. Over the years, you’ve likely read similar stories, or maybe even had this happen to you. I know that I have. This is something that all organizations should be on the lookout for. If someone takes that first step by coming out to a club meeting for the first time, it’s in our best interests to make their experience a positive one.

If you’d like to read the story, you can find it on my blog, at Speaking of my blog, you can also get to it via the link at I’ve not been as active a blogger as I’d like to be, however I hope to be posting more information there this year.

Every month I mention the importance of keeping those club report forms up to date with the league, and you are listening. As of April 3rd, we are up to 99 ARRL affiliated clubs in the Ohio Section. Of those, 76 are up to date on their affiliation paperwork. We currently have 12 Special service Clubs with at least two more that should be approved this month. With apologies to McDonalds, I’m Lovin It!

Is your club interested in pursuing Special service Club status, but maybe has some questions? Give me a call, or an E-mail, and I’ll do my best to answer them. My contact info is on the Ohio section website at What I find interesting is that most clubs are already doing everything that’s required for Special service Club status. They just need to send in their paperwork.

Notes from all over – This is where I try to give some highlights of what clubs around the section are doing. This comes mostly from your newsletters. I realize that not all clubs have newsletters these days. So, feel free to drop me a line and tell me how your club is doing, or about the great program you had this month. I’ll do my best to share your story with the rest of Ohio.

If you do have a newsletter, please, please add me to your mailing list. I can’t be at every club meeting, so I have to rely on you to keep me informed on what your club is doing.

So, without further ado, here’s some of what is happening from around the section.

Wayne ARC has kicked off a “Continuing Education” series at their meetings. A recent subject has been Kirchhoff’s voltage & current laws.

Portage County ARS (PCARS) as usual has a lot of irons in the fire. They have a dry run for Field Day coming up in a few weeks. Each May, they go out to a city park, set up their Field Day stations, and make contacts. Besides being a ton of fun, this helps them better prepare for the real thing several weeks later. They are also outfitting an electronics test lab at their club site.

A new club, the Stark State College ARC is hosting a “Color Run” later this month. I suspect that we’ll be hearing more from this group in the future. I’ll be the first to admit that I hadn’t a clue what a Color Run is. You can find out more at

The Massillon ARC’s mentoring program continues, with their May session focusing on fox hunting.

Members of the Mt. Vernon ARC and Knox County ARES have again provided communications in support of the Kenyon College “Earth Day Challenge” half marathon. They are also making plans to participate later this month in the Ohio ARES NVIS Antenna Day.

The folks at the Dayton ARA took time out from Hamvention planning to hold their annual auction at their April club meeting. Members bring in their old equipment, and get it auctioned off by a professional auctioneer.
And lastly, the Alliance ARC held their latest “Wacky Key Night”. The idea is to come up with the wackiest, but still functional key for the amusement of the audience at our April meeting.

And that wraps it up for another month. Remember to “Think Outside Of The Meeting Room”!

Till next time, 73 DE KD8MQ


By Stan Broadway, N8BHL

NVIS Antenna Day..
It’s coming soon- have you been working on designs?  The Ohio NVIS Antenna Day is set to kick off at 10AM (local) April 25. There is NO finish time- you can test as many antennas for as long as you like. But be sure to take time for lunch! This is a relaxed day of playing with antennas and operating, but fun and fellowship are equally important!

Here are the details:
1.  April 25 10AM Local start time. Go til you’re tired, out of antennas, or just done.

2.  100 Watts, all modes, 40/80 meter bands.

3.  There are no set frequencies for the event, but ARES frequencies include:

4.  7.240, 7.244, 7.248, 7.258,  and  3.850, 3.870, 3.910, 3.930 Digital USB 3.585, 7.020

Our sponsoring club, Ashtabula County ARC/ARES has developed a log form you can use for each antenna. Feel free to create this on your own devices to make it easy for you. TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES! We would like to see pictures of your group in action. We also need pictures of your best performing antennas. (We may have a side-event of pictures showing your best eats, too!)  Try to make contact with “The Sarge”- W8SGT at the Ohio EOC, and with other fixed stations who can help give reports. N8BHL will be operational, and we’ll “Tweet” other stations and frequencies.

We’ll ask you to email your forms to SEC Stan, N8BHL (, after the day has ended. We’ll put together a compilation of the best antennas and best successes. We hope that this will provide us a substantive recommendation for antennas you should consider in your Go-Boxes and comm vehicles.  A copy of the details and the log form are available on the Ohio Section website. Most of all- HAVE FUN!

