Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ohio Section Journal - August 2014 Edition..

In this issue:



Hi All,

Here's the results of the Twenty-Second Annual Ohio Section Newsletter Awards..

Honorary Mention..
• Monday Morning Message – Alliance Amateur Radio Club - John Myers, KD8MQ editor
• Monday Morning Memo – Highland Amateur Radio Association - John Levo, WA8KIW editor

Third Place..
• The QSO – Marion Amateur Radio Club - Lynn Lovell, W8MLL editor
• NODXA Rag – Northern Ohio DX Association - David Autry, WD8IOU editor

Second Place..
• The Radiogram – Portage County Amateur Radio Service (PCARS) - Tom Parkinson, KB8UUZ editor

First Place..
• The Mike & Key – Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association - David Self, K8SSN editor..

The twentieth recipient of the Allan Severson Award was announced and it was none other than Frank J. Piper, KI8GW.

Jackie Piper, KC8ESO was given the Ohio Section Manager’s “Special Recognition Award.” In recognition for her many years of patience and understanding and willingness to put up with all of us that demanded time from her family.

And there you have it all..

Thanks go out to everyone that came and had good fun and fellowship at this year’s Columbus Hamfest / Ohio Section Conference..



By: John Myers, KD8MQ - ACC

Hi everyone, what a great summer this has been.

I attended my first Hamfest in my “official” capacity. The folks at the Portage Hamfair were extremely friendly. I had a great time.

The XYL & I took off on vacation earlier this month, and we managed to visit some of the southern OH clubs on the way out of state.

The Zanesville ARC meeting was great. The program included a Ham quiz straight from “Ham Test Online”. Sad to say, I’d have to study up a bit if I were to retake my Extra exam today. The next day, we stopped for lunch near Wilmington, with members of the Highland, and Clinton County clubs. What a great time we had. My only regret was having to get back on the road again too soon. I was amazed at what the Wilmington area Hams are doing in regards to working with the National Weather Service.

Let’s give a warm welcome back to our newest affiliated club, the Silvercreek ARA. They were originally affiliated back in the early 80’s. It’s good to have them back. I’m looking forward to visiting one of their breakfast meetings.

The Leagues policy on affiliated clubs is “once affiliated; always affiliated”. However, if the annual report isn’t received for a period of time, the club is marked as inactive. This seems reasonable, since a lot can change in just a couple years. Contact persons, officers, even meeting locations can all change. So, there’s this month’s reminder to update those club reports.

Club Happenings from Around Ohio..

The common thread in most newsletters this month has been, of course, the posting of Field Day results. There seems to have been a lot of active groups in the OH section this year.

Congratulations to PCARS president, WB8LCD for being asked to do a presentation at the ARRL Centennial convention last month. The subject was “Building a Successful Club Program”. I’m in favor of any event that enhances the social side of Ham Radio, and (with apologies to EMike, KC8YLD) Gets us “out of Meeting Mode”. Summer is the time for club picnics & get-togethers.

The Cincinnati FM Club had their picnic in June, at the Butler County Regional Airport. PCARS, and OH-KY-IN had theirs in July. A lot of other clubs have plans in the works.

A lot of groups are gearing up to do a club effort for the Ohio QSO Party on August 23rd. Some that I’ve noticed making plans include PCARS, Delaware ARA, and Cincinnati FM Club. I’m sure there are a lot more. How about your club? A group operating event, such as operating a contest or Special Event station is a great club social event. Even if you’re not contesters, combine it with a club picnic, or corn roast. The successes of this type of event aren’t always measured by the number of QSOs, but rather the amount of fun that’s had, and the stories that are told afterwards.

On September 6th, there is another opportunity for a club operating event. That is the “Ohio State Parks On The Air” Contest, also known as OSPOTA. It’s run by the Portage County ARS (PCARS). Whether you make a ton of contacts, or not, I’ve found this to be a really friendly contest. Based on the advance reports coming in on the reflector, a lot of you know exactly what I’m talking about, as you’re already making plans.

