Friday, October 16, 2015

October Edition of the Ohio Section Journal..

In this issue:

















Jeff Kopcak - TC

Hey Gang,

Where to start?  Lot has gone on the last month.  First up was the Cleveland Hamfest on the 27th.  The weather was great for a change – which, I thought, brought more people.  Seemed to be more flea market and vendor spaces taken up which is always good.  I heard from HAC that it was a successful hamfest this year.  I got to say howdy to a few in the Ohio Section cabinet.  I know I’ll forget someone but thanks to everyone that said hi and congratulated me.  Helped out with some of the local clubs, organizations, and shot the breeze with them.  Spent a couple of bucks too, mostly on connectors and accessories I was looking for.  You can always use more connectors.  Had just as much fun at the after party.

You didn’t know there is an after party?  Oh, there is… just some of my closest buddies getting together afterwards for some lunch.

The following day, I gave my Raspberry Pi presentation for the Geauga Amateur Radio Club and had a blast!  If you’re on the east side of Cleveland, be sure to check them out.  Made for a long day with work but was totally worth it!  There are two versions of this presentation available for viewing on my website at
The Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society (NOARS, Lorain Co.) has asked me to put on the Pi presentation for their group too.  I’m scheduled to be the presenter at the November 16 meeting.  If you haven’t seen this thing yet, don’t miss it!  More info:

Welcome to Dave KD8TWG as the newest Technical Specialist!  I’ve known Dave since about the time he became licensed because he’s been very active.  In addition to being AEC for Geauga County, he is into embedded systems, computers, and networking.  He plays around with APRS a lot too.

Aside from all that goodness, QSL cards and certificates are coming in from the 13 Colonies and Katrina 10th Anniversary special event stations.  I just dropped off certificate requests and QSL cards for the Route 66 and Pope Francis special event stations.  Groups really put in a lot of work doing these special event stations and do a great job getting the certificates and reply QSL cards out quickly.  The certificates really make great wallpaper for your shack too!  I find special event stations by watching Ham Nation or spots on DX clusters.

The Hurricane Watch Net is celebrating 50 years of service.  It was started in Cleveland by Jerry Murphy - K8YUW as an informal net to provide communication to affected areas.  They activate on the HF bands anytime a hurricane is expected to make landfall.  They can be heard on 14.325 MHz and 7.268 MHz.  Remember to stay clear of these frequencies while the net is activated.  More info:

LEARA is in line for a Yaesu Fusion repeater under their promotional deal.  We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the box and can’t wait to get it on the air.  The promotional deal is a great opportunity for your club to replace aging repeater equipment or experiment with digital modes.  I can’t tell you how excited members of the club are to get into System Fusion.  From the other clubs that have contacted me regarding Fusion, the excitement is contagious.  Give it a shot!  The repeater can be configured: full digital (digital in – digital out only), full analog (analog in – analog out only), or auto detect (eg: analog or digital in – analog out, digital in – digital out, analog in – analog out).

Yaesu has extended the promotion once again until the end of the year, so you or your club has some time to decide.  Details and application are available through -> select Products -> click Digital.  Click DR-1X (model of the repeater).  Click the Files tab -> click “DR-1X Installation Program Application form.”

Thanks for reading

73... de Jeff - K8JTK


John Myers, KD8MQ - ACC

And hello again.

The leaves are dropping, the nights are getting colder, and won’t be long before we have to get out the dreaded snow shovels. But, more time for Ham Radio, right?

Last month, I talked about programs; specifically how to find them. So this month, I’ll finish up with some dos and don’ts for speakers & program chairpersons.

Don’t assume that the speaker will keep the program brief. A local club once lined up a speaker on a topic that should have been quite interesting. However, the speaker droned on for almost three hours. Questions from the floor were discouraged, and of course the speaker was never invited back. The moral of the story? Always ask your speaker how much time they require, and let them know if you have different expectations.

Do give your speaker the option of doing the program first. This is assuming that you also have a business meeting scheduled. If a speaker has travelled some distance, and would like to get on the road for home at a decent hour, they will appreciate the gesture.

Do inform your speaker in advance of any media equipment (Projectors, Computers, PA systems) that is available at your meeting location.

Do contact your speaker about a week in advance, and make sure they have the meeting location.

Do appoint one of your club members to watch for your speaker on meeting night, in case they need help bringing anything into the building.

It’s been a few months since I’ve mentioned annual report forms. As a condition for affiliation, the league requires that the online club report form be filled out at least yearly. This can be done online, and ensures that those who trying to contact your club will be successful. The link to edit your club information is in the upper right hand corner of your club record (You must be logged in). You can find your club record by clicking on clubs on the ARRL home page.