The All Ohio Conference
It is history now, and I think we can consider it a success. Our 2015 All-Ohio ARES Conference featured some top-rate training which I hope we can all take back and adapt to our own home situations. Many thanks to the speakers, and even more thanks to those volunteers who showed up early, or worked behind the scenes to keep things going! Most of all, thanks to all of you who took time out of your schedules to attend and make this a success!  We will be working to put slide shows on the web site asap, I have all but Fusion Center Bob’s, for obvious reasons.

Real Emergency Action
My heart is always to keep ARES as a valid emergency resource for our agencies- and we’ll be active this spring in several events. Some of our Districts will be involved in a large hospital-centered disaster drill, some nuke plant exercises and other domestic terror events. This is real stuff, stuff we hope doesn’t happen but for which we need to stay ready! In order to “put our performance where our mouth is” we all need to put some effort into these events. EC’s, keep up with your county EMA’s and other agencies! Get involved in their drills. As we get word of larger events here, we’ll pass them around as well.
Public Service

EC’s and activities managers should be in touch with your regulars as the spring and summer activities spin up to speed. Be proactive in working with your event managers. There are some weighty concerns with some of this stuff- there are companies who are in business solely to stage events. Where do we draw the line in providing communications?  I can only chime into the discussion, not provide any hard guidelines here. First, I would check to make sure the commercial guys are donating to a chartable cause (most do). Second, any event, charitable or commercial, that has a major effect on the general population (an impact on traffic, use of public facilities/streets/safety agencies) and poses a legitimate safety concern for participants seems to be a worthy effort for ARES.  In these events we are working at the request of EMA/Police/public safety to do our duty. I also think of the PR benefit to be seen in public with our services. There is also tradition: many of these events have been in our care for years.

It is possible in some of the more populated areas to actually overdose on these events. Radio, like many hobbies, will gladly gobble all the time you wish to give it and more! Yeah, and that applies to money, too. Remember our real priorities: Family/Faith, Job, then hobby. Activity planners need to keep a balance between getting involved and draining your personnel resources. It’s always good to see well organized, recognizable ARES radio operators doing their thing, and the public sees us as well. That can happen if we are proactive, keep the enthusiasm up within our volunteers, and can go home at the end of the day satisfied that ARES meant something!

Thank you for everything you do!

73, Stan, N8BHL


By John Ross, KD8IDJ

Social Media is back in the news...literally! We've talked on several occasions about using Social Media to promote your club and to make important announcements. There are pros and cons but when you look at the use of Social Media on the big stage you can really see its impact.

The Democratic Presidential Nominee recently bypassed the usual media notification process and announced her bid for the presidency using ONLY Social Media! Apparently it worked! The targeted message was picked up, not only supporters, but by the media. Did it have the same impact? Was it fair? Is it the right way to make big (or small) announcements? All good questions and all questions we should ask before we jump on the Social Media bandwagon.

The regular news media is placed in a different positon if they get their information solely from Social Media. They report the story a kind of reaction mode...instead of an information/news mode. Knowing their potential audience already knows the story takes away the impact. Social Media can also "contaminate" the target audience and make them less interested in any new information or follow up story!

All of this works for Social Media if you're trying to control the news rather than controlling the news media. You actually end up doing both.

It's all very complicated, requires a lot of planning, analysis and a great deal of effort to make it work correctly and continually.

As an old journalist I prefer the direct, personal handshake method of distributing news I want reported. To use Social Media is something your club might want to discuss in depth before make any commitments.

Newsletter Contest Update
The deadline for newsletter contest is only a few weeks away so make sure you email or snail mail your entries. I know I've said this before but one of my greatest pleasures is reading the newsletters almost daily. I know the judges this year will be equally impressed and it will be a lively debate selecting the winners

The three folks who judged last year's contest all wanted to come back this year and they are ready to see what you've done. Again, they are all seasoned journalists, reporters and public relations professionals who have worked, as you have, to crank out monthly newsletters. Here's a brief bio on each:

Steve Wilson...President of Wilson Group Communications. Steve is former newspaper reporter who worked for USA Today and the Gannett newspaper chain. He's an award winning public relations practitioner, a crisis management expert, and a published author. Steve is also a Veteran who wrote and reported from Vietnam for Stars and Stripes and the Armed Forces Network.

Kim Norris...Kim is a former television reporter and anchor with a unique background in public relations. She's held high level PR positions with the State of Ohio, AT&T and Ohio Health. Kim is back working for the state at the Department Of Aging as their PR and media director.

Jean Fox...Jean is also a former radio and television reporter. She's worked at stations in Toledo and Columbus and as a reporter for CNN. She, too, has held high level public relations across the country. 

All of these folks have great respect for what ham radio operators do every day so they appreciate the effort we make to promote our hobby.

Odds and Ends
Just a couple of follow up items. I still and trying to put together a Public Information net. The email I wrote last month to all of the PIO's got "stuck" in my email outbox. Watch for the revised version shortly after I get done talking the Tech Support!!!

