By: John Myers, KD8MQ - ACC
Hi everyone, I’m John, KD8MQ, and welcome to my first column as Affiliated Club Coordinator. I'm a big believer in clubs, and the idea that we can accomplish so much more as a group than we
can individually.
You’ve likely read my bio in last month’s Ohio Section Journal, so I won't bore you with it again. This appointment was a great honor, and definitely the last place I expected to be. I’ll do my best to maintain the high standards of those who came before.
In the near future, my plans are to begin visiting some clubs here & there, to introduce myself.
I love reading newsletters. That’s where I get some of my best ideas. So, if you’re a newsletter editor, please add me to your mailing list.
Reading your club newsletters are one of the best ways for me to keep up with what a club is doing. As my predecessors have done, I’ll continue posting highlights from your newsletters both here, and on my Ohio Section Clubs Blog (http://kd8mq-acc.blogspot.com/).
I’d like to give some thanks to the previous Ohio Affiliated Club Coordinators. Being pretty active in my home club, I’ve met, or exchanged e-mails with most of the folks on this list.
• JoAnne Solak, KJ3O
• Brenda Krukowski KB8IUP
• JoAnne Solak, KJ3O
• Scott Yonally, N8SY
• E. Mike McCardel, KC8YLD
• Sandy Mackey, N8YS
Field Day..
Field Day 2014 is over. How did you do? Field Day is one of the best club activities there is. Whether your Field Day activities are from the ”out for blood”, or the more “laid back” schools of thought, it is still the most Ham Radio Fun you and your members can have outdoors. It can also be a great recruitment tool for new Hams.
I spent Saturday afternoon travelling, and visited several Field Day sites. Thanks to everyone, for your hospitality.
File Those Annual reports..
One of the first things I did was to get some numbers together. According to ARRL.org, We have 94 affiliated clubs on the books in the Ohio Section. Around 44 of you are up to date on your annual reports, and that’s great.
For the rest of you, it’s time to update your club information. The league has a great tutorial available online to walk you through the process. It can be found at
http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Clubs/ClubUpdateprocedure_20120313a.pdf .
Take a second, and check your club profile on the leagues website. This should be done once a year. Right after elections is a good time to do it. This ensures that your club’s profile on the league website is always up to date.
Let’s congratulate the following clubs on some milestones this month.
The Independent Radio Association Inc. (Springfield) Affiliated 25 Years
North Coast Contesters (Chesterland) Affiliated 25 years
We also have a new affiliated club to welcome aboard. Let’s give a big welcome to the West Central Ohio Amateur Radio Association. They are based in Dayton, and just became affiliated at the end of May.
Notes from All Over..
The Log, published by the West Park Radio Ops notes that their club meeting on July 4th is cancelled, but for their program night on July 18th, they are holding a “Test Your Tuner Night”. Sounds like a great idea for a club program.
According to the Q-Fiver, it looks like the OH-KY-IN Amateur Radio Society has a busy summer planned. Their Hamfest will be September 21st. It also looks like they have developed a relationship with hive 13; a local makers group.
They have a “Brunch bunch” who meets on the second Saturday of each Month at various restaurants. This sounds like a great way to network outside of the club meetings, and nets.
The Radiogram from the portage County ARS (PCARS) is its usual size this month, at 33 pages. It has a full report of the club Field Trip to the K3LR contest superstation in NW Pennsylvania.
They’ve received a Yaesu DR-1 repeater, and have wasted no time putting it into service. Their club picnic is coming up in a few weeks, followed a few weeks later by their annual Cruise-in.
Now for the shameless plug for the Alliance ARC via their newsletter; the Zero Beat. I have to warn you that I’m the editor of that one. On July 19th they’ll be having a NAQP-RTTY Picnic. This one is aimed at developing some new RTTY contesters. New ops are enticed with promises of food.
I’ll post more as newsletters come in, which is all the more reason to put me on your mailing list. Another issue of the Wave Bender arrived recently. This is the newsletter of the Western Reserve ARC. They recently had a field trip to the K3LR contest superstation, and are scheduling license classes starting September 10th.
