In this issue:
By: John Myers, KD8MQ - ACC
Well, here we are. As I write
this, the Dayton Hamvention® is still a couple days off. My vehicle is packed,
and I’m leaving as soon as I hit the send button on this month’s column. So
this will be a short column this month.
Dayton has just wrapped up,
so can Field Day be far behind? For lots of groups, this is their biggest
activity of the year. If the public is invited to your Field Day site, then
please post your operation on the ARRL Field day locator map (
Last month, I set up a table
at the Cuyahoga Falls ARC hamfest. This week, I received a thank you letter
from them for participating. I don’t know if all hamfests do this, or not, but
I thought it was a nice touch.
Did your club participate in
the Ohio ARES NVIS Antenna Day? I got on late, but found some good activity
from Ohio clubs on 40 meters. I hope this is an annual event.
Notes from all over – This is the part of my column where I try to give some highlights of
what clubs around the section are doing. This comes mostly from your
newsletters. I realize that not all clubs have newsletters these days. So, feel
free to drop me a line and tell me how your club is doing, or about the great
program you had this month. I’ll do my best to share your story with the rest
of Ohio.
If you do have a newsletter,
please, please add me to your mailing list. I can’t be at every club meeting,
so I have to rely on you to keep me informed on what your club is doing.
So, without further ado,
here’s some of what is happening from around the section.
At their May meeting, the Dayton ARA held their Homebrew night.
This is amazing considering everything else they have going on.
The West Park Radio Ops held
their Fixit night at their May club meeting.
According to a recent issue
of the Monday Morning Memo, put out by John, WA8KIW, several clubs in south
central Ohio have taken advantage of Yaesu’s repeater offer.
Also in the Memo, John
mentions that a carload of Highland ARA members visited a Portsmouth RC
Congratulations to the
Delaware ARC for renewing their Special service Club status. Their latest
newsletter has pictures from their participation in the ARES NVIS Day.
The Mt. Vernon ARC has kicked
off a Pre-Meeting dinner on meeting nights. They set up several antennas,
including a 40 Meter NVIS beam for NVIS Antenna day. They are also building a
Broadband Hamnet Mesh Network.
In the latest issue of the
Voice Coil from the Mahoning Valley ARA, Mark, K8MSH has a 30 minute project of
building a 2 Meter Base/Portable antenna. Their President, Wes, W8IZC tells of
some new things coming to the MVARA.
Portage County ARS (PCARS) is
definitely getting ready for another first class Field Day operation. They
recently held their Antenna Day, where they install, and test critical systems
in advance of the big day. They also purchased new computers for this year’s
Field Day. Upcoming this month is their first “Movie Night” at the club site.
Lastly, the Alliance ARC is
in the process of moving their club 440 machine to a location provided by the
local hospital.
And that wraps it up for
another month.
By Stan Broadway, N8BHL
Ohio NVIS Day
* After 34 years, ham radio
is still fun! – N8GD Jefferson County
* Most of the frequencies in
use for NVIS Day had pileups – K9ULO Fairfield County
* I was ~very~ impressed by
the flurry of activity on the air – W8MRL Pike County
* We started with a spool of
wire, some coax and some insulators on a chilly, damp morning. We reviewed the
theory behind NVIS, then did some simple math, and used that math to build a
40m dipole from scratch. It worked so well, and the guys had so much fun
playing radio with it, that we never got around to building another antenna –
N8AUC Cuyahoga
* I want to thank all that
braved the rain and cold to make the first NVIS Day a resounding success! -
W1SCR Hamilton County
* We all had a great time
with this event ! Although we only had a couple of hours to "play" I
think it was a great success – N8IVE Trumbull County
So there you have it! From
the first days of amateur radio, playing with antennas has been an intrinsic
part of our sport, and it is as much fun today! The weather could have been
better – cool temperatures and an encroaching frontal system brought rain
across the state by early afternoon. One group even set up shop near Lake Erie
in Cleveland- with 36 degree temperatures and a biting wind coming off the
lake. But as several have said, a real emergency isn’t going to pick a
good-weather day!
We haven’t compiled the best
antennas yet for a complete report on the day. We’re still receiving logs (if
you haven’t sent them, PLEASE HURRY!) What we can say is that there were 40
Ohio counties on the air!
I was able to join the gang
at The Sarge (W8SGT at the Ohio EOC in Columbus). Gayle, W8KWG, did
contest-level operating on 40 phone, logging contacts with 95 different
stations in 35 counties. Wally and I were her loggers, looking over her
shoulder for accurate S-meter readings. Gayle operated at a rate of one contact
every two minutes - remember, these aren’t fast contest type exchanges. I was
particularly pleased to make a dozen digital contacts on Olivia 8/500 which is
the normal mode for the Ohio Digital Emergency Net. On the down side, our 80 meter station was a
complete bust- antenna simply didn’t work. So if you were in the initial
pile-up calling us on 80, we just didn’t hear. Most agreed that 80 wasn’t very
helpful; the majority of contacts not surprisingly took place on 40.
I have really enjoyed reading
the report you’ve sent in detailing how you overcame obstacles and weather to
log some contacts. There was very little doubt that Ohio was on the air! Pretty
much anywhere you tuned there was another Ohio station. I want you to direct
your praise for the event to ADEC Tim Price, K8WFL and to the Ashtabula County
ARES group for putting this fun activity together and always keeping the energy
level on “high”. Although it is becoming
more clear that groups had varying success with their antennas. It’s not going
to be easy selecting the top two or three just because of the many variable. I
can report that several stations used a variation of the AS2259 antenna, which
is essentially a 4-element inverted V configuration for two bands. Others had
success with low-height G5RVs and dipoles. From our reports, long-wire type
antennas didn’t seem to do as well. We hope to have the compilation done soon,
and we’ll publish those when we do.