Here are some highlights from various clubs around the state...

OH-KY-IN participated in the Cincinnati Museum Centers 1940’s weekend, by setting up Amateur Radio Displays. Speaking of OH-KY-IN, they set up to sell beer at this years Red White, and Blue Ash celebration. No, that’s no typo. It’s held in Blue ash, OH. For manning one of several beer booths, the club netted almost $1400. How’s that for a fundraiser?

The Delaware club is moving their 2 meter repeater to a new location. Also, it looks like they are making great strides into the world of MESH Technology.

The West Park Radio Ops recently held a “Test Your Antenna Tuner” Night.

I’m beginning to receive more newsletters from around the state. Thanks to everyone who has added me to their list. Also to the rest of you, here’s your reminder.

Also, as the summer begins winding down in another few weeks, I’d like to remind everyone check those club websites. Information on club websites seems to get outdated very fast, so it’s important to stay on top of your “online Presence”.

Here’s a short list of things to check periodically.

  • Meeting times, and locations – Is all the information current?
  • Newsletter – If you are archiving your newsletters on the web, make sure that the most recent issues are there. It’s real easy to forget this.
  • Links – The average page has a lot of links. Links to other pages, links to other sites, and links to files. Check them once in a while. Make sure they are still active, and pointing to the proper place.
Here’s another tip for you. The busier I get, the harder it is to keep track of things. So, I use an online task list. It gives me reminders of various things such as when to update something on one of the websites. It’s made my life a lot easier.
And that wraps up my column for this month. Everyone stay cool, and remember to have fun!

Till next time, 73 DE KD8MQ



By Stan Broadway, N8BHL

The FEMA / ARRL Memorandum of Understanding – and why it’s important..

One of the hallmarks of the 100th ARRL celebration was the signing of a new MOU between FEMA and the ARRL. I see this as a critical step to regain some of the ‘official’ recognition for amateur radio that has been lost since 9/11. FEMA came riding in to take over pretty much all the disaster response organizations - local EMA’s and safety forces were quickly brought into conformance with the federal way of organizing and responding to large scale emergencies. Not that it was a bad thing to be consistent and well organized, but in the process amateur radio (as well as other formerly recognized volunteer groups) was told to wait in the hall. A few years ago, Congress directed FEMA and others to re-explore the value of amateur radio as it could play a more vital role in emergency preparedness. Given the money, FEMA did just that. And lo, someone began to realize the value of having a strong backup system in place!

In 2003, FEMA and ARRL signed a MOU that looked good, but was very basic: We’re good people, you’re good people; have a nice day. It was a baby step, but we were still out in the hall. Thanks to work by the ARRL, and to the wisdom of FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, KK4INZ, things have significantly changed to put amateur radio’s “resilient” abilities back in the operations room.

“Radio is one of the most resilient communications technologies we have,” Fugate said. “When the power is out and telecommunications are down, the Amateur Radio community can serve as a vital resource in support of emergency responders and survivors during a disaster. This MOA will strengthen FEMA’s partnership with ARRL and build upon our work to expand emergency communications capabilities and the use of Amateur Radio in emergency management.”

The ARRL news release goes on to summarize the content of the agreement: “The new agreement will allow FEMA and ARRL to work together to provide resources, services and personnel, as available, in order to strengthen capacity in areas of emergency communications, mass care and emergency assistance, disaster preparedness, response and recovery, while also raising public awareness about the use of Amateur Radio as a public safety resource. The pact also outlines the ways in which FEMA and ARRL will cooperate to carry out their respective responsibilities, with respect to disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery operations in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.”