I'm still working on the big story of how amateur radio and Ma Bell have been related for over 100 years. Thanks to all who called and sent me information. Hopefully, the phone company will still be in business by the time I get it done!!

73, John, KD8IDJ



Here the rules for the 2015 entries:

A.) An eligible newsletter must be regularly published at least four (4) times per year by an Ohio Amateur Radio organization. The Ohio Section Journal and the newsletter for any club that the current PIC is affiliated with are not eligible.

B.) Each organization submitting a newsletter for the contest must enter at least two (2) issues starting with January 2015 for judging. All Amateur organizations that have regularly been sending newsletters to the Ohio PIC are automatically entered (as long as these publications qualify under rule A, or C if applicable). Unless you are automatically entered, the deadline for entries is Tuesday, June 30, 2015, and all entries must be in the hands of the Ohio PIC by that date.

C.) Electronic (Web based) produced newsletters may also enter. Non-amateurs, in the Public Relations industry will do the judging. They will be judging on style (15%), content (35%), service to membership (35%), and clarity of presentation (15%). Style means newsletter design of all pages. Content means amount of useful information contained in the newsletter. Service to members means amount of information using individual members' names. Clarity of presentation means readability of the newsletter including accuracy of English grammar.

D.) No entries can be returned and all decisions of the judges on content and eligibility are final. The Ohio PIC only serves to certify entries, to provide the judges with entries, and to announce their decisions only.

E.) The decision of the judges is final.

Like last year we are keeping our Honorable Mention categories. It allows the judges to award special and unique efforts.


By: David Maynard, WA3EZN - STM


April showers bring May flowers. But it also signals the begging of the thunderstorms season. It is true that thunderstorms and tornadoes can occur almost any time of the year but they become more prevalent during the warmer spring and summer seasons. This brings my mind to that big metal item in our yards that most people do not have. That object is our antenna. Be it a tower or a wire antenna it also become an attractor to lightening which can not only destroy our expensive radios but can also cause a fire that will destroy our homes.

What are we going to do? Some of the solutions are to eliminate the antenna, not likely to happen, or disconnect the antenna outside the house which could lead to forgetfulness, or properly ground the antenna with the proper lightening arrester. Which of these three choices you choose is a decision only you can make.

When I say ground the antenna I am not talking about the grounding of the radio equipment INSIDE the house. I am talking about bringing any generated lightening EMP down to a ground before it has a chance to enter the house. Why did I say EMP? When lightning strikes something, or the ground close to your antenna Mother Nature delivers a high voltage electromagnetic pulse in your antenna which is called an EMP pulse. A lightning bolt hitting the ground becomes an EMP weapon delivered by Mother Nature that shuts down electronics. This pulse is usually of enough strength to at least destroy the front end of you receiver and at the most cause a fire in your building. You probably cannot expect your ground system to protect you against a direct lightning strike if connected but you should consider protection against a nearby strike.

This lightning strike produces a localized EMP that gives rise to large electrical currents in nearby wires. A single current surge can also damage sensitive hardware such as computers and peripherals. All electronic and communications systems should have some form of protection against the effects of an EMP. Transient suppressors, also called surge protectors, AC outlets, and modem jacks offer limited protection against the EMPs that occur during thunder storms. The best method of protection is to unplug AC cords and modem lines of computers when they are not in use.

The detonation of a hydrogen bomb at a high altitude also generates a powerful EMP over a large geographic area. This induces damaging electrical currents in wireless antennas, telephone lines, and utility wires. A strategic nuclear weapon used in this way, for the purpose of disrupting the communications and/or electrical infrastructure, is called an electromagnetic bomb. This produced electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is an intense burst of electromagnetic (EM) energy caused by an abrupt, rapid acceleration of charged particles, usually electrons. An EMP can contain energy components over a large part of the EM spectrum, from very-low-frequency radio to ultraviolet wavelengths.

When most amateurs think of lightening protection they immediately think of protection their equipment. You should have far more concern about for the health and welfare of yourself and your family. Each year lightening is responsible for hundreds of deaths and injuries in the U.S. Other reasons for lightening protection include fire protection and protection of sensitive electronic equipment. Each year lightening causes millions of dollars in damages. Keep in mind your equipment can also be damaged by power line switching transients, voltage surges and static build-up on outside wires and antennas.

So what can you do? Your best defense is to become educated on this complex problem. The more you know the better you will be prepared to make decisions about what protection you need. If you go to your local library you will find little if any information on lightening protection. There are some links to internet information at the end of this article.

As to the protection of you ham radio station the best advice seems to be to disconnect all your equipment from all antennas and power lines. When lightning strikes it will seek the shortest path to ground. Unless you disconnect your equipment you are giving lightening a good return path to ground – through you equipment.