Lots of activity coming up!
As you know, we’re into what
I refer to as “Spandex Season”- many of our public service events are underway
or in the final planning stages. These are of value for several reasons- We
enhance the public safety of participants and bystanders. We can be on watch
for illegal/terrorist-type activities. We can be critical communications arms
for injuries and hazards. We can help keep the organization and execution of
our events flawless. These are good times to just practice professional
communicating. It pays to be familiar with other operators and the way they
work, as a practice for operating during emergencies. The PR advantage of
keeping ham radio in front of the public is important. All of these make your
time valuable and worthwhile- so don’t hesitate to volunteer! “Been there, done
that?” Well then YOUR valuable experience should be passed on to newer hams!
Mentor them by showing how it ~should~ be done!
Remember to keep your own
safety! Be careful where you park and where you stand. Use caution if driving.
Remember we ARE NOT traffic cops!! Yellow lights are good for vehicle safety –
but they also can attract strange driving behaviors, so don’t ~assume~ and
please don’t over-do.
There are several major
drills and exercises underway. May 5 is the Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant emergency
drill, a full scale FEMA exercise. May 7 “Blowing in the Wind”, a multi-county
hospital-related full scale exercise around the Dayton metro area. Saturday May
9 is a county drill in Lawrence County. A big three-day exercise in multiple
counties is due mid-June. And so it goes! EC’s, keep in touch with your EMA
Directors and agency heads! We need to be a part of these exercises- it’s good
for the counties, and it’s great PR for us.
ARES should be an automatic
player, and we achieve that status by just being there for these drills!
When the Big One hits
Keep your eyes out for
reports on ham radio from the earthquake zone! I have seen a couple really nice
reports where, as usual, ham radio is the only means of communications from the
Nepal earthquake. It CAN happen here. Are you ready?
Thank you for everything you
73, Stan, N8BHL
By John Ross, KD8IDJ
The Newsletter Contest is
coming to a close!
Just a few more weeks to send
your entries...the deadline is June 30th. The judges are ready to look through,
what I know, is the best group of newsletters amateur radio has to offer.
A complete set of rules is
SELFIE.... (no photo)
Maybe this should be an
"un-selfie" since I really didn't take a picture!
I had the opportunity to
visit the Madison County Amateur Radio Club this month in London, Ohio.
They are a great group of
talented hams with a tremendous repeater system and a long track record of
promoting amateur radio.
One interesting discussion
stemmed from their newsletter editor expressing what all us of feel just about
every month...where to get stories.
As we talked one member was
asking about the possibility of new column in QST on camping, RV's and ham
radio. He talked about places he has been, his experiences and thought others
might be interested. PRESTO! A great story idea. I reintroduced him to his
club's newsletter editor!
It's really just that simple.
Talk to each other. We all have a story, know other hams who have stories, and
they know other hams who have stories and, well, I think you get the idea. Many
times great stories are sitting right next you.
And, no one took a picture of
the presentation. There's a reason most of my broadcast career was in radio!!!
Fresh from the Dayton Hamfest
here two of the ARRL's media and public relations guys!
(On the left is Sean Kutzko,
KX9X, ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager. And on the right Sid Caesar,
NH7C, Public information Coordinator for the Maryland-DC Section.)
They had a busy booth at the
Dayton Hamfest and took a few minutes to allow me take their picture. Because
I'm behind the camera we can call this a "reverse selfie"!
If you need help with any
media or PR questions you can, of course, give me a call. But these folks are
also available to answer questions. It never hurts to might be
surprised at the answers!
Social Media as a Second
I've talked a lot about
Social and when to use it, or maybe not use it at all.
One trend is
appearing...Social Media is killing the English language!
Texting and tweeting a news
release can lead to terrible miscommunication.
A PR friend of mine was
texting a story trying to congratulate a co-worker named Susie. She meant to
text... Kudos to Susie...instead it came out as Kooties to Susie!! If that winds
up in print in the newspaper or a newsletter Susie is not going to be happy and
my PR friend may be practicing her craft at a fast food drive through window!
So before you make a disease
out of your release and an enemy of your best friend, try using regular words,
English, to write your story. A greet self-help book is called the
More next month!
73, John, KD8IDJ
Here the rules for the 2015
A.) An eligible newsletter
must be regularly published at least four (4) times per year by an Ohio Amateur
Radio organization. The Ohio Section Journal and the newsletter for any club
that the current PIC is affiliated with are not eligible.
B.) Each organization
submitting a newsletter for the contest must enter at least two (2) issues
starting with January 2015 for judging. All Amateur organizations that have
regularly been sending newsletters to the Ohio PIC are automatically entered
(as long as these publications qualify under rule A, or C if applicable).
Unless you are automatically entered, the deadline for entries is Tuesday, June
30, 2015, and all entries must be in the hands of the Ohio PIC by that date.
C.) Electronic (Web based)
produced newsletters may also enter. Non-amateurs, in the Public Relations
industry will do the judging. They will be judging on style (15%), content
(35%), service to membership (35%), and clarity of presentation (15%). Style
means newsletter design of all pages. Content means amount of useful
information contained in the newsletter. Service to members means amount of
information using individual members' names. Clarity of presentation means
readability of the newsletter including accuracy of English grammar.
D.) No entries can be
returned and all decisions of the judges on content and eligibility are final.