Here are some key excerpts from the agreement itself:
  • Engage in joint preparedness and mitigation activities to support community resilience…
  • Encourage development of operating plans within FEMA regions such that communication services, equipment, and facilities of the Amateur Radio Service may be suitably utilized
  • Share relevant information (daily operations information, GIS disaster products, community demographics, resources and other information)
  • Share reports, guideline manuals, lessons, best practices and training
  • Alert ARRL to disaster declarations
  • Assist ARRL when it is engaged in providing relief during and after a major disaster or emergency
  • Consider ARRL resources in catastrophic planning…to emphasize realistic planning and communications for complex disaster scenarios.
Nice, but it means what to me??

These are vital steps, not just on a national level, but for you inside your county’s EMA! It puts amateur radio directly into the daily planning at every level- because once we’re “OK” with the feds, the states and even counties gain legitimacy in doing what most already do- making amateur radio a key component in plans, training, drills and actual activations. A goal of every EC ought to be to maintain a partnership with their county’s EMA (as well as other agencies). EC’s and ARES members should be able to walk into the EOC without being asked, “And who are you??” We now have a formal working relationship authorized at the federal level more so than ever before. It’s now up to us to achieve a personal relationship with EMA and public safety leaders in our home counties.

My job, with help from the assistants and DEC’s, is to lend support at the regional and state level to keep amateur radio in the sights of emergency planners, to keep the door open so we can show the professional quality performance that you are capable of!

As for you personally, this should validate your time and effort, training and practice, and show that what you do is important.

We can make this fresh recognition reason to stop dwelling on those ‘personality beefs’ that should have ended 10 years ago, the “We’ve always done it that way” copout, the “Their club vs. Our Club” stumbling block, and the “I don’t need all that training junk” tantrum. First, THIS IS A HOBBY- and we are all together in one of the greatest worldwide brotherhoods there has ever been. RELAX! HAVE FUN! This renewed relationship with FEMA and emergency planners is out chance, as we have over the past 100 years, to prove our abilities. Our part of this is to be ~ready~ by taking the time now to train, practice, and encourage our fellow hams to be up to the call when it does come - with new technology, renewed skill and an attitude that directly serves our neighbors.

73, Stan, N8BHL



By John Ross, KD8IDJ

Last month I wrote about the 7 W's...and I received some great reaction from hams at the Columbus Hamfest on August 2. Thanks!

Notifying the media, sending them information and story ideas, is now a complicated process with the "new" forms of communications...TEXTING, TWEETING, TWITTER (ing). To me, these are just knockoffs to Morse Code and the old RTTY.

Code is, well, code. We use shortcuts, abbreviations to pass along information and TEXTING is doing the same thing. Sometimes the real meaning gets lost in the translation...and that means a story idea is lost as well. One of the other problems with TEXTING is that it's usually going to only one person and no one else can see it. So, if your TEXTEE misses the point no one else has a chance to decode the message then, again, it means the story idea is lost.

The main issue with TEXTING...and for TWITTER as well... is that most media outlets use these for different reasons than we think. They pay for the reporter's accounts and measure the number of TEXTS and TWEETS to determine the popularity of a particular reporter...NOT to routinely process story ideas!! Media management encourages reporters to TEXT and have their readers or viewers follow them or TWITTER or even FACEBOOK. Very little of this activity has anything to do with covering the news and has everything to do with increasing viewership, readership, popularity....and revenue.

The best advice I can offer, and it works for me, keep sending the printed news releases...either by email or snail mail. You can follow up with a phone call or even a TEXT to see if they got it....but never try to tell your whole story in code. If it's important for the reporter to be popular then send a THANK YOU via TEXT or a message on FACEBOOK.

I know the temptation is there to use our new forms of communications but when it comes to telling your story....tell your story in real words. It generally will show up that way in print or on the air.

By the way, Morse Code and RTTY...still great ways to talk! I have four RTTY machines chugging away every day!

73, John, KD8IDJ



From: Kitty Hevener, W8TDA - Assistant Section Manager (SW)

Oh-Ky-In president Gary Coffey, (KB8MYC) reports that club members took part in the August 9-10 1940’s exhibit held at the Cincinnati Museum Center. This is the 4th year for participation in the event. Displays were set up of both vintage and modern equipment along with information about amateur radio. Always popular with the kids were the Morse code demonstrations, where they could use sheets showing the code and then spell out their names on one of the practice oscillators. A close second was the thrill some experienced when they made a 2 meter contact.