As long as we’re talking about club reports, let’s talk about Special Service Clubs. If your club is already a Special Service Club SSC), thank you. Your SSC status needs to be renewed every other year. This can be done online at

If your club is not a Special Service Club, then I’d like to invite you to become one. It is totally free, and the application can be done online, using the link in the previous paragraph. If you have any questions, feel free to call (330-936-5021), or e-mail ( me.

And, with that, I’m going to say 73 for another month. Here’s wishing everyone a Happy Halloween.

73 everyone, see you next month. DE KD8MQ


Stan Broadway, N8BHL

2015 SET – a learning experience..

Note to self: Next year, DON’T try a SET when there are numerous solar flares.  We did find out how it worked when somebody switched all the bands to “OFF,” didn’t we? 
The Hurricane Watch Net, in operation going into SET weekend for Hurricane Joaquin, faced the same problems- and in this case, that could have been life or death!

The Ohio SET was pretty ambitious – blanking out all power to the state for a prolonged period. Our goal was basically twofold: one, to go through activation and deployment and two, to use backup power and simplex/HF communications.

From preliminary data, it looks like we had at least 40 counties checked into The Sarge or 44% of Ohio counties. Because a county can declare a SET for any major activity, it does not have to participate on our date - it can file anytime between September and December. I know of several counties who are filing SET scorecards for other activities: mass-casualty drills, aircraft SAR, and even very large public service events. That’s fine, it adds to our scores and it certainly puts volunteers to the test as well as our SET scenario.

Several counties took us up on our offer and significantly expanded their exercises. We heard of plane crashes, train derailments, haz-mats, even the failure of electronic jail locks which let out the Zombies.  I want to hear all your activities in your After Action Reports!  It’ll make for a great final report!

I spent most of my time in the VHF room at The Sarge- playing with the beams and avoiding becoming a nuisance in the more crowded HF room. I was very pleased to hear the constant tweedle of the OHDEN net, it continued all day! I am still reviewing the digital recording of the net (Thanks, John W8NX) and I see many messages flowing to The Sarge.  I also see a great deal of confusion, both on the digital and voice nets. A lot of that had to do with a dead band- stations just couldn’t hear each other. And the Sarge was no exception- we had a great deal of trouble hearing stations, as you know.

There are some new antennas at the Sarge, a dipole for 40, and a freshly-installed triangular Delta-loop for 80 meters. That antenna in particular is not complete, and it was not working well. We’ll continue to work on that. We might have had some station de-sense between digital and voice stations (we were running three HF stations on the desk). We’ll have to look into that, too.  When 40 opened back up in the afternoon, it was literally like somebody turned a switch and we could hear a bunch. So it’s hard to attribute the disappointing performance.  On the good side, we were able to make simplex contacts with Delaware, Marion, some of District three including Darke County, and all the way down to Butler county….on ~2 meter simplex~ no less!  And I was running only 50 watts, didn’t turn on the amplifier.

The SET, like any exercise, is supposed to be used to make ourselves better. Here are some great suggestions and comments from the field.

Because the conditions were poor, net discipline and proper operating is even more important. There were many doubles because stations were chatty, loose, and lacked one word, “OVER!” which would help let everyone else know when a transmission had ended. We should get in the practice of saying, “Over” on our HF nets as a routine.  Another issue is message handling. Because many stations (myself included) aren’t fluent at passing real traffic, we can create problems. One observation was to remember that the person receiving the message is ~writing it down~ so we must slow our speaking speed to allow that to happen. It’s better and takes less time to pass traffic at a slower pace so we only need to pass it once, not several times as fills.

On the other hand, it was a great test of stations’ abilities to relay and back up other stations so the communications got through…very well done, all!!

The Central Ohio Traffic Net, one of a few local nets participating with vigor (not sure where other local nets were?) reported passing over 100 messages, probably more.  Most of the net’s check-ins were ‘new’ hams-  it’s nice to see fresh interest. NTS was more involved this year, which created greater realism.

Matt, KD8TTE, tells us they were successful in reaching their goals:
Simplex, check.  Local traffic relay, check. Section-wide traffic relay, check. Beyond-section traffic relay, check. Digital relay, check. (Note- I even received an fldigi IS-213 message during a COTN session on the Columbus repeater!) Delivery to non-hams, check. Origination from non-ham, not checked. Operation from Franklin County EMA, check.  This is a great example of melting it all together, what SET is all about.

I have a list of recommendations for our operation as a result of SET. I hope you found some tweaks to be made at your home county as well! 


Oh, did I mention EC’s should turn in your SET scorecard??
One thing I’m looking into for Ohio (I may be a day late here, I realize) may help with the crowded digital stuff.  My Net Manager for the Hurricane Watch Net is evangelizing me for Winlink. Man, this stuff is great!  You should You-Tube some of the demo’s and get involved. (I did get one Winlink message from Hamilton Co. from the SET. Nice!)

We had 20 EC’s and other managers in ARES signed up for our EC training day October 10. We tried to make it worth their time with subjects ranging from filling out the monthly report to putting together an emergency exercise. Included was a tour of The Sarge following the class.