The Ohio PIC only serves to certify entries, to provide the judges with
entries, and to announce their decisions only.
E.) The decision of the
judges is final.
Like last year we are keeping
our Honorable Mention categories. It allows the judges to award special and
unique efforts.
By: David Maynard, WA3EZN -
Your safety matters!
Now that Dayton has come and
gone for the year it is time to begin thinking about the next big Ham Radio
event, Field Day. If you are going into the field and away from commercial
power for this event it is now time to check out the generator and review its
Your safety matters! Safety
should be your number one priority.
I am sure that owning an
electrical generator must be appealing to anyone who plans on being prepared
for emergencies or part of an emergency response team. To us being able to
generate electricity means we will be able to remain on the air for field day,
during blackouts or at the scene of any emergency or disaster. But are we
thinking about safety when we set up and use the generators.
Here are some basics
regarding generators. But the first thing to do is Read the Instruction Booklet
or Manual that came with the generator. If the manual is lost or missing,
contact the generator's manufacturer for another manual.
The correct way to use a
generator is to connect a heavy-duty, outdoor-rated power cord to the
generator. Radios and appliances can then be connected to the power cord. Make
sure that the outdoor-rated power cord has a sufficient wire gauge to handle
the electrical load.
Don't overload the generator.
All generators have a power rating. They should be used only when necessary and
only to power a limited number of appliances or equipment. The total wattage
used by the appliances should be less than the output rating of the generator.
If you put too many appliances on the generator, it could seriously damage the
appliances, radios and electronics. Overloading the generator could also cause
fires in the overheated power cord. A generator should be sized to handle twice
the expected load.
While each type of generator
has safety issues they all have certain things in common. One thing most
generators have in common is that the electricity generated needs to be
conducted through wires to receptacles and radios. On field day it is more
likely that the generator will be exposed to layman not used to working with
generators and long extension cords. Consequently they can be exposed or
involved in trips and falls over the electrical extension cords. Animals,
children or adults who behave like children in the same space as your generator
or wiring can quickly make a bad situation worse and you must be prepared for
this in your plans. Extension cords on wet ground can be a shock hazard, as is
operating a generator with wet hands or when you are wet. It is always a shame
to lose good people to preventable accidents so don't take chances.
Fuel and fire safety is a
must with a fire extinguisher and fuel storage a safe distance from the
generator. The area should be mowed at least for a 20-foot diameter. Fuel must
be stored in a separate area as well as the fire extinguisher in an accessible
convenient place away from the generator area. NEVER REFUEL A GENERATOR WHEN IT
Most generators produce heat.
This can be a resource or a liability depending on how you manage it. You could
cook on the exhaust manifold it is so hot or the same could become an ignition
source for leaking fuel or nearby combustibles. Care must be taken to prevent
burns to anyone in the area and also to prevent a fire while refuling the
generator. It would be advisable to have an inspected fire extinguisher on hand
while refueling just in case a fire would start.
I encourage you to practice
proper poison prevention safety by learning the signs of carbon monoxide
poisoning. An odorless, tasteless, gas that can be a by-product of the
combustion of just about any fuel, Carbon Monoxide (CO) is poisonous if it is
not vented properly and if allowed to accumulate without sufficient oxygen in a
confined area like a tent. Do you know the symptoms of CO poisoning? Symptoms
in people include headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, irregular breathing,
feeling tired or ill in a confined area like a tent or building but fine away
from the area and finally loss of consciousness and respiratory failure. A
generator should never be used indoors or in a confined area.
The surest way to know if
there is carbon monoxide in the area is to use a Carbon Monoxide detector. If
you smell exhaust fumes or suspect CO poisoning leave the building or area
immediately, get to fresh air and call 911 for assistance if needed.
Grounding is a difficult
issue when using generators. For single-generator operation, powering a couple
of station locations, there may not be any benefit in grounding. However, making
sure your generator has a good earth ground may help to avoid electrical
shocks. Check the generator owner's manual for correct grounding information.
Other considerations are
placement for access, noise abatement, distribution of the feed cables and
grounding if necessary.
GFI systems generally don’t
perform well in field operations due to long feed runs and ground loops with
the various end locations. If your generator has a GFI you may have Ground
Fault issues.
Many small generator units
are the inverter type and although efficient and light they can create a large
amount of inverter hash that raises your HF noise floor to an unacceptable
level. A brushless generator is best.
Grounding the antenna feed
for lightning is a much more sensible option with the possible cessation of operation
during storms. That means disconnecting and sitting inside the car. With large
distribution systems, grounding of the generator is best with at least an
8-foot ground rod and standard NEC procedures must be followed.
Many generator parts are hot
enough to burn you during operation. Stay away from the muffler and other hot
areas. Keep children away from portable electric generators and their
electrical and fuel connections at all times. Read the instruction booklet or
owner's manual that came with the generator. Also check the generator owner's
manual for correct grounding information.
Have fun and have a safe
Field Day.
Additional Resources:
73 for now, David, WA3EZN
By: Lyn Alfman, N8IMW - Assistant
Section Manager (SE)
I hope everyone had a safe
and fun Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day! I went to my local Mexican restaurant
to hear my favorite bi-lingual vocal impressionist, Randy Velez, for Cinco de
Mayo with five other local hams. And then, I spent Mother’s Day with my
husband, my sons, and my granddaughters. I hope all of the other mothers had a
good day as well.