Sources of lightening protection information:
ARRL Antenna Book

ARRL Handbook

Lightening Protection for the Amateur Radio Station – ARRL

Electromagnetic Pulse and the Radio Amateur – ARRL

Lightening Protection Code – National Fire Protection Association

National Electrical Code - National Fire Protection Association

Lightning Protection for the Radio Amateur – WB5RZX

To Ground or Not to Ground: That is Not the Question

I could go on and on with the list but there are just too many on the internet to list. If you need more information I suggest you search the internet for more information

Please study up on this subject and do what you have to do.

73 for now, David, WA3EZN


By: Lyn Alfman, N8IMW - Assistant Section Manager (SE)

This last month I attended two club meetings: the Cambridge Amateur Radio Association and Zanesville Amateur Radio Club as well as the Muskingum and Guernsey County ARES meetings. I also attended the Guernsey County Long Term Recovery Committee with the EMA as its Public Information Officer.

I attended my first Portsmouth Hamfest, which was about a medium size hamfest with about 50 attendees. They had a table set up for me when I arrived. They have a lot of community support. They had approximately 100 donations for door prizes, a radio raffle, and an auction. They had an exam session in a room off of the main area of the event as well as food and beverages for sale. I met a lot of nice people: amateurs and “wannabes.” I reminded everyone that Dayton is not too far off, and not only should they try to attend, they should stop by the ARRL Expo and our booth to say “hi.”  

I also attended the All Ohio ARES Conference. The agenda was set up very nicely with convenient breaks and many interesting speakers and topics. There were important “housekeeping” topics for the ECs and DECs such as the ARRL Policy on Conceal Carry and deployment, on new online forms, the need for digital nets, ARESMAT, OARS, the roles of NTS, OHDEN, and W8SGT in a disaster situation, the Memorandum of Understanding between ARRL and Red Cross and local ARES groups, MESH Ham Radio, especially for use with served agencies, and of course, training, training, training.

The Fusion Center’s Bob Slicker’s discussion on the eight signs to watch for terrorism activity was informative as well as fascinating.

Members were reminded that April 25 will be NVIS Antenna Day. Everyone is encouraged to put up a vertical antenna or two and try to contact others, especially inside the state. Obtaining and giving an accurate signal report is crucial since reports should be turned in to compare types of antennas, locations, signal reports, etc.

The Go-Kits were quite diverse; they gave ideas for improvement to some and inspired others to go home and “build a better mousetrap . . . no I mean better Go Kit.”

The communications vans were sparse this year, but they were excellent none the less with the American Red Cross Mobile Communications Center, the Dayton Amateur Radio Association van, the Shelby County ARES Communication units, and Muskingum County EC KC8SIQ Liz Nichols’ personal mobile communications truck, which contained various antennas, 2 meters, 220, 440 and matching handhelds, 6 through 160 vertical, whip for 6-40M, cross band repeater, power inverters, scanner, CB radio, cell phone, HF/VHF rig, computer and printer, weather station, slow scan TV and antenna, signal link for digital communications, coax, extension cords, ICOM and tuner, PA system, solar panels with hookups, tool kit, soldering gun, solder, wire, connectors, food, water, and a coffee pot...very nice.

Finally, announcements were made, and thanks to Universal Radio, door prizes were presented to those whose ticket was pulled. All in all, I found it a good use of my time.

On April 26, I will be attending the Athens Hamfest.

73, Lyn, N8IMW


By: Jim Yoder W8ERW - TC

This morning the weather here in Florida is beautiful. It’s been 80 degrees and I admit to loving it especially after this long winter and seeing that it was a mere 50 degrees back in Tiffin. As soon as we get back north, I will retire the snow blower for the season and be thankful that I likely will no longer need to use it for at least a few months.

It was great to see many of you at the TMRA Hamfest again this year. The TMRA bunch does a very nice job each year and the facility at Owens Tech is one of the best venues for a Hamfest. Congratulations to you all for another successful event.

The Hamfest season is in full swing and the Dayton Hamvention is almost upon us. Mark WD8KQX and I have our room reserved and we plan on being there all three days again this year. Be sure to stop by the Ohio Section table and say Hello. Your Section cabinet will be manning the table throughout Hamvention and we all enjoy the visits and the chance to hear your comments and concerns. Right here in Ohio, the Dayton Hamvention is the greatest show on earth and we are fortunate to have it right here in our midst. Being the largest of ARRL sections does have its benefits and the folks at DARA are always on top of their game when it comes to Hamvention. I hope to see you all there this year.