Participating in the event were:
Jerry Shipp, W1SCR; Brian Fulmer, KC8FJN; Ron Riegler, KD8VOR; Ted Morris, NC8V; Gary Coffey, KB8MYC; Susie Scott, N8CGM; Kitty Hevener, W8TDA; Robert Louie, KD8WLV; Michael Sien, KD8SOH; Ed Frambes, K8EAF and AK3Q. Special thanks to AK3Q for doing all the behind the scenes work to make it all happen.

On Jul 27, the final leg of the Pan Ohio bike ride took bicyclists through southwest Ohio. This fundraiser for the American Cancer Society began in Cleveland and ended in Cincinnati four days later. Hams in southwest Ohio who were stationed at fixed points along the course, provided safety communications for the event. Hamilton County emergency coordinator, Aaron McKnight (KD8ILV) says that changing weather conditions, including a tornado watch, along with rider and even radio conditions made this a very different event from most. “All in all, things went fairly smoothly for what was going on.”

73, Kitty, W8TDA



By: Jim Yoder W8ERW - TC

Mark WD8KQX and I made the trip to Van Wert and enjoyed a very well organized Hamfest put on by one of the oldest clubs in Ohio. I remember my great uncle, Phil Summers the original owner of my call, talking about the Van Wert Hamfest. He was an engineer for what was the Nickel Plate RR and resided nearby in Delphos for a number of years. He was my original "Elmer" and I have many great memories of being in his shack and being thoroughly amazed by the racks of electronics comprising his station. Back in those days, when something broke or let loose of the smoke within, they fixed it including rewinding coils and replacing components, something that would be technically difficult these days for most of us. Hamfests provided the materials to do so then as they do for our needs now Phil and my aunt later moved to Fremont where I grew up and I often helped him with antenna projects and the yard work. In addition to spending time in his shack, I often got a generous sampling of my aunt's home cooking and especially my favorite, cherry pie after the work was done. Phil would make a list of things he hoped to pick up at the Hamfest and I knew, we would be engineering a new antenna or revising one or the other already up in the air between the trees when he returned. Phil was a gentleman Ham and it is easy to see why he talked about and enjoyed the Van Wert Hamfest.

Thank you to all who worked on this year's Hamfest. You did a superb job and it was a pleasant reminder for me to be there for the first time knowing how Uncle Phil had always talked about it with excitement. I wish you all success in the years to come.

It was Fair week here in Seneca County and I spent several evenings assisting with our ARES display in the Public Safety Building which is on the fairgrounds. Many of our members also helped out and it was an excellent opportunity to meet the public and answer questions about ARES and our partnership with the EMA. Unless someone happens to be a neighbor, friend or relative, we Hams often exist in obscurity and the general public rarely gets a glimpse of what we do and enjoy as a hobby. The Fair is one of those few times when we are able to demonstrate Amateur Radio to folks who might not have had an opportunity to see or hear us on the air. Many of the Hams who check in on our Sunday evening ARES net also stopped by to say. It was good to see the face of those familiar voices and spend a few minutes discussing what we Hams enjoy.

This last week has been fraught with issues in my shack. Much of what we have to use these days especially portable gear and that which we often package to be ready to go when we are includes one or more cables to operate. USB cables and adapters to provide old style serial port connectivity and the driver disk to make them work are common. Programming cables likewise and no two of those ever seem to be the same even within the same brand of equipment. Much of this looks quite similar to the cell phone charging cables that we all must now have. The weather station I have uses the same style although they are not cross compatible. You name it and it has its own flavor of cable, adapter and interface that must be used rather than the closest one you find when you need it.