I attended three amateur
radio meetings, four amateur radio lunches, and a SKYWARN training class. I
also attended the Athens Hamfest on April 26 where the weather was great and the
flea market was busy. Indoors at Athens, I recognized hams from Guernsey County
shopping and hams from Muskingum County selling various pieces of equipment.
Also at Athens, I was joined
by Affiliated Club Coordinator John Myers, KD8MQ, and former ASM of SEO Connie
Hamilton, N8IO. It sure was nice to have company. And, I was especially happy
to see and talk to Connie. Jeff Slattery, N8SUZ, District 8 DEC and Great Ohio
Bicycle Adventure Communications Director, sat at the adjoining table. Jeff,
the ARRL VE Coordinator running the amateur radio exam session, learned about
an hour before his exam session that a ham needed the exam read to him, so he
recruited several more VEs to accommodate him. My husband, District 9 DEC Sonny
Alfman, W8FHF, volunteered to help out as did a couple of others.
We had several people stop by
and check out information on lifetime and regular memberships as well as other
handouts. I reminded everyone that Dayton is not too far off, and not only
should they try to attend, they should stop by the ARRL Expo and our booth to
say “hi.” Hopefully, we will see you as well at the Dayton Hamvention May
15-17. Have a safe trip to Dayton and a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.
Finally, I want to thank the
members of the Athens Hamfest for and giving me a free entry ticket and making
me feel welcome.
73, Lyn, N8IMW
From: Kitty Hevener, W8TDA -
Assistant Section Manager (SW)
Spring is my favorite time of
the year. The soft serve ice cream stands are once again open! Freshly cut
grass and blooming flowers permeate the air. And, hams again turn their
attention to outdoor activities. One such activity was a local NVIS day held in
conjunction with the state NVIS event. OH-KY-IN member and event host, w1scr
reported that approximately fifty hams from various area clubs braved the cold
and rain to see if they could get a signal out of a metal park shelter with
NVIS antennas. He said that the group was able to reach Columbus using digital
and sideband modes. They then huddled around the grill for hamburgers and
hotdogs, which I have been told, never tasted so good! Kudos to the chef!
Another such activity was an
on foot amateur radio direction finding or foxhunt sponsored by OH-KY-IN. The
club provided equipment and basic instruction on direction finding to those who
needed it. The object of the hunt was to try to find five hidden transmitters
all using the same frequency and transmitting for one minute each, spaced one
minute apart. I couldn’t wait to check it out. One well-meaning club member
told me that I probably would not be able to participate as the hunt involved
traveling on uneven wooded terrain. Fortunately, this proved to be a nonissue
for Dick, wb4suv, the event organizer. He simply made a minor procedural change
which leveled the playing field, allowing me to fully participate. Hunters were
given a printed topo map to follow. Since I do not have enough sight to read
the print map, he simply paired me with Mathew, AA9YH, who verbally gave me the
information that was available to my sighted peers. Based on factual
information about the trails and my knowledge of what I can and cannot do, I
chose which transmitters to hunt. I found one two meter and one 80 meter
transmitter. I think everyone else found all five of the 2 meter ones. Hats off
to Dick for the leadership he showed both in adapting the hunt and giving me
enough objective information so that I could make an informed decision about
what I felt I could do. This was definitely an inclusive activity.
Hams have also been busy
providing safety communications for a myriad of public service activities. These
include: Cincinnati flying pig marathon and associated events; Calvin’s
challenge 12 hour 50 mile bike race; annual walk for Women’s wellness; Dayton
Autism Society’s walk-run for autism awareness; and funeral procession for a
fallen Cincinnati fire fighter.
Last, but certainly not
least, is the Milford hamfest. It will be held on Saturday, June 20. I plan to
be there and look forward to seeing you. For more information, visit
73, Kitty, W8TDA
By: Jim Yoder W8ERW - TC
Even Hams do it. It seems the
older I get, I not only feel those aches and pains more often, but the subject
of conversation often turns to the same discussion. I won't do that here today,
enough of it was done over breakfast this morning while a few of us got
together here in Tiffin. I will though, mention the weather that just isn't
staying up with my expectations. Did I get spoiled with the brief sample of
summertime temperatures we had earlier. Sure, I'll admit to it. I've also cut
my grass for the third time this year and for the first time that I can
remember, I have my garden soil worked up already. Darn it though, today's
venture into the field to put the NVIS antennas to work was pretty miserable
weather-wise. Cold and wet aren't the words I was looking for.
The turnout was good as quite
a few of us met at the local Denny's for breakfast this morning. We do that
often and it was discussed, the insertion into our mission statement, to
financially support the local Denny's since it seems to be a regular adjunct to
our ARES outings. The hot coffee was real good and a bit necessary to entice my
aching knee into going to the fairgrounds afterwards in order to set up for the
NVIS exercise. Denny's was a bit slow and our setup was delayed which shortened
the time before it started to rain. We didn't last too long but we were
successful and enjoyed ourselves.
We first deployed a long wire
up about 9 feet and an Icom AH4b tuner behind my IC-706MKiiG. We didn't get
around to making many adjustments and we didn't have much luck with that
arrangement. It was very noisy and the signals just weren't making it to the
receiver with any strength. WD8KQX had been working on a delta loop for 40
meters all week. While we were attempting contacts on the long wire, Mark and a
crew of AC8NP Dan, KC8PBU Dan, KD8UGI Joe began setting up the delta loop. W8IJL
Mike supervised from the comfort of his vehicle often smiling and commenting on
the antics and lack of coordinated effort that often accompanies such activity.
It wasn't any worse than the earlier assembly of the long wire though. Sometime
during this process, KC8WH Mike disappeared. Perhaps back to Denny's.