73, Stan, N8BHL


John Ross, KD8IDJ

TECH NETS…Back to the Future

Back in the ‘70’s, before the internet, VHS, CD’s DVD’s, study guides and social media, local repeaters were the place to go to learn about amateur radio. Just by listening you could learn a lot about antennas, equipment, links and operating procedures.

Today local Tech Nets are the place to go ask questions and get answers about all things ham radio…all firsthand!

Here in Ohio we have great tech nets. Just about every amateur radio club hosts a tech net on their local repeater. Like the days of old, you can actually ask questions and get answers from real people…often MANY real people will chime in with their two cents worth!

This “throwback” way of communicating and learning is at the heart of what amateur radio is all about. When we use our technology to learn about our technology we extend the handshake of knowledge and move our hobby forward…to the future!

I dropped in on our tech net here in central Ohio the other night. When I told them about by flagpole antenna project the responses were fast and furious. Yes, I still need to read more about it but hearing the suggestions from other hams adds creditability and firsthand experience.

Let me know about your club’s tech nets…time, frequency and schedule...I’ll pass long the information in this column and maybe even turn the antenna and drop in!

 ARES Emergency Coordinators Training

A big event this past Saturday October 10th for Ohio Emergency Coordinators. A great training session lead by Ohio Section Emergency Coordinator Stan Broadway N8BHL.

Stan was gracious enough to provide this wrap up of the activity for the PIC column.

Twenty newer members of the Ohio Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) spent a day learning from experts about their responsibilities. 

County Emergency Coordinators and Assistant EC’s heard from Ohio Section Manager Scott Yonally, N8SY, Ohio Section Emergency Coordinator Stan Broadway, N8BHL, Northeast Ohio District 10 EC Eric Jessen, N8AUC, and Dayton area District 3 EC Robert Rhoades, KC8WHK.

When a new county EC is appointed, they receive a manual from the ARRL which helps detail their position. But often, that’s where it stops. We wanted to create a learning and conversational situation where we could put ‘real life’ into their responsibilities.  These instructors are the best! Bob Rhoades has a lengthy background in the fire service and Fire Marshall’s office, the Ohio Health Department and instructing at Emmitsburg, Maryland. One just doesn’t tap into better learning that what Bob brings. Eric Jessen can draw from a ‘big city’ history of events and real life interaction with agencies. Scott and Stan share lengthy backgrounds in emergency services and planning.

Stan launched the day with an overview of ARES from its historical structure to its current organization in Ohio. Most important was the concept that the EC is the lead representative of ARES – knowing his own area and being able to set relationships with his agencies. DEC and SEC positions are in place to support the EC, and reinforce his or her ability to serve the agencies and the public. The session also detailed job duties such as filling in the monthly reports.

Scott, fresh back from a week of training at ARRL League, presented vital information on personnel policies and procedures. His information included the latest concealed carry policies within the ARRL and he was able to bring personal guidance and experience.

Stan and Eric took on what is arguably the most important function of the EC: establish and maintain a relationship with the EMA Director, and other served agencies.  Eric’s advice, “Never write a check you can’t cash” resonated with the group. Discussion ranged from not showing up in Camo with 25 radios on your belt to what it takes to be accepted into the ‘inner circle’ of dependable leaders at your EMA.

Bob brought his wealth of experience in building exercises - describing the different types of exercises, and what goes into creating a “proper” MESL (timetable and injects to guide the exercise).
Stan then delved into emergency planning, outlining the Ohio Section Emergency Response Plan and how it can be adapted to the specific county level.  EC’s were advised to talk with their EMA Directors about what he calls the “10 worst headache” list – the outline of their top ten threats and their plans to mitigate them. That information can lead to creating ARES plans that interface with them. It helps to integrate ARES into the county’s thinking as a valid emergency resource.

One of the top concerns for many counties is retention and keeping volunteers interested.  Stan suggested that training meetings should be just that: presenting significant training using instructors available from their county agencies. Topics included SAR (search and rescue), CPR, anti-terrorism, damage assessment, Red Cross shelter operations, CERT, health department concerns, triage, net operations, MESH, fldigi, Winlink and other topics all giving volunteers something to ‘take home.’

Assessments of the course were enthusiastic, and comments affirmed that those present looked forward to digesting the information and putting it into play in their own counties. 

The class was conducted at the Franklin County EMA office in Columbus.

Thanks, Stan. The Ohio Section ARES program is in good hands.
The PIC's Ham Shack...sort of..

This past year we've featured pictures of several ham shacks. Thanks to all who send me pictures and keep them coming.

I thought I should practice what I preach and share some info and a picture of my stuff.