I try to keep these things with the associated equipment that they are intended to work with. They are no easily marked due to their size and the relentless way they love to become entangled with whatever else they get close to. I have tried using small containers which does work, but one size never fits all. Using tags presents more to tangle and zip lock bags, although they do work rather well, sometimes refuse to open easily for me. More importantly, you need to put these things back into the correctly marked bag or container in order to retrieve the proper one when it is needed again. I no doubt failed on this one as I could not get the programming cable for my Kenwood HT to talk to the device. Perhaps it wasn't talking to the PC. I don't know which, but after spending a lot of time on it going nowhere, I realized that it must have been the wrong cable, likely the one for another HT I have. I was finally able to locate the correct cable and things went very well afterward.

A couple of things come to mind here. It's a good and prudent idea to have an organized plan and make sure that you can stick to it. Having more than one device is one way to get closer to that objective and I have done that often times. But it doesn't get to the issue or good organization. We hams often head out the door to support some public service event and when we get there, the bag full of hardware, and supporting pieces of equipment we intended to be ready to use often are not there or they decide to no longer work. I often take much more than I need while leaving something important behind.

I have a couple of canvas style bags that I use to contain a lot of this ancillary equipment. Over time, the bags have become crowded with items that I do not always need while leaving no room for some of the recent additions that are required to manage the new hardware. So after my issue with the HT cable and realizing that my organization was really a mess, I decided to look for another solution, one that may address more than my immediate problem.

My family did a lot of camping when I was much younger than I am now. One of the handy things that my Dad made early on was our "Grub Box". All of the kitchen related items including plates, utensils, cups, glasses and the like where there in one place. There was also room for some of the staples found in any kitchen such as salt, pepper, tooth picks, matches and a can opener that worked. It also had a fold down door that served as a handy work area. That box is hanging on my garage wall still and will be the model for my next project.

I would enjoy hearing what others have done towards the same objective. Feel free to drop me a line with your own ideas.

73, Jim, W8ERW



By: David Maynard, WA3EZN - STM

The Voice of Aladdin Amateur Radio Club Columbus Hamfest and Ohio Section Convention has come and gone. The forums went well and were well attended. It was nice to see the ARRL forum well attended and to hear from the new Great Lakes Director Dale Williams WA8EFK and Vice-Director Tom Delaney W8WTD. It was also nice to see Universal Radio at the hamfest. It was unfortunate that the showers predicted by the weatherman turned out to be downpours which caused an early exit of the flea market.

The Ohio Single Sideband Net had their fall meeting at the hamfest again this year. At the meeting Larry KB8HJJ was announced as the recipient of the Garlock – K8BYR Memorial Merit Award in recognition for all that he does for the OSSBN. Larry is the Assistant Manager, a net control, a representative to the Eighth Region Net and the Eastern Area Net. Congratulations Larry and thanks for everything you do.

Looking back into my records I checked to see how the OSSBN was doing in the Month of July compared to previous years. Here are the statistics:

JULY 2014     QNI 1112        QTC 524         QTR 2413       92 SESSIONS
JULY 2013     QNI 1243        QTC 618         QTR 3052       93 SESSIONS
JULY 2012     QNI 1461        QTC 533         QTR 2830       93 SESSIONS
JULY 2011     QNI 1609        QTC 634         QTR 2857       93 SESSIONS

I received the following email requesting information on message delivery:

David: I received three messages yesterday from (Call withheld by WA3EZN) dated July 29. In them he/she states the following information.

My messages 2582 and 2583 were delivered to answering machine with no delivery date shown. These messages were given to the 8RN rep on EAN on April 27, 2014.

My message 3047 phone no longer in service. This message was given to the rep on May 19.

My message 3049 delivered to answering machine. This message was given also to the rep on May 19.

A delay of three months for the first two and nearly two and an a half months for the other two. Can you explain or find out why this happened. Typically, if a routine message cannot be delivered within 48 hours a service message should be generated advising the originator of this fact.