As soon as the delta loop was
completed, we switched connections at the Icom to compare results. What a
difference it made. The noise was greatly reduced and the signals were now
excellent. We immediately worked W8SGT Gayle from the EMA in Franklin County
and our report was a solid S9. They were 40 over for us. Another contact was
made into Licking County with the same results. Mike KD8DZ gave us S9 and he
was very solid at 40 over to us. K8LJ Bob broke in to say hello also from
Licking County. The rain drops began to fall on us and we made a reluctant
decision to tear down and get the equipment back under cover.
Mark's delta loop was working
very well and I think all of us were surprised at the reception we had using
it. Mark engineered a rather simple but elegant design placing the wire on
three 12 foot poles using 4 foot sections of military surplus mast. The wire
was continuous passing through insulators at the top of the masts and
terminating with PL259s on each end (one on the shield and the other end on the
center conductor) into a UHF T-connector at the feed point mast. The impedance
of the loop was a little higher than desired and Mark used a piece of 75 Ohm
CATV feed line to get back to 50 Ohms that was then feed to RG8X and into the
ICom AT180 tuner before going to the IC-706MKiiG. The ICom tuner put us into
resonance immediately. Our only regret was that the loop was for 40 meters and
would not tune to 80 meters so that we could operate there. I would not be at
all surprised if Mark replicates his effort on an 80 meter design in the
future. He's talking about it and when he talks it is likely to be a work in
All said, we had a great time
although the NVIS day was short lived due to the uncooperative weather. We all
agreed the day was productive and certainly well worth repeating. NVIS proved
to be an excellent method for achieving the short haul contacts within the
state and effective for ARES communications when the need arises. Many thanks
to N8BHL Stan our Section Emergency Coordinator for putting together this
exercise. We had a good showing and for those who came out today and operated,
I am sure there was much learned and the experience gained will be quite useful
as we continue to support ARES activities in the future.
We now have about three weeks
to prepare for Hamvention. WD8KQX Mark and I along with AC8NP Dan will be
staying in Miamisburg again this year and will be there for all three days of
the Dayton experience. I will be looking for a few additional parts for my
Buddipole and Hopefully attending some of the seminars this year. I know Mark
is anxious to return to a couple of eateries that we have found nearby too. Dan
says he will be connecting with the MARS folks and I think we all anticipate
having a great time looking over all that can be found at Hamvention this year.
The Ohio Section will again
have a table in the ARRL area this year. Please take a minute or two to stop by
and say hello. Many of the ARRL officials from Newington will be on hand to
meet and talk too and all of us representing the Ohio Section will be around to
meet all of you. This year's Hamvention looks to be one of the best yet. I've
sent in my request for perfect weather, so let's all go to Dayton and have a
look at all the latest "I'd like to have that" gear.
73, Jim, W8ERW
By: Nick Pittner, K8NAP - SGL
This is the first of a
three-part article on the law and amateur radio antennas. Many of you are limited by law in what sort of
antenna you can erect and use. In some cases, those limitations can be modified
or removed, in others, not. The key is to understand the kind of limitations
that apply to you and what, if anything, you can do about them. In this article
we will briefly explore the history of PRB-1, the FCC regulation that requires
reasonable accommodation of amateur antennas by local zoning authorities. Next,
we’ll cover Ohio’s version of that law, H.B. 158. Finally, some practical
suggestions for hams, and for radio clubs, to get the maximum benefit from
these laws.
First, PRB-1. In 1985 the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), at the request of the ARRL, undertook
an extensive review of the impact of local zoning regulations on amateur radio.
The result of that was a comprehensive report in which the FCC recognized the
importance of amateur radio as an emergency communications service as well as
the many technical advancements that have come from radio amateurs. At the same
time, it also recognized the opposition of various groups opposed to “ugly” ham
antennas and the municipalities that want to prohibit them. The result was a
First, the FCC limited its
rule to only local zoning ordinances, rather than to prohibit the restriction
of amateur antennas through deed restrictions, condominium regulations and
neighborhood agreements. Those limitations arise by contract when one purchases
the property and were thusly viewed as “voluntary”. Although the FCC recognized
that the impact of each of those types of regulation is at least as significant
as zoning regulations, it chose the easier route, which was to limit the
exercise of legislative (zoning) authority.
It’s important to note that
the FCC has been given exclusive authority to regulate the broadcast of radio
frequency transmissions by congress and in that area, at least, its regulations
have the force of law. Thus, FCC regulations trump both state law and local
ordinances. This is not to suggest that the FCC couldn’t also trump the
“contractual” types of regulations that limit antennas; it simply chose not to
do so in 1985 and has, thus far, continued that position. That would change if
the League’s latest legislative effort, H.R. 1301, were to become law.
What the FCC did in PRB-1 was
to require that all state and local zoning authorities provide “reasonable
accommodation” for amateur radio antennas. While it didn’t prohibit the
regulation of amateur antennas by local authorities, it did limit that
regulation to the “minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the state or
local authority’s legitimate purpose.” There was no mention of antenna height
in PRB-1. So, what does all of that mean? The worst-case result was that some
local authorities chose to ignore what they considered to be an obscure,
confusing federal regulation that they didn’t understand. That led to a number
of court cases, most in federal court, that produced a mixed-bag of results for
hams. The promise of PRB-1 has yet to be fully realized in many areas.