I've come a long way from my first ham shack in an old coal bin in the basement of my parents' house...all most. For the past 30 years my gear has been mixed in with the recording equipment in my basement studio which is now undergoing extreme renovation. The Yaesu 897D and several ICOM base and mobile units are still there but three of my four teletypes are temporarily located in my workshop on the other side of the wall...and here they are:

All three are in good is new! I found it at a military surplus store in the original crate.

One of the other machines actually came for a local radio station. They gave to me when UPI pulled out

My antenna farm is in the attic right now...several 1/2 waves sticks, a Yagi directional and a 50 foot center fed dipole. Hopefully, there will soon be a new flagpole in the front side yard hiding an all band vertical!

More AFTER pictures later this year.

That's it for this month. I was reminded the newsletter contest is only two months away!!! Get ready!

73, John, KD8IDJ


David Maynard, WA3EZN - STM


If you missed out on the SET training this month you short changed yourself and you family.  Stan's plan was to see how things would work if there was an electrical power grid failure.  If you say you were not interested and a power grid failure is a silly thing to think about and plan for, you are either seriously wrong or you are just so uninformed.

What I will attempt to do here is to spur the thinking of all readers to think about, research and prepare for a power failure grid down situation. Why would I want you to think about, read on and find out.

If you live a comfortable middle-class lifestyle in this country, this situation sounds preposterous, doesn’t it? It is not. Families, just like yours, faced this exact plight on December 20, 2013, when a massive ice storm hit parts of central Canada and the U.S., crippling many cities and leaving tens of thousands without power for days, sometimes weeks. Those who were prepared for such an event, having items such as blankets and medications to bring with them, fared much better than their ill-prepared counterparts.

Imagine yourself and your family, forced from your home in the dead of winter, with nothing more than the few supplies you were able to carry amongst yourselves. Then imagine being shuttered into a community center with thousands of other families, displaced from their homes as well, relying on what few supplies the government could provide.  In today’s modern society, we’ve come to rely almost implicitly on having a dependable source of power. When power grid fails, it causes utter and complete chaos for those not fortunate enough to have had the foresight to prepare.  There is no hope that the government will come to the rescue for many days in such a major event. This statement has already been proven by our history.

What is the electrical power grid?

The electrical power grid is the network of wires and poles for delivering electricity from the suppliers to you the consumer.  It consists of generating stations that produce electrical power, high-voltage transmission lines that carry power from distant sources to demand centers, and distribution lines that connect individual customers like you.  The generating stations can be a state away to several states away and the electricity can travel over hundreds of miles of transmission lines before it gets to your area and that substation down the road that feeds you home and everything around you.

Of all the threats your disaster plan should consider, power grid failure is one of the more realistic and among the most likely to occur. When a power grid fails, a substantial geographic area can be without power for hours, days, or sometimes even weeks.  Here are examples to prove that it is possible and will probably happen again.

1.  In addition to the 2013 ice storm that decimated power sources to many areas of central Canada and the U.S., there have been several other power grid failures in the last decade that brought panic and chaos to areas all over the world.

2.  September 09, 2015 Thousands of residents in and around Syracuse were without power due to an equipment failure at a National Grid substation.

3.  April 7, 2015 WASHINGTON - An equipment failure is to blame for a region-wide power outage that impacted the White House, the Capitol, the University of Maryland and other buildings throughout D.C. and Maryland on Tuesday afternoon, according to an official.

4.  In 2005, Louisiana and surrounding areas dealt with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina that left 2.6 million people without power; some for extended periods of time due to the extensive flooding that structurally damaged buildings and blocked access to power sources.

5.  The chaos of unexpected power loss is all too familiar for people who work in downtown Detroit. Its aging municipal system was responsible for major power failures that caused blackouts in 2010, 2011 and 2013.

6.  The Northeast blackout of 2003 was a widespread power outage that occurred throughout parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States and the Canadian province of Ontario on Thursday, August 14, 2003, just after 4:10 p.m.

7.  In 2003, the Northeast Blackout at Con Edison left 55 million people in Canada and the U.S. without power; in some cases, this lasted for more than 2 days

The power failure that plunged Detroit's schools, fire stations, traffic signals and public buildings into darkness in December 2014 reflects a larger problem of aging electrical infrastructure around the country that has worried experts for years.  Much of the electrical grid is at least 50 years old and the power companies are unable physically and financially to replace the massive grid system

The two most common reasons for power outages:

1.The Edison Electric Institute states that 70% of power outages in the U.S. are weather related.

2. The Edison Electric Institute study also indicates that animals coming into contact with power lines, such as large birds, accounted for 11% of outages in the United States.

3. Power outages are also caused by tree limbs, auto accidents and intentional destruction by humans.
According to Wall Street Daily, in their article “The U.S. Electric Grid's Days May Be Numbered”, more than 3200 utilities come together to make up the grid. The electricity mainly comes from fossil fuels which is distributed over 2.7 million miles of power lines. But the whole model which has been in place for many decades, is in danger of shorting out – threatening the very electrical grid we're all dependent upon.