This month I will have the honor of paying a visit to a club where many of my former associates reside. The CRES Amateur Radio Club in Columbus, formerly associated with Western Electric, AT&T and Lucent Technologies, this group now invites all Amateurs and is always quite active in many aspects of our hobby. I am looking forward to renewing many old friendships on Thursday evening, April 16th. If you are in the Columbus area, The CRES Amateur Radio Club is a great place to learn and grow your interest as a Ham. Our Section Manager Scott N8SY will join me on this visit as well.

Your Amateur Radio special plate renewal must now be done either in person at the local Deputy Registrar office or by mail and in either case, you are now required to show or submit a copy of your Amateur Radio License. Many of you have provided me with information on how this has created some hardship or at least an added inconvenience including expense, time and travel in order to complete renewal of your vehicle registration. Please continue to do so as all of this information will be useful as we work with our State Representatives on some mutually beneficial resolution. BMV has indicated their interest in complying with the law as written which does require us to provide proof of current and active Amateur Radio License. As we all know, current FCC policy states their database is the source of that information and they no longer as a rule will provide a hard copy license without it being specifically asked for. As your registration becomes due, you will need to follow the new requirement to provide a copy or show your license to renew. Another change provides that we can no longer renew for longer than one year. Please send me an email with your concerns on how this has impacted you. Your Ohio Section is well aware of the situation and is working to see the appropriate changes to Ohio law.

So, what have you been up to lately? Are you working on an interesting project that you would like to share with us? I would love to hear about it. Pictures, yes, by all means, they are indeed worth a thousand words. Often the simplest of ideas are just what someone has been looking for. Better, less expensive, easier, all are reasons to innovate and come up with a more desirable solution to many of the common problems we encounter while building or changing the operation of our radio room or antenna farm. While on the subject, we have all had an experience where what was intended went miserably awry and often due to our inattention to detail. You would know better if I told you it had never happened to me. And if you know me at all, you also know that I enjoy a bit of humor whenever I find it. Please send me an email if you have something interesting to tell.

That is all for this month. As always, your comments, suggestions and concerns are welcome.

73, Jim, W8ERW


By: Nick Pittner, K8NAP - SGL

In January we began to review some of the ways that amateur radio clubs can promote the public image of amateur radio. That image is important for many reasons. First, we need antennas. But regardless of the protections of both federal (PRB-1) and State (H.B. 158) law, if you neighbors view the erection of an antenna in your backyard as the equivalent of mixing dynamite, as opposed to the creation of a potential lifeline for their benefit, we have a problem. Ours is a litigious society and litigation is both costly and time consuming, with results that don’t always reflect the right answer. The best way to avoid that problem is to create and maintain a common understanding that amateur radio is not only a great hobby, but a community benefit protected by law.
The image is also important to make potential new hams, especially the younger ones, aware of the amazing scope of opportunity to build, communicate and explore the many different aspects of the hobby. I personally believe that there are a lot of people out there who would truly enjoy and benefit from amateur radio if they only understood the enormous range of opportunities that it has to offer. I’ve spoken with a lot of people who, upon learning that I’m an active ham say something like, “Oh, my father (or grandfather) did that years ago, do people still do that?” To suggest that we’ve fallen out of the mainstream of the public consciousness would be an understatement.

Ohio is one of the largest, most active Sections in the country. We have 99 clubs, many of which have active programs for both members and others. Many of them also have public information officers with local media contacts. Field Day is a great opportunity to publicize the benefits of amateur radio, both as a hobby and as a public service. The Section has, once again attained an official proclamation from Governor Kasich and Lieutenant Governor Taylor proclaiming June 27 and 28, 2015 as “Amateur Radio Appreciation Days”. Copies will be posted on the Section web site for use by local clubs preparing news releases for Field Day. We will also post a draft press release on the web site as well.

Beyond the press release, please consider inviting the local tv and radio stations to stop by the Field Day site as well and plan to give them a demonstration if they come. Make sure that the area public officials are also invited and be sure the give them copies of the Section information brochure “Ohio’s New Amateur Radio Antenna Law”.

The more we can do to publicize the benefits of our hobby the better for all of us.

Legislative Update: H.B. 88 has been introduced to expand the prohibit the use of electronic communications devices while operating a motor vehicle in a school zone when children are present outside or in a construction zone during hours of actual work. The Bill also expands current prohibitions on texting while operating a motor vehicle to include all vehicles and makes it a primary, rather than a secondary traffic offense.

73, Nick, K8NAP


Anthony Luscre, K8ZT

There has been a resurgence and aggressive emphasis upon STEM education in response to numerous economic challenges we face from our overseas economic competitors in high technology industries. Now it is being recognized that STEM instruction needs to focus on the connection between science and mathematics and engineering and technology, rather than a more compartmentalized focus on these content areas independently.

It is the teacher’s role to make these connections for students. To do so, teachers need to know the science and math content and understand the technologies in use in sufficient detail to make the connections for their students.