Bob, K8TQK will be presenting his weak UHF/VHF signal program at the next Scioto Valley ARC meeting on the 17th. (This comes from the Monday Morning Memo, put out be the Highland ARA)
Final Word..
What do you do for club programs this time of year? I’ve heard of some clubs who don’t even bother with meeting in July, much less programs.
Here in Alliance, we usually forgo the club program, since attendance is down anyway. But, I like the way Massillon does their July meetings. July is the month for their Ice Cream Social.
If anything will get club members out to a meeting in July, it’s gotta be Ice cream!
I’m anxious to hear how your club is doing. How about dropping me an e-mail? Better yet, add me to your mailing list.
That’s about it for this month. Remember to check out my blog, http://kd8mq-acc.blogspot.com/. I will be posting there regularly. I am also on Twitter, though I admit to being lower on the
learning curve than I should be.
Till next time, 73 DE KD8MQ
By Stan Broadway, N8BHL
ARES is Alive and Well..
Greetings, and thank you all for your encouragement as we change ARES leadership in Ohio. My first goal is to try to match the performance of the classy people we have in place! From my very first meeting as a rookie EC, I have been amazed at the excellent, experienced people in ARES, and I plan on learning a lot from all of you.
I learned some time ago that it does no good to go running into a situation with all the ‘answers’ before anybody even asks a question. And asking is what I’ll be doing a lot in the near future. I want to learn from you, your counties and your people- what has worked, what hasn’t worked, and what you need to do your job. Each county is different; it’s the individual EC who’s responsible for face time with local partner agencies, for upholding the value and meaning of amateur radio as a regular player in their plans. I believe it’s up to us as District and above leaders to support you.
I am retired from the fire service and I have been for most of my life a volunteer firefighter (I still am) so I understand the pressures that take our focus away from our volunteer time – things like faith, family, oh yeah- jobs. I get really excited when I think about the role our ARES organization can play in serving our families and our neighbors! Public safety communications backbones are sturdier than they’ve even been…but they will fail. There will be occasions when communications beyond system scope are necessary. If we are engaged now in meaningful ways, it will only be natural to call ARES when the time comes. The thing that keeps me enthusiastic is that what we do can have meaning! I believe we can raise the profile of ARES on the state level and keep it a viable backup emergency service. I am a big fan of the ARESMAT concept, and I hope to see that program flourish.
Into the Frying Pan..
I’ve had a busy first few days. We were saddened to receive reports of the collapse of Clair Church, W8KF, while serving the Willard, Oh, parade. I was really proud of the way the Huron County club stepped in to support one of our own! We’re glad to hear positive reports from the hospital, and we continue to pray for his recovery. A few days later, we received reports of tornado hits in Medina County. ARES folks were ready as EMA staff worked to evaluate the situation. Quick response, solid capabilities! Notifications per OSERP were flawless and fast.
Schedule Changes..
We have talked about the burden of time required of you by these important positions you hold. We need to reduce the redundancy and pull back on the amount of time we require. In return, our job will be to make meeting and training time very worth your while! I would like to cancel our fall meeting plans, both the Newark event and the fall conference in order to drop back to one larger meeting per year. Our spring conference was so well attended and we got a lot of work done! I want next spring to be even better! For this initial season of rebuilding, I will be in contact with DEC’s to set up convenient meetings to learn from all of you how we can make ARES better. Please email your ideas and comments any time! In the meantime, I sincerely thank you all for your time and effort! What we do is important!
73, Stan, N8BHL
By John Ross, KD8IDJ
Public Information - the 7 W's!
When it comes to crafting news releases and media advisories the 7 W's are the golden rule.
Wait...thought there were only 5? Well, times change and the way we think about how to notify the media has to change as well.
Yes, the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY have served us well but here's how to punch things up a notch and have a better chance of getting noticed.