So, you can stick you head into the sand and still deny that you will be affected by a power outage or you can heed warning and start to prepare now for the inevitable power outage you and your family will face in the future.  It will not matter how good your ham radio station is if you have no means to run it during a power outage. It will not matter how much food you have in your refrigerator or freezer if you have no electricity to keep it cold.  It will not matter how new your gas furnace is in sub zero winter temperatures if you have no electricity to run the furnace.

You can be a part of the solution and start to prepare now or you can be the problem and depend on others to rescue you and your family and to carry the ball for you.

It's your family and it is your responsibility to see that they will be taken care of when the grid goes down and you are in total darkness. 

Or you can rely on others and go to a shelter during an emergency.  

Take time to do some research for yourself. To get you started here are some interesting links I encourage you to look at:  It's way too easy to cause a massive blackout in the US:

EMP attack on U.S. power grid could kill 90% of Americans:

That’s all for this month.

73 and 88 if appropriate, David, WA3EZN


Lyn Alfman, N8IMW - Assistant Section Manager (SE)

This month we had spring, summer, and fall weather!  What a roller coaster.  We are approaching my favorite month of the year-October-with its warm days, cool nights, fairly dry weather, and colorful leaves!

In September, I attended the following meetings or took part in these activities:

Attended Cambridge Amateur Radio Association (CARA) business meeting
Attended the CARA book committee meeting
Attended the Cambridge Christmas Parade Committee meeting
Attended an orientation meeting for volunteers for Muskingum Co. Health Dept. Flu Clinic
Acted as CARA Net Control Station for a Tuesday night net and checked into others
Submitted CARA Club Notes to newspaper
Submitted meeting announcements to newspaper, radio, and respective web sites
Helped with the exterior restoration of CARA’s historic Waller-McMunn/WEBE building
Documented (by taking  pictures) the exterior restoration of building
Updated W8VP web site calendar
Participated in Ohio State Parks on the Air Contest from Blue Rock State Park for W8VP
Helped design, set up, and tear down CARA’s booth at the Guernsey County Fair
Attended four amateur radio lunches**
Attended Guernsey/Noble County Long Term Recovery Committee (GNCLTRC) meeting (EMA)
Submitted September and October Safety Tip articles to newspaper for GNCLTRC (EMA)

Phew.. as you can see, I’ve been somewhat busy this past month!!

**Several amateur radio operators in the area met for lunch each Thursday. We have normally anywhere from six to sixteen people; not all are amateurs.  Check the calendar on our web site for details, and come join us!

Next month is already shaping up to be a much busier month than this one!

Remember to be Radio Active!

73, Lyn, N8IMW


By: Nick Pittner, K8NAP - SGL

Why Ohio Needs a Volunteer Counsel Program..

Last month I mentioned the possibility of creating an Ohio version to the ARRL Volunteer Counsel program.  This month I want to talk about why such a program would be beneficial.

For many years the League has maintained a “Volunteer Counsel” program “…to compile and maintain an up-to-date list of attorneys capable of representing amateurs in antenna or RFI disputes.”  According to the League’s statement, the only commitment that an attorney makes by signing up is to “provide an initial consultation gratis...”  Presently only one Ohio attorney is listed as a member of the League’s Volunteer Counsel Program.   But, there are two primary reasons why Ohio should offer an expanded, and more active program.

First, any decisions involving Ohio’s new antenna law, which become precedent for any future litigation.  An adverse decision will create precedent for all future litigation.  Thus, this is a critical time for us.  Courts can only respond to the facts before them, and generally apply only the law argued by the attorneys in the case.  If critical arguments are not presented, bad decisions can, and often do follow.  We all benefit from thorough representation and a Volunteer Counsel program could help that cause by compiling the latest decisions available and making that information available to counsel representing hams in antenna cases.

Second, if, as we hope, the League’s efforts to pass the Amateur Radio Parity Act are successful and the FCC requires an expanded “reasonable accommodation” standard to include condominium regulations, neighborhood agreements and deed restrictions, the potential battlefield will significantly expand. The League has limited resources and will be hard-put to support the kind of litigation that could occur on a national basis.  Yet, the stakes will be greater than ever, and Ohio hams would be well served by a group of attorneys who are both knowledgeable and prepared.  The time for that preparation is now.

A Volunteer Counsel program could also serve as a valuable resource to attorneys who may not be familiar with the workings of Ohio administrative (zoning) appeals – critical stages in any antenna litigation.  Getting the right facts in the record and making sure that the procedural requirements are met are critical to success, as the counsel for the Village of Swanton recently discovered to their dismay.  Not every attorney is familiar with the unique aspects of antenna litigation and a Volunteer Counsel program could help address those issues.