The ARRL ETP has identified this problem and has been doing what we can do to address it by offering the Teachers Institute (TI) over the past 10 years. From the first pilot TI conducted in 2004, and each year thereafter, this in-service training program supported entirely by generous philanthropic donations, continues to evolve and flourish.

Cost: Teachers Institute opportunities are virtually free for the participants. The grant to attend a TI covers transportation, hotel, a modest per-diem to cover meals, instructional resources for the electronics, microcontroller, and robotics segments of the course, and a resource library of relevant ARRL publications.

Graduate credits: Graduate credits are available through Fresno Pacific University. These credits can be used to satisfy professional growth requirements to maintain teaching credentials. The class is self-contained and participants are expected to be able to complete all requirements during the class time. Graduate credit forms may then be requested at the end of the Teachers Institute.

To qualify, applicants must be an active teacher at an elementary, middle, high school or at a community college or university, or in a leadership or enrichment instruction role in an after-school program. An Amateur Radio license is NOT required for TI-1 (the introductory workshop).

The ARRL ETP has identified this problem and has been doing what we can do to address it by offering the Teachers Institute (TI) over the past 10 years. From the first pilot TI conducted in 2004, and each year thereafter, this in-service training program supported entirely by generous philanthropic donations, continues to evolve and flourish.

The Teachers Institute is only the beginning of a participant's exploration with wireless technology. The goal of the TI program is to equip each teacher with necessary foundational knowledge, and through hands-on learning, generate the inspiration for teachers to continue to explore wireless technology and adapt relevant content into their classroom instruction.

This training serves as excellent foundational preparation for teachers interested in including classroom learning about radio communications and wireless technology as part of student preparation for participation in the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program.

As part of our educational outreach to schools through our Education & Technology Program, each summer the ARRL offers multiple sessions of the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology, an expenses paid professional development seminar, in locations through the U.S. The Teachers Institute has provided teachers from elementary school to the university level with tools and strategies to introduce basic electronics, the science of radio, space technology and satellite communications, as well as weather science, introduction to microcontrollers and basic robotics in their classrooms.

The curriculum is designed for motivated teachers and other school staff who want to learn more about wireless technology and bring that knowledge to their students. Radio Technology in the Classroom is a great partner program to district STEM Initiatives. It ties in well with Makers Spaces, DIY Movement, Computer Coding Courses and more. Peripheral connections to curriculum include: Science (Light, Sound & Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS), Space, Physics of EMS), Math (Inverse proportional fractions, simple Algebra), Language Arts (Phonetic Alphabet, Technical Writing, Public Speaking). The program also gives student a chance to interactive with other students around the world.

For additional of examples of curriculum tie-in’s, and a sample web page of related resources, please visit-- .

73, Anthony, K8ZT


Scott Hixon, KC8ITN

I try to keep you informed of radio scouting events going on in the Ohio Section.

This month I’m going to tell you about some radio scouting events going on around the country in May and June. I decided not to mention the events in April since they will have happened before you read this. These events and many others are listed on the K2BSA.NET website and have been granted permission to use the K2BSA callsign.

1.)  K2BSA/1  Jubilee 2015  May 15-17. This is a council Camporee that will be held at the Camp Plymouth State Park in Ludlow, Vermont.

2.)  Also May 15-17,  is the K2BSA/3  Jambo 2015. This will be a gathering of over 5,000 Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. It is being held at the Kutztown University in Kutztown, Penn..

3.)  June 14 from 1800 UTC to 2359 UTC is the ARRL KID’S DAY event! This isn’t a radio scouting event (even though I’m sure there will be scouts participating) but it is a bi-annual event dedicated to getting kids on the air, so I think we should ALL support it!!

4.)  K2BSA/5 June 27-28.  ARRL Field Day! Scouts will be participating in a Field Day event in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

Scouts across the country are getting their “ feet wet” in the waters of amateur radio thanks to individuals and groups who are willing to sacrifice some of their time to show the young people how fun and easy it can be to talk to people in other lands. I guarantee none of them will ever have the chance to talk to an astronaut on the International Space Station with their iPhone!!

So if you’re around the radio on any of these dates and you hear one of these callsigns, get back to them and help them make a contact! You never know, while they are learning about amateur radio by being on the air, you may learn a little bit about scouting in the process!

Until next time, take care, stay safe and make a difference in someone’s life!!

73, Scott, KC8ITN


From: Scott Yonally, N8SY - Section Manager

Hi Gang,

I think Spring has Sprung.. I finally got the motorcycle out and have even taken a few rides already, although I haven’t been as wanting to get the mower out yet. That will come, but not just yet. Now that spring is here we all can take stock of how bad we had it over the winter. My yard is a mess. I’ve had deer pawing around as well as some other woodland creatures that their pictures just might end up on a milk carton sometime soon! Ok, enough of the weather stuff.. Let’s get to the meat of this article..