Glenn (VE3GNA)

The call of the station mentioned as sending him the messages is not familiar to me so I have no way of contacting them to find out what happened. I assume the station is on a local traffic net. It would seem feasible that this could happen if the station handling the traffic had equipment failure or the operator became sick. However, stations should not receive traffic for relay or delivery if they know they will be unable to do the job that is needed quickly.

To that end, here are Instructions on how to originate a Service Message.

Messages encountered anywhere in the NTS system that cannot be relayed or delivered are NOT discarded.  A service message back to the originating station must be generated without delay. Other than originating your own message there are only three things that an operator can do with a message:

1. Relay it
2. Deliver it
3. Service it back to the station of origination, not the place of origin.

Generating service messages is the responsibility of the station holding the message.

Please keep messages for your records for one year. You do not need to advise net control what you did with the message. This information is for your records only. Once you accept a message, it’s yours to do one of the three things above. As you can see by the email above you may have to account for the disposition of a message that you handled some months earlier.

The following is a typical service message from a message with an HXC that could not be delivered:

PEMBROKE MA 02359  (or the address of any one else that sent the message)
781 293 3861

End No More

Why do we include the phone number? This is important so that the originating station knows that you received the correct phone number with the message you are servicing.

The following is a typical service message from a message with an HXC reporting your delivery.

3409 SW 20TH
405 681 0926
AUG 5 0200 73

End No More

Note that the time does not include the letters UTC, L for local or Z. The ARL Forty Seven already designates that the time is in UTC and the time should always be reported in UTC time.

It should go without saying but I will say it anyway. Please insert you own call instead of mine and your city instead of Hilliard… Thank you.

That’s it for this month.

73, David, WA3EZN



By Connie Hamilton, N8IO ASM

I made a recent trip to Ironton as to the meeting, I was welcomed very graciously as always. They are a great group of people!

The Section Conference at the Aladdin Hamfest was a high spot to start my day! After it was over, I picked up some OH Repeater Directories to pass out to Clubs locally then was going to Monroe County for a picnic at 5:00. Running a little late, and over the hills & valleys, I made it 30 minutes late but for any Masonic Members reading this I was presented a Widow’s pin, which I treasure.

I went up to Cambridge to help with VE testing and no candidates showed up so spent the rest of the day visiting friends and family.

The Marietta ARC had a Rest Stop at the Rest Area near here and I worked the midnight shift on Saturday/Sunday. This was the best one so far but the downside was I was very cold and should have taken out my winter clothing in August.

Hope to see some of you at future Hamfests.

73/88, Connie, N8IO



From: Scott Yonally, N8SY - Section Manager

Hi Gang, or should I say Hi Yawl..  I’m here in Myrtle Beach soaking in some sun and sand on a long overdue vacation. I love this area to visit. Yes, just visit, I’m an Ohio boy and that’s all there is to it. Ohio is my home, but I love to visit where there’s an ocean for a bit as well. Yup, there’s a bit of sailor in me. Janie and I started coming here back in the mid 1980’s and we just don’t seem to ever get tire of coming back to visit. We have friends here as well. It’s a very nice place to visit for sure. If you've never experienced it, I highly recommend coming down and seeing this area. The ocean right now is 86 degrees. And no, I haven’t seen a shark either. We have collected a lot of neat looking sea shells however. 

I was glad to see so many folks that made it to the Columbus Hamfest/ARRL Ohio Section Conference. It was great meeting all of you that attended! It ended up being rainy, but the weather inside was fantastic!

Congratulations to all of those Newsletter Award Winners. You’ll find the winners listed in another section of the OSJ. And, if you didn't hear, Frank Piper, KI8GW was the recipient of the Allan Severson Memorial Award. Jackie Piper also received the Section Manager’s “Special Appreciation” award..