But hams are a resourceful
bunch and they began to enact state-law versions of PRB-1. The state-law
versions were harder to ignore and, in some cases, easier to understand. They also had the advantage of being
enforceable in state courts, avoiding some troublesome issues that the federal
courts had experienced applying PRB-1 to local zoning boards. In those states,
hams had the benefit of both PRB-1 and state-law protections for antennas. By
all reports, the passage of state-law versions of PRB-1 has been beneficial.
Up next, Ohio’s state-law
version of PRB-1. Stay tuned.
73, Nick, K8NAP
Scott Hixon, KC8ITN
Just like planning for Field
Day or the Ohio QSO Party, it’s never too early to start planning for a radio
scouting event. With Cub Scout Day Camps and Boy Scout Summer Camps starting up
next month (JUNE), now is the time to contact your local scout council office
to see how you can help.
This month I would like to
talk to you a little bit about Cub Scouts. Cub Scouts is a program started in
1930 by Boy Scouts of America to get younger boys started on their journey that
would lead them into Boy Scouts. Cub Scouts is for boys ages 6-11 years of age
(1st thru 5th grade). Instead of having “ranks” like they do in Boy Scouts, cub
scouts meet in “dens” according to their age. These dens are: Tiger Den (1st
graders), Wolf Den (2nd graders), Bear Den (3rd graders) and the Webelos Den
(4th and 5th graders).
Each year, while a cub is in
his den, there are certain requirements that they have to complete. For
example, Tiger Cubs need to do various “Go See It” trips. They go and see a
fire department, a police department, a radio station, etc.. As hams, we could
set up a radio station in a public place for them to “go see” For most, if not
all of them, this may be the first time they or their parents have ever seen
amateur radio.
One great venue to set up a
radio and antenna at would be a Cub Scout Day Camp. Day Camp is a weeklong
“camp” where cub scouts go during the day and learn about things like team
work, fire making, first aid and other skills. Typically Cub Scout Day Camps
are held in public parks and campgrounds. Day camp organizers are always
looking for groups to talk to the scouts and put on demonstrations. This is the
perfect opportunity to introduce these young scouts to amateur radio! And if
you have never demonstrated anything to a bunch of grade schoolers before,
you’re in for quite a treat! 6-11 year olds will have questions you have never
dreamed of. “Can we talk to aliens?”, “Have you ever talked to a dead person?”,
“What happens if you pour pop on your radio?”, are just a few of the questions
I’ve had to answer over the years while active in Cub Scouts. It’s also
surprising how quick they get over “mic fright” and how quickly they seem to
pick up morse code characters.
This is the age, when their
brains seem to absorb everything, that we need to start sowing the seed about
amateur radio. They may not run right out and earn an amateur radio license,
but with some positive influence they will certainly remember “those radio
guys” that helped them talk to someone in a faraway land!
Don’t forget to include
scouts in your Field Day plans this June. You may not get any Field Day points
like you would for an elected official showing up, but you will definitely
score points with the scouts!!
The Pickaway County Amateur
Radio Emergency Service (PCoARES) will have some scouts at our Field Day site
this year (which will be challenging since we will be getting back from a week
at Summer Camp that Saturday morning!). I am challenging other ARES groups and
ham clubs to do the same. If you have scouts show up at your field day event,
take some pictures! If you send them to me with a little note on how it went, I
will try to post them on the Ohio Radio Scouting Twitter site
(@ohradioscouting) and put them in a future Ohio Section Journal article.
Until next time: Take care,
stay safe, and make a difference in someone’s life!!
73, Scott, KC8ITN
From: Scott Yonally, N8SY -
Section Manager
Hi Gang,
As the old saying goes.. The
swallows return to Capistrano. The buzzards return to Hinckley and the Hams return
to Dayton!! And they did, in great masses..!! I am writing this post-Dayton and
I have to tell ya’, if you missed Dayton this year, you missed one of the best
shows that I’ve been too in a very long time. Yes, it did rain a bit, but not
enough to detour anyone from still visiting the flea market. The Ohio Section Booth
had them 3 and 4 deep many times over the weekend. It was FANTASTIC!! We even
did a video interview with the Dayton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Yup.. the folks from the Visitors Bureau stopped by and were so impressed with
our world map and all the pins in it from everywhere, they decided to do a
video of me explaining it and how we all come to converge in Dayton every year.
It was a blast.. By the way.. We did end
up with 72 countries being represented on the map, quite impressive I’d say!!
As some of you know I was also
deeply involved in the very first one-on-one National Section Manager’s meeting
this year off-site at Dayton. We had over 20 Section Managers attend along with
more than 10 SM’s logged on to a Webinar session that we also had going so that
ALL Section Managers from around the country could take advantage of this wonderful
opportunity. The meeting had a little blip at the start with a computer
crashing, but we quickly recovered and for more than 2 1/2 hours we met and
discussed common problems and opportunities between all of us.
We also had 3 guest speakers
from Headquarters there - Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, Jim Fenstermaker, K9JF, and Steve
Ewald, WV1X filling us in on a number of specific topics that the Section
Managers wanted more information on. It was a GREAT time and I’ve learned a
Other Items.. I’m still really
busy getting around the state doing presentations and handing out a number of
Affiliated Club Charters and Special Services Club certificates. I have found
that being retired gives me a lot of advantages to be able to get out in the
field and being more active with all of you, than if I were working and had to
split my time up with job, family and being Section Manager. I was told this
weekend (by none other than David Sumner, K1ZZ) that Ohio is not only the
largest of the 71 Sections, but it is also larger than some of the 15 Divisions
in the country as well. So being able to dedicate all of my time being your
Section Manger is a real plus for everyone.