I’ve really been active in getting around the state to do presentations and handing out a number of Affiliated Club Charters, both new and renewed, as well as several Special Services Club certificates this past month. I’m really tickled to see that many of the clubs around the state are starting to get the idea that they need to get their club records updated, and a few of them have even been challenged by me to go after the Special Services Club charter as well.

This past month I’ve given talks to folks as young as 5 & 6 years old when I did a presentation for 6 Cub Scout Packs just recently. They had fun with a code oscillator learning Morse Code. I had also setup an experiment for them to play with and learn by demonstrating “induction”.. That one was a real hit with them. You should have seen how their eyes lit up when they discovered that they could produce a voltage just simply by passing a magnet through the center of a coil of wire. You would have thought that I had pulled a rabbit out of hat with that one. Even the adults were amazed and I found several of them playing with the experiment after the kids were finished.

I also did a lecture with some older folks in a retirement village down in Milford this month. Now that presentation was a real hoot for sure.. I came across several folks there that remembered when radio was just being invented!!  I learned a lot from them for sure.

Are you getting those emails from the Great Lakes Director or Section Manager? Now, for those of you who may not want to go to all the bother of checking your account with the League, or you are just not League members, you still have a chance to get these important emails. All you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them. There’s a link to do this on the Ohio Section website, it’s on the bottom left corner.. For your convenience, here’s a direct link to it: I urge all of you to make sure that everyone, regardless of whether they are a League member or not, get signed up for one of these options. You can always “Opt-Out” at any time if you feel this is not what you were expecting. But, who in their right mind would want to miss out on anything coming out of the Great Lakes Director or the Ohio Section Manager?

The Ohio Section Website.. You can find the Ohio Section Website at: If you don’t have this website set as your home page, I urge you to do so. This website is one of the exceptions to the rules.. It changes all the time. It’s never stagnating, and I would highly recommend that you check into the website at least 3 times per week or more if you can. Yes, it does change that much!

Ohio's Speaker Bureau.. Need a speaker for your club meeting? I’m available. Please, feel free to give me a call. I’ll do my very best to be at your function.

>>Have you noticed?? YES.. There’s another NEW – one question – questionnaire on the Ohio Section Website once again. I’ve been changing it about once every couple of weeks or so. It only asks one question and it will take all of about 5 seconds for you to answer it, and you can see how your answer stacks up with others instantly. Oh, by the way, there’s also a one question questionnaire on the Great Lakes Division website as well. Why? Because Dale (you know him don’t you?? He just happens to be our Great Lakes Director) would like to know how you feel about the question posted there.

Are you a member of the ARRL?? If you aren’t a League member, this is a great opportunity to become one. Want more information on how to join? Here’s the link: There’s even a 90 day FREE trial that you can apply for if you’ve never been a member.. Got questions about being a member or what the League is all about? Send me an email.. I’ll be happy to call or write to you or even call you if you’ve given me your phone number. We can even have coffee if you’d like.. and I’ll buy!!

As a few of you just recently found out, severe weather can hit anywhere at any time. We’ve been extremely lucky here in Ohio as that we haven’t had any real severe weather hit yet this spring. Not so with the folks out in the western states. A couple of you wrote to me about how Skywarn, and Amateur Radio is getting a lot of good publicity because of these storms. Let’s keep this good PR going. When you are on the air remember this, there’s a lot of non-hams listening to you speak. Let this be your conscience and do the right things when you are on the air. Again, remember that there are a lot of folks listening to you. Operate your station respectfully.

Ok.. I know that I push the website and website edition of the Ohio Section Journal a lot.. I’m even sure some of you think it’s way tooooo much. But, the main reason for pushing this so hard is that it’s where all the news is.. Yes, I know that there are some who don’t even own a computer and won’t own one either, and that makes me very sad. Not that they won’t own a computer, but they are missing out on so much that’s going on because of it.  These a lot of very good and exciting news and happenings on the Ohio Section website.. If it isn’t your home page on your browser, it should be!!

Last item..

This one comes from our OHDEN Net Manager, Gary Hollenbaugh. Emergency communications vehicle display. Organizations with Emergency Communication Vehicles or trailers are invited to display them for all to see at the Dayton Hamvention May 15 -17.

Please contact Gary Hollenbaugh, NJ8BB at 937-580-5064, to reserve a spot.

That’s going to do it this month from here.. I hope to see all of you at the various hamfests or meetings soon and who knows; maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones to get a “mug” on me. Oh, by the way, the mugs are now filled with some extra surprises..

Have a question? Feel free to give me a call or write to me. My email and phone number are always listed on the Ohio Section Website as well as on page 16 of QST..