Make sure that you've signed up to receive emails from the Section Manager and Great Lakes Director. It seems that some of you may not be receiving the special news releases that Dale or I have been doing lately. If you want to keep apprised of what’s going on in the state or within the Division you need to be registered with the League to receive these special emails. You’ll need to log onto your account with the League and mark the box that states “receive email from the Section Manager / Director” and that’s all there is to it. You’ll now get those special emailing’s.

Now, for those of you who may not want to go to all that bother, or you are not League members, you still have a chance to get these important emails. All you have to do is to “Opt-In” on the Ohio Section website.. Here’s the link: You can also find this link on the bottom left corner of the main page of the Ohio Section website. I urge you all to make sure that everyone, regardless of whether they are a League member or not, knows that they can always “Opt-In” at any time. 

Oh, didn't know that the Ohio Section had a website?? We do.. You can find it at:  If you don’t have this website set as your home page, I urge you to do so. This website is one of the exceptions to the rules.. It changes all the time, it’s never stagnating. I would recommend that you check into the website at least 3 times per week.

U.S. House Bill - HR 4969 has been introduced. This is the “Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014” was introduced on June 25th at the request of the ARRL, which worked with House staffers to draft the proposed legislation. The bill’s sponsor is Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL). It has initial co-sponsorship from Representative Joe Courtney (D-CT). If the measure passes the 113th Congress, it would require the FCC, within 120 days of the Bill’s passage, to amend the Part 97 Amateur Service rules to apply PRB-1 coverage to include homeowners’ association regulations and deed restrictions, often referred to as “covenants, conditions, and restrictions” (CC&Rs). Presently, PRB-1 only applies to state and local zoning laws and ordinances. If this Bill does pass, it will significantly change all CC&R’s that restrict or prohibit Amateur Radio antenna’s around the country. Now maybe it should be said that what this Bill will do is give the Amateur equal rights afforded us by PRB-1, that is to say “Reasonable Accommodations” would have to be granted the Amateur to be able to use his/her Amateur Radio station. This will not mean that if you live in a high rise condo that you can construct a large tower on the building, but what it will mean is that the HOA or governing body will have to give you some sort of “reasonable” accommodation to be able to use your amateur station and have an outdoor antenna. 

The League has a special area within their site just for HR-4969, go take a look.. 

Ohio's Speaker Bureau.. I know that this has been said a million times before, but it’s always worth repeating, don’t forget to invite one of the Ohio Section Cabinet members to your next club meeting. The entire Cabinet is Ohio’s Speaker’s Bureau. We are all very well versed on League matters and a few of us have some additional specialties that go beyond just what the League is doing. If you’d like any of us to come and be a speaker at your function for FREE, please feel free to give any of us a call, we'll do our very best to be at your function.

That’s going to do it this month from here. The sun is out and the beach is calling.. I hope to see all of you at the various hamfests or meetings soon and who knows; maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones to get a “mug” on me.

Have a question? Feel free to give me a call or write to me.. Oh.. by the way, I’ve come up with a new surprise for the mugs.. You may just fine an extra surprise inside the cup!! 

My email and phone number are always listed on the Ohio Section Website
as well as on page 16 of QST..

73, Scott, N8SY



08/22/2014 | D-Day Reenacment Conneaut,Ohio -- 70th Anniversary of Normandy Landing
Aug 22-Aug 23, 1300Z-1900Z, W8BHZ, Conneaut, OH. Conneaut Amateur Radio Club.
14.240 7.240.
QSL. CARC ARS W8BHZ, PO Box 661, Conneaut, OH 44030.
The largest annual D-Day Reenactment in the US.
The Conneaut Amateur Radio Club in conjunction with D-Day Ohio is operating a special event station during the weekend reenactment of the Normandy Landing. 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of this historical landing.

Commemorative QSL cards will be printed for the event. It is now the largest annual event in the United States commemorating D-Day-June 6th 1944 . Please see visit for on the reenactment event.