I did get to meet with
another big group of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts this past month. I also had a
great impromptu meeting with a big group of Girl Scouts as well. I know that
there are several of them are now interested in getting their licenses, as well
as a pretty good number of Boy Scouts too. Now all we need to do is get some
classes in their area going and things will start moving in a positive
direction for sure. I know that I preach this a lot when I go out to club
meetings, but just take a look around at the next club meeting you attend. We
desperately need to get the youth into our ranks if we are to continue..
make sure that your club is involved with youth groups. Make sure that you have
a contact with the local Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts as well as a teacher or
teachers from the middle schools involved with your club.. Don’t forget, the
youth of today will be taking over this great “hobby” of ours, but not without
your support and willingness to bring them along. These kids are out there, YOU
just need to take the first step forward and approach them on it.
Now.. for the Club
Presidents.. Are you passing along that vital information that needs to go to
your successor?? I’m finding that the reason for a lot of clubs being behind on
their club record updates to not only the League, but also to the State of Ohio
and the Internal Revenue Service (for those who are 501 (c) (3) organizations)
is primarily because the newly elected club president wasn’t informed that this
was something needed to be done. Let me make a suggestion here.. Put a
paragraph or two into your by-laws that state ALL club records are to be
reviewed at least once each year, and definitely when a new president takes
over. This will help not only the president, but the club members as well.
Everyone looking out to see that the club records have been updated is a good
thing. You might also want to make sure that it states somewhere who’s supposed
to be responsible for making sure that the records are completed as well. This
way everyone knows who is responsible for what.
The next big event coming up
will be Field Day.. As I did last year, I’m going to try to hit as many Field
Day sites as I can. I also challenge my Cabinet to do the same. Pictures.. I
want pictures of your Field Day site. I want as many pictures as you can send
me. I will have a link on the Ohio Section website that will display them all..
Speaking of Field Day, I will also have a link to the Field Day Locator as soon
as it becomes available.
Are you getting those emails
from the Great Lakes Director or Section Manager? Now, for those of you who may
not want to go to all the bother of checking your account with the League, or
you are just not League members, you still have a chance to get these important
emails. All you have to do is to “Opt-In” to receive them. There’s a link to do
this on the Ohio Section website, it’s on the bottom left corner.. For your
convenience, here’s a direct link to it: I urge all of you to make sure
that everyone, regardless of whether they are a League member or not, get
signed up for one of these options. You can always “Opt-Out” at any time if you
feel this is not what you were expecting. But, who in their right mind would
want to miss out on anything coming out of the Great Lakes Director or the Ohio
Section Manager?
The Ohio Section Website..
You can find the Ohio Section Website at: If you don’t have this website set as your home page, I urge you to
do so. This website is one of the exceptions to the rules.. It changes all the
time. It’s never stagnating, and I would highly recommend that you check into
the website at least 3 times per week or more if you can. Yes, it does change
that much!
Ohio's Speaker Bureau.. Need
a speaker for your club meeting? I’m available. Please, feel free to give me a
call. I’ll do my very best to be at your function.
>> Have you noticed?? YES..
There’s another NEW – one question – questionnaire on the Ohio Section Website
once again. I’ve been changing it about once every couple of weeks or so. It only
asks one question and it will take all of about 5 seconds for you to answer it,
and you can see how your answer stacks up with others instantly. Oh, by the
way, there’s also a one question questionnaire on the Great Lakes Division
website as well. Why? Because Dale (you know him don’t you?? He just happens to
be our Great Lakes Director) would like to know how you feel about the question
posted there.
Are you a member of the
ARRL?? If you aren’t a League member, this is a great opportunity to become one.
Want more information on how to join? Here’s the link: There’s even a 90 day FREE trial that you can apply
for if you’ve never been a member.. Got questions about being a member or what
the League is all about? Send me an email.. I’ll be happy to call or write to you or even call
you if you’ve given me your phone number. We can even have coffee if you’d
like.. and I’ll buy!!
Ok.. I know that I push the
website and website edition of the Ohio Section Journal a lot.. I’m even sure
some of you think it’s way tooooo much. But, the main reason for pushing this
so hard is that it’s where all the news is.. Yes, I know that there are some
who don’t even own a computer and won’t own one either, and that makes me very
sad. Not that they won’t own a computer, but they are missing out on so much
that’s going on because of it. These a lot of very good and exciting news and
happenings on the Ohio Section website.. If it isn’t your home page on your
browser, it should be!!
Last item..
Division Conference.. The
Great Lakes Division will be holding a Division Conference this year in
conjunction with the Columbus Hamfest to be held on August 1st. There’s
going to be lots of great forums and as always, the flea market will have a
good selection of those hard to find items you just have to have to build your
next project with.
There will also be a Division
Newsletter Contest this year as well. This means that the 2015 Ohio Newsletter
Contest winner will be entered into the completion along with the other two
Sections. Now here is where it will get a little crazy, the 2015 Ohio Section
newsletter winner will not know it until the Division Conference. So, that
means if your club is publishing a newsletter, you’ll just have to wait and
attend the Division Conference to find out if you’ve won!!
Now you ALL definitely have a
stake in the Division Conference!! Your attendance will definitely be even more
demanding and exciting..
73, Scott, N8SY
From: John Perone, W8RXX
Here’s the April 2015 report
overview from the reporting OO’s in Ohio:
Total Hours = 824
OO cards sent = 3
Good Cards sent = 5
73, John, W8RXX
Hey Gang,
I was asked over this weekend
by a number of you to reprint just how to get a paper copy of your license from
the FCC website.. So, here it is..