In the coming weeks I will personally reach out to those whom I know to be both active attorneys and hams to explore further the possibility of an Ohio Volunteer Counsel program.  You can help.  If you work with or know of an attorney who might be interested, (ham license not necessary) please encourage that individual to contact me. 


73, Nick, K8NAP


Scott Hixon, KC8ITN

From time to time I've had people contact me asking what Boy Scout Council they live in. That got me thinking. In my articles, I always put something in them about contacting your local scout council if you would like to help out scouts in your area. But I have never listed what or where the councils are in Ohio. Today I remedy that!

In Ohio, there are 15 different Boy Scout Councils encompassing all 88 counties. Within these 15 councils there are scouting districts which cover smaller area inside the councils. Here is the list of each council and the Ohio counties within each council:
SIMON KENTON COUNCIL:  Union, Delaware, Licking, Madison, Franklin, Fairfield, Pickaway, Fayette, Hocking, Highland, Ross, Vinton, Pike, Jackson, Adams, Scioto, Lawrence.


GREATER WESTERN RESERVE COUNCIL: Lake, Ashtabula, Geauga, Trumbull, Mahoning.

GREAT TRAIL COUNCIL: Medina, Summit, Portage.

BUCKEYE COUNCIL: Wayne, Holmes, Stark, Carroll, Tuscarawas, Columbiana.

OHIO RIVER VALLEY COUNCIL: Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont, Monroe.

BLACK SWAMP AREA COUNCIL: Williams, Fulton, Defiance, Henry, Paulding, Putnam, Hancock, Seneca, Van Wert, Allen, Hardin, Mercer, Auglaize.

MIAMI VALLEY COUNCIL: Shelby, Darke, Miami, Montgomery, Preble.

DAN BEARD COUNCIL: Butler, Warren, Hamilton, Clermont, Brown.

ERIE SHORES COUNCIL: Lucas, Ottawa, Wood, Sandusky.

TECUMSEH COUNCIL: Logan, Champaign, Clark, Greene, Clinton.

HEART OF OHIO COUNCIL: Erie, Lorain, Huron, Ashland, Richland, Wyandot, Crawford, Marion, Morrow.

MUSKINGUM COUNCIL: Knox, Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey, Perry, Morgan, Noble.

ALLOHAK COUNCIL:  Athens, Washington.


There it is, all 88 counties and the BSA councils the area in. If you go to a specific council website, there should be information or a link to the districts within the council.

So now if you want to put on a ham radio demonstration for a scout group, you have the information to get things started.  And as always, you can contact me if you have any questions or comments. My email address is:
When Scouts want to meet young people from another country, they usually think of attending a World Jamboree. But few people realize that each year more than a million Scouts and Guides "get together" over the airwaves for the annual Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA).

This year’s event (the 58th annual!!) will be held October 16-18, 2015. There are no specific times so you have anytime during the whole weekend to participate! And if are unable to get together with some scouts for JOTA, get on the air anyhow. You can still participate by being the person on the other end that the scouts can talk to!

Until next time: Take care, stay safe, and make a difference is someone's life!!

73, Scott, KC8ITN


Scott Yonally, N8SY - Section Manager

Hi Gang,

Wow, fall has definitely arrived!!!  There’s even that dreaded four letter word in the forecast for this weekend.. (SNOW)

I’ve kept myself somewhat busy this year by traveling all over the state visiting with all of you at your hamfests, club meetings, picnics and breakfast’s. It’s been fantastic! I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!  As you know, the Ohio Section is the largest Section in the country. It’s even bigger than a Division or two. So, with that in mind, it’s only fair to say that Ohio also deserves to have a full time Section Manager. So, don’t be surprised when I just “pop-in” at your meeting or function.

I have another 5 Boy Scout troupes to visit this next month.. I hope to see some of them and their troupe leaders this weekend at JOTA.. Yes, I will be participating from the metropolis of Lexington. My home club is sponsoring a JOTA here in our community park this weekend.  

CLUB LEADERSHIP.. You need to make sure that your club is involved with youth groups. Make sure that you have a contact with the local Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts as well as a teacher or teachers from the middle schools involved with your club.. Don’t forget, the youth of today will be taking over this great “hobby” of ours, but not without your support and willingness to bring them along. These kids are out there, YOU just need to take the first step forward and approach them on it.

Club Presidents.. Are you passing along that vital information that needs to go to your successor?? I’m finding that the reason for a lot of clubs being behind on their club record updates to not only the League, but also to the State of Ohio and the Internal Revenue Service (for those who are 501 (c) (3) organizations) is primarily because the newly elected club president wasn’t informed that this was something needed to be done. Let me make a suggestion here.. Put a paragraph or two into your by-laws that state ALL club records are to be reviewed at least once each year, and definitely when a new president takes over. This will help not only the president, but the club members as well. Everyone looking out to see that the club records have been updated is a good thing. You might also want to make sure that it states somewhere who’s supposed to be responsible for making sure that the records are completed as well. This way everyone knows who is responsible for what.