08/29/2014 | 20th Anniversary of The Shawshank Redemption movie
Aug 29-Aug 31, 1400Z-2000Z, KD8KWV, Bellevue, OH. Harold R. Wolfe.
14.250 7.250 3.850 146.940.
QSL. Harold R. Wolfe, KD8KWV, 358 High St, Bellevue, OH 44811.
Celebrating the filming locations of The Shawshank Redemption. Historical sites include The Ohio State Reformatory, as well other locations on the historical Shawshank Trail located in Mansfield, Ohio.

08/29/2014 | The Shawshank Redemption 20th Anniversary
Aug 29-Aug 31, 1200Z-1600Z, W8WE, Mansfield, OH. InterCity Amateur Radio Club.
QSL. IARC, PO Box 713, Bellville, OH 44813.
Times and frequency may change. Check out the club website for up to date information.  

10/18/2014 | 75th Anniversary of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Oct 18, 1300Z-2300Z, W8E, Loveland, OH.
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.
QSL. Dave Stroup, 6138 Misty Creek Dr, Loveland, OH 45140.



08/24/2014 | The Cuyahoga Falls ARC's 6th Annual Tailgate Hamfest
Location: Stow, OH
Sponsor: Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club

09/07/2014 | Findlay Hamfest
Location: Findlay, OH
Sponsor: Findlay Radio Club

09/21/2014 | OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society Hamfest
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Sponsor: OH-KY-IN ARS

Location: Berea, OH
Sponsor: Hamfest Association of Cleveland, Inc.



The Ohio Section Logo has been out for more than a year now and with it now starting to appear on more and more items I think now is a good time to let you all know that it’s more than just a logo, it has a lot of symbolism built into it. It’s truly the heart and soul of the Ohio Section. Yes, Amateur Radio is rich in traditions and symbolization that we’re all very proud of. So, it shouldn't surprise you to find out that the Ohio Section Logo also has a lot of symbolism in it as well.

Here are the real reasons for our Ohio Section Logo. And yes, this comes from the person who created the logo, so you can be sure of the symbolism described are the true reasons for the logo. I know, I created it.
  • First off we need to look at how the League Diamond is placed “proud” of everything else. Did you notice, the stem of the leaf isn't touching the diamond? This stands for the American Radio Relay League as our stand alone national organization. Proud and true to form. The one and only national organization that represents ALL amateur radio operators.
  • The written “Ohio Section” just to the right of the League Diamond. It indicates that the Ohio Section is not only part of the League, but standing on the right side indicates that we are the “right hand” of the League. Ohio is proud to be not only a leader in the nation in new innovations, but we are also the largest of all the seventy-one Sections represented by the League.
  • The five Buckeye leaves.  This represents the five Assistant Section Managers that represent the five quadrants of our state. North-east, north-west, south-east, south-west and central.
  • The green leaves represent the “green” polyester jacket that one of our most beloved Section Managers Joe Phillips, K8QOE always wore. He wore this jacket to every function that he attended. As Joe often reminded us, his jacket was like those of the “Masters” golf tournament. Only the best of the best ever got to wear this special jacket, and this represents the excellence in everything we do in Amateur Radio, and honors Joe for all of his hard work and dedication to not only Amateur Radio, but especially to the Ohio Section.
  • The Buckeye in the shell. This represents the newest Amateurs. Those who haven’t come out of their shells yet. If you notice, the shell is partially opened up. This signifies that the Buckeye has obtained his/her license, but just hasn't come out of their shell yet.
  • The un-shelled Buckeye. This represents the seasoned Amateur. Proud of his accomplishments and standing beside his newest candidate to be “Elmered.”     
  • And finally the stem of the Buckeye leaf. It’s long and straight symbolizing the very long history that the Ohio Section has enjoyed within the ARRL, dating back to Howard Storck, 8BYN our first Section Manager in 1926 to the present.
Now you know, and hopefully understand that our logo symbolizes a great heritage that we are charged with keeping and assuring that it will continue on, and be passed along to future generations to come.

Be proud to display and/or wear this logo. It’s truly Ohio’s Amateur Radio heritage!!