I’ve gotten several phone
calls from frustrated hams that are having a hard time finding just where in
the vast wasteland of the FCC website you have to go to get an “official” copy
of your license. A friend of mine actually wrote to the FCC and got a pretty
good description of how you have to navigate around to get to the area where
you can get a .pdf copy of your current license to download and print.
Here goes.. Please remember,
this comes from the FCC..

Licensees can also opt to
download electronic authorizations by logging into License Manager:
Log in to with your FCC Registration Number (FRN) and Password (Ed.
Note.. This is essential.. You have to have these two items BEFORE you begin)
If you do not know the
Click on the Contact Tech
Support link
Click the Reset Password
button and follow the prompts for resetting the password
After receiving confirmation
of a successful password reset, click the link for Universal Licensing System
(DO NOT click the CORES Public Interface link.)
Click the button labeled ULS
License Manager; you will be taken to the log in screen
Click the “Download
Electronic Authorizations” link on the navigation bar on the left side of the
License Manager home page.
1. To search for the
authorization(s) you want to download:
a. Enter the call sign OR
b. Enter a date range (based on Effective
Date of the license)
2. In the My Authorization
box, select the call signs you wish to download
3. Add the call signs to the
Authorizations to Download box.
4. Once the licenses have
been selected, click the Download button in the lower right-hand corner of the
5. The download will be
automatically converted to a PDF file, and you can choose to Open (to print) or
save to a desired folder)
Downloading Electronic
Authorizations Using the Chrome Browser
Filers using Chrome will need
to turn off the Pop-up Blocker before downloading. To turn off the Pop-up
1. Click on the Settings icon
(3 horizontal lines) in the upper right-hand corner of the browser
2. Click on Settings
3. At the bottom of the
Settings page, click the link Show Advanced Settings
4. Under the Privacy heading,
click the Content Settings button
5. In the Content Settings
window, scroll down to the Pop-ups section
6. Click Allow all sites to
show pop-ups; click the Done button
7. Close the Settings tab
After the authorization(s)
have been selected for download, follow these steps for accessing the PDF file
in Chrome:
1. After clicking the
Download button, a blank window will open. At this point, the authorizations
downloading. (If the filer exits this window
prior to the download finishing, the download will not complete.)
2. Once the download
completes, it will appear at the bottom of the blank window.
NOTE: If the download button cannot be seen
at the bottom of the screen, maximize the window
3. Click on the button to
open the PDF file
Downloading Authorizations
Using MAC Operating Systems
The FCC recommends using the
Chrome or Firefox browsers for MAC when downloading authorizations using the
If you receive one of the
following error messages after attempting the above steps, you may need to
install or update the Adobe Acrobat Reader:
Invalid or corrupted PDF
file. Message: Invalid PDF structure go to the following website -
1. You may uncheck the
optional offer.
2. Click the Install now
3. You will be prompted to
either save or run the file. (If you are prompted to save the file, you will
need to locate your download folder and run the file.)
Mobile devices will need to
have a PDF viewer to open the Electronic Authorization. We recommend installing
Adobe Acrobat Reader from the app store.
Should you have any further
questions or need additional information, please submit a request for help at, or call the FCC Licensing Support Center at 1-877-480-3201,
selecting option 2 after the main menu recording.
FCC Licensing Support Center
From Jim Stahl, K8MR
The Mad River Radio Club and
Ohio QSO Party Committee are pleased to announce significant changes in the
Ohio QSO Party, effective for the 2015 event which will be held on Saturday,
August 22.
We have decided to replace
the serial number in the contest exchange with a signal report. While it was
fun to watch the competition in real time, we believe the confusion caused with
an exchange format different from that used in other concurrent events caused
people to avoid participating in the OhQP if they were also involved in one of
the other contests. So now, one can just treat the multiple contests as one big
one covering several states and work everybody with the same exchange.
Secondarily, keeping track of
serial numbers made things difficult for mobiles while in motion, and often
caused confusion for multi-operator efforts using several operating positions.
We will be contacting
software developers to update their software to the new OhQP exchange. While we
hope all will be able to get updated logging software in time for the 2015
OhQP, for now we will still be able to process logs showing a sent serial
number; just log the received RS(T) in the received number field.
In a second, relatively minor
change, the use of CW Skimmer and similar automated spotting tools will be
allowed for single operator stations. (Note - the use of the regular spotting
networks by single operators has been allowed for many years). We do hope that
stations using Skimmers will share their bounties of cool OhQP stations found
with the rest of the world via the regular DX Clusters.
We're looking forward to
seeing lots of you in the 2015 Ohio QSO Party, Saturday, August 22, 1600Z to
0400Z August 23!
05/23/2015 | WBCCI Region 4
39th Annual Rally
W4B, Mansfield, OH.
Wally Byam Caravan Club
International Region 4.
7.225 +/- QRM. Certificate.
David Brett, 40 Edgewater Dr,
Youngstown, OH 44514.
Celebrating the 39th annual
rally of Airstream Owners
in Ohio, Michigan, and West
06/20/2015 | Fort Meigs
Muster on the Maumee
1300Z-2130Z, W8FO,
Perrysburg, OH.
QCWA Chapter 142.
50.150 21.250 14.250 14.050
QSL QCWA Chapter 142, W8FO,
3680 Schneider Rd,
Toledo, OH 43614.
06/06/2015 | Fulton County
ARC Hamfest
Location: Tedrow, OH
Sponsor: Fulton County
Amateur Radio Club
06/20/2015 | MILFORD HAMFEST
Location: Milford, OH
Sponsor: Milford Amateur
Radio Club