Are you getting those emails from the Great Lakes Director or Section Manager? Now, for those of you who may not want to go to all the bother of checking your account with the League, or you are just not League members, you still have a chance to get these important emails. All you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them. There’s a link to do this on the Ohio Section website, it’s on the bottom left corner.. For your convenience, here’s a direct link to it:  I urge all of you to make sure that everyone, regardless of whether they are a League member or not, get signed up for one of these options. You can always “Opt-Out” at any time if you feel this is not what you were expecting. But, who in their right mind would want to miss out on anything coming out of the Great Lakes Director or the Ohio Section Manager?

I want to talk to all of you about the Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 -- H.R.1301 in the US House of Representative and S 1685 in the US Senate --  It would direct the FCC to extend its rules relating to reasonable accommodation of Amateur Service communications to private land use restrictions.  Now I do want to stress this, even if this passes, it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able to construct an antenna farm on top of your 20 story apartment building. What it will do however, is at least give you a voice to the HOA’s for something everyone could live with!

The Amateur Radio Parity Act would require the FCC to amend its Part 97 Amateur Service rules to apply the three-part test of the PRB-1 federal pre-emption policy to include homeowners association regulations and deed restrictions, often referred to as "covenants, conditions, and restrictions" (CC&Rs). At present, PRB-1 only applies to state and local zoning laws and ordinances. The FCC has been reluctant to extend the same legal protections to include private land-use agreements without direction from Congress.

I want to urge you to write to your members of both the House and the Senate, asking them to sign on to the bill as a co-sponsor. Please, route your letters for your member of Congress to:

Attn  HR 1301 grassroots campaign
225 Main St
Newington CT 06111

Remember - a big bag of letters from the constituents is always more impressive than ones trickling in day after day.

The Ohio Section Website.. You can find the Ohio Section Website at:  If you don’t have this website set as your home page, I urge you to do so. This website is one of the exceptions to the rules.. It changes all the time. It’s never stagnating, and I would highly recommend that you check into the website at least 3 times per week or more if you can. Yes, it does change that much! Now, how do I know so much about the website?? I’m the webmaster for it!

Ohio's Speaker Bureau.. Need a speaker for your club meeting? I’m available. Please, feel free to give me a call. I’ll do my very best to be at your function.
HEY, did you see that there’s another NEW – one question – questionnaire on the Ohio Section Website. I’ve been changing the questions about once every couple of weeks or so. It only asks one question and it will take all of about 2 seconds for you to answer it, and you can see how your answer stacks up with others instantly. If you haven’t done it yet, please do.. I really want to hear from you.

Are you a member of the ARRL?? If you aren’t a League member, this is a great opportunity to
become one. Want more information on how to join? Here’s the link: There’s even a 90 day FREE trial that you can apply for if you’ve never been a member.. Got questions about being a member or what the League is all about? Send me an email..  I’ll be happy to call or write to you or even call you if you’ve given me your phone number. We can even have coffee if you’d like.. and I’ll buy!!

Ok.. I know that I push the website and website edition of the Ohio Section Journal a lot.. I’m even sure some of you think it’s way tooooo much. But, the main reason for pushing this so hard is that it’s where all the news is.. Yes, I know that there are some who don’t even own a computer and won’t own one either, and that makes me very sad. Not that they won’t own a computer, but they are missing out on so much that’s going on because of it. These a lot of very good and exciting news and happenings on the Ohio Section website.. If it isn’t your home page on your browser, it should be!!

Do you follow us on Facebook or Twitter? Many folks have started picking us up on Facebook and Twitter now. Yes, we definitely have a presence on both of these social media areas! Why, well that’s an easy one to answer, it’s because that’s where the younger folks are hanging out these days.. It’s also a very quick way to post a short blast to everyone following us when something is happening. So, with that in mind, there’s a lot going on up on Facebook and Twitter for the Ohio Section. Right now, we have over 1,600 followers from all over the world, with that number growing every day. So, do you follow us? On Facebook just type in:  On Twitter type in: @arrlohio

There’s a new link on the left side of the main page of the Ohio Section Website “Follow The Section Manager” Come on, follow me as I go around the state visiting with all of you folks. I post pictures of where I am and have a lot of great folks commenting and liking my posts. Hey, I even have Kay Cragie, the President of the ARRL following along with me. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll get to see all the places I go and the folks I meet along the way. Not on Facebook? It’s easy to join in and the best part of it is, it’s FREE!!

Hey, and don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour on November 1st.. This is when we get to gain that hour back that we lost early last spring.. and it’s a really neat birthday present for me.. I get to sleep in an extra hour!!

73, Scott, N8SY


John Perone, W8RXX

I have received a total of 890 hours monitored by the Ohio OO's.

No cards were sent. (Everyone must have been behaving?)