73, Scott, N8SY


From: John Perone, W8RXX

Here’s the March 2015 report overview from the reporting OO’s in Ohio:

Total Hours = 882

OO Cards sent = 3

Good OO Cards sent = 0

73, John, W8RXX




I’ve gotten several phone calls from frustrated hams that are having a hard time finding just where in the vast wasteland of the FCC website you have to go to get an “official” copy of your license.  A friend of mine actually wrote to the FCC and got a pretty good description of how you have to navigate around to get to the area where you can get a .pdf copy of your current license to download and print.

Here goes..  Please remember, this comes from the FCC..

PLEASE NOTE: Per Public Notice DA 15-72, The FCC no longer mails license authorizations. If you provide an email address on your application, an official copy of your license will be automatically emailed to you after the application has granted.

Licensees can also opt to download electronic authorizations by logging into License Manager:

Log in to with your FCC Registration Number (FRN) and Password (Ed. Note..  This is essential.. You have to have these two items BEFORE you begin)

If you do not know the password:

Click on the Contact Tech Support link

Click the Reset Password button and follow the prompts for resetting the password

After receiving confirmation of a successful password reset, click the link for Universal Licensing System (DO NOT click the CORES Public Interface link.)

Click the button labeled ULS License Manager; you will be taken to the log in screen

Click the “Download Electronic Authorizations” link on the navigation bar on the left side of the License Manager home page.

1.  To search for the authorization(s) you want to download:
      a. Enter the call sign OR
      b. Enter a date range (based on Effective Date of the license)

2.  In the My Authorization box, select the call signs you wish to download

3.  Add the call signs to the Authorizations to Download box.

4.  Once the licenses have been selected, click the Download button in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

5.  The download will be automatically converted to a PDF file, and you can choose to Open (to print) or Save
     (to save to a desired folder)

Downloading Electronic Authorizations Using the Chrome Browser
Filers using Chrome will need to turn off the Pop-up Blocker before downloading. To turn off the Pop-up Blocker:

1. Click on the Settings icon (3 horizontal lines) in the upper right-hand corner of the browser

2. Click on Settings

3. At the bottom of the Settings page, click the link Show Advanced Settings

4. Under the Privacy heading, click the Content Settings button

5. In the Content Settings window, scroll down to the Pop-ups section

6. Click Allow all sites to show pop-ups; click the Done button

7. Close the Settings tab

After the authorization(s) have been selected for download, follow these steps for accessing the PDF file in Chrome:

1. After clicking the Download button, a blank window will open. At this point, the authorizations are
    downloading. (If the filer exits this window prior to the download finishing, the download will not complete.)

2. Once the download completes, it will appear at the bottom of the blank window.

        NOTE: If the download button cannot be seen at the bottom of the screen, maximize the window

3. Click on the button to open the PDF file

Downloading Authorizations Using MAC Operating Systems

The FCC recommends using the Chrome or Firefox browsers for MAC when downloading authorizations using the MAC OS.

If you receive one of the following error messages after attempting the above steps, you may need to install or update the Adobe Acrobat Reader:

Invalid or corrupted PDF file. Message: Invalid PDF structure go to the following website -   

1. You may uncheck the optional offer.

2. Click the Install now button.

3. You will be prompted to either save or run the file. (If you are prompted to save the file, you will need to locate your download folder and run the file.)

Mobile devices will need to have a PDF viewer to open the Electronic Authorization. We recommend installing Adobe Acrobat Reader from the app store.

Should you have any further questions or need additional information, please submit a request for help at, or call the FCC Licensing Support Center at 1-877-480-3201, selecting option 2 after the main menu recording.

FCC Licensing Support Center



04/25/2015 | Parma Radio Club 3rd Annual Earth Day Celebration
Operating on Power from the Sun 1300Z-2200Z,

W8PRC, Cleveland, OH.
Parma Radio Club. 14.245 7.195 . QSL.
Parma Radio Club, 7811 Dogwood Ln, Cleveland, OH 44130.
QSLs appreciated.


05/23/2015 | WBCCI Region 4 39th Annual Rally
W4B, Mansfield, OH.
Wally Byam Caravan Club International Region 4.
7.225 +/- QRM. Certificate.

David Brett, 40 Edgewater Dr, Youngstown, OH 44514.
Celebrating the 39th annual rally of Airstream Owners
in Ohio, Michigan, and West Virginia



04/25/2015 | Jackson County ARC Hamfest
Location: Jackson, OH
Sponsor: Jackson County Amateur Radio Club


04/26/2015 | Athens Hamfest
Location: Athens, OH
Sponsor: Athens County Amateur Radio Association


05/15/2015 | Dayton Hamvention
Location: Dayton, OH
Sponsor: Dayton Amateur Radio Association