73, John, W8RXX



Yes, it’s that time of year once again.. On November 1st at 2am turn your clocks BACK one hour. This will put us back on Eastern Standard Time until March 13th of 2016 when we get to do this all over again..



Reported period:   Sep 2015
First visit:              01 Sep 2015 - 00:01
Last visit:               30 Sep 2015 - 23:58

Unique visitors    # of visits      Pages         Hits       Bandwidth      
     1,595                  3,217        225,303    858,441      2.48 GB         



Fall Term: October 19-23, 2015

Objective: To exchange QSO information with club stations that are a part of an elementary, middle, high school or college. Non-school clubs and individuals are encouraged to participate.

Sponsored by the ARRL, its Hudson Division Education Task Force and the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC) to foster contacts with and among school radio clubs.

Award certificates will be issued for the following US and DX categories:

*Schools: Elementary, Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School, High School and College/University

*Non-school Clubs


Web Submission of Scores and Logs: Click here for the SCR score entry website.  Scores and logs for any School Club Roundup may be entered from the time the contest begins through the log submission deadline published below.  A logs-received page is also maintained and provisional scores will be published immediately following the log submission deadline. Thanks to WA7BNM for creating this new score reporting and publishing web site.

Multipliers: Note that a station can only count for a single multiplier as described in Rule 5 below. i.e. a contact may count for a "School" or a "Club" but not both.  A "school club" counts as a "school" only.  Contacts submitted claiming both multipliers will be scored according to the log submitted by the station contacted.

Post Photos and Stories: One of the best parts of School Club Roundup is showing off your team members and station.  Other participants will enjoy hearing about how you did and reading the story of your contest.  You can upload photos and text via the ARRL Soapbox web page.

Stay updated on SCR. Send an email to:

** NEW RULES FOR 2015-2016 **

Because of rules changes, logging software updates are needed. Be sure your software is up to date before October!

Contacts on digital modes such as RTTY and PSK31 now count separately from CW.  Modes must be abbreviated in the Cabrillo-formatted log file as PH, CW, or RY.

The number of contacts allowed per station has been changed to once per band per mode. One will now be able to make up to three contacts with a station on each band using CW, voice, and digital modes.  Multipliers will still only count once.

A minor change in the minimum break time may give some school operations some additional operating time.  The minimum break time is reduced from 30 minutes to 10 minutes.  This may be helpful in schools where operation is interrupted by the changing of classes.


The full results write-up for the October 2014 and February 2015 contests will be available in the October 2015 issue of QST. Click here for the online results of all SCR events beginning with the October 2013 SCR.  Click on a call sign in the results to see more information about the entry.  Certificates have been emailed as PDF files to all participants who provided an email address.  If you did not receive a certificate or wish to receive a paper certificate, contact



11/01/2015 | EXTRA Hour Special Event Station 4th Annual
Nov 1, 0000Z-0600Z, W8BAP, Chillicothe, OH.
Scioto Valley Amateur Radio Club.
28.445 14.280 7.250 3.860. Certificate.

Jim Boyce, 604 W 5th St.
Chillicothe, OH 45601.

This is the 4th Annual special event station to celebrate the
end to Daylight Savings Time.
Certificate with SASE.

11/07/2015 | Millfield Ohio Mine Disaster 85th Anniversary Remembrance
Nov 14-Nov 15, 1600Z-0300Z
KC8AAV, Millfield, OH. Sunday Creek Amateur Radio Federation.
28.415 14.270 7.230 3.830. QSL.

Russ Ellis, 8051 Kochis Rd
Glouster, OH 45732.

This is to honor and remember the 82 coal miners that lost their
lives in Ohio's worst ever mining disaster on November 5th 1930
in Millfield, Ohio.


12/05/2015 | 1914 Waller-McMunn Hamshack
Dec 5, 1400Z-2200Z
W8VP, Cambridge, OH.
Cambridge Amateur Radio Association.
7.240 7.230

Certificate. Cambridge Amateur Radio Association,
PO Box 1804,
Cambridge, OH 43725.

Roy Waller, founder of the club in 1913, and his brother-in-law
Homer McMunn used this building as their radio shack 1914,
and later (briefly) as an AM broadcast station (1924).

Please QSL with contact information and $1 for postage
when requesting a certificate.



10/18/2015 | Conneaut ARC's Hamfest

Location: Conneaut, OH
Sponsor: Conneaut Amateur Radio Club (W8BHZ)


10/25/2015 | Massillon ARC Hamfest
Location: Massillon, OH
Sponsor: Massillon Amateur Radio Club


11/07/2015 | Georgetown Ohio Hamfest
Location: Georgetown, OH
Sponsor: Grant Amateur Radio Club


12/05/2015 | Fulton County ARC Winterfest
Location: Delta, OH
Sponsor: Fulton County Amateur Radio Club


Happy Halloween to one and ALL!!