The "6th" W is now WOW! If you just stick with the normal, your news release ends up looking like every other one the media sees...and could wind up as recycling or in delete heaven. Adding a WOW factor to your press releases make them stand out, stand up and stand apart of the other droll newsrooms get every day. To add a WOW to your release...be very specific about what you want to say and word a leading intro line...headline... very carefully. Look for a different, but true and accurate, statement what will make your release jump.
"The regular monthly meeting of our ham radio club will be Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m.", is NOT going to get you much traction. Instead..."The 100th meeting of the Purple County amateur radio club..." adds a little WOW factor to the message. Telling the media that a club of ham radio operators is having a regular meeting translates into a bunch of old geezers sitting around shooting the bull about something we don't understand! I'm sure with a little practice and outside the box thinking you can come up with even catcher headlines. Adding WOW will make your release jump of the page and into the local news!
Now, the "7th" W is a little trickier...but it stands for "WHAT THE........???" If you include a long winded and poorly written load of...stuff...in your release, every news director, reporter and editor will eventually come to the same conclusion..."What the.....??? is this person trying to say"? When that happens you're in real trouble.
Usually the "7th" W appears following a long run on sentence that could be as many as four paragraphs long and continues to say nothing but continues on talking about things are not important and hard to understand let alone makes even the simple things seem complicated to a point where even your computer has trouble processing the information and begins to fight you on typing in the right information so all you really get is a bunch of words that run on and bring the media to their knees yelling and screaming...WHAT THE.....IS THIS CRAP!! STOP! STOP! STOP!
Get the point? Avoid the "7th" W whenever you can. It will make your job and the media's job easier...and will help get you noticed in the right way.
Honestly, as I travel around the country talking to corporate communications departments and executives, you would be surprised how little they know about the art of communicating with the media. If you fail to make that connection...then your chances of getting your story published is very small. Worse yet, you'll end with media's interpretation, not yours, and the story will be lost...no matter just how important it might be.
Finally, as we move to communicate more with tweets, twitter, Facebook, text and other forms of what I call "the New Morse Code", there are a ton of good tips that can help you tweet better...or is it better twitter...and help make your Facebook friends help you even though they may not know it!!! More on that next month
73, John, KD8IDJ
From: Kitty Hevener, W8TDA - Assistant Section Manager (SW)
Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you probably know that southwest Ohio’s own, Tom Delaney, W8TFD, has been selected as the new Great Lakes Division Vice Director. We are so lucky
to have Tom in this position as he is one who definitely goes above and beyond. During the 30 plus years that I have known him, we have taught technician licensing classes and worked both public service events and disasters. I have also seen him lend a helping hand to local hams, who, for physical reasons, are unable to put up the simplest antenna or make an adjustment to their radio gear to make operating easier and more enjoyable. Tom’s concern for others goes beyond ham radio. He and his wife, Helen, helped me find my current house while I was still living in California.
In June, the Dayton Amateur Radio Association hosted an ARRL Teacher's Institute-1 session at their clubhouse. One of the teachers who participated in this class wants to develop a balloon launch program for her 8th grade science class at Valley Farms junior high school, in Farmersville. She is in need of someone with experience or knowledge to provide some guidance on putting this program together. What a unique opportunity to potentially bring some youth in to our hobby! If you can help, please contact Joe Brassard, KA8C at jbrassard@woh.rr.com
The DIAL RADIO CLUB will offer a six-week technician licensing class beginning August 20. Each session will run from 6-9 pm and will be held at the Verity Lodge, on the Middletown Campus of
Miami University. Class will conclude September 24 and be followed by an examination session on Wednesday, October 1. For more information or to register, contact Beverley Taylor n8gge@arrl.net 513-423-3165 or Carl Morgan k8cm@arrl.net 513-422-9384.
On Wednesday July 23, 2014, at approximately 7:00 PM the DARA VE team will host a no fee license exam session at 6619 Bellefontaine Road, Huber Heights, Ohio 45424. For special testing accommodations or additional information, contact David A. Crawford, kf4kww@arrl.net
(937) 689-6894
The Butler County Amateur Radio Association (BCARA) will offer amateur radio operator's license examinations, beginning at 9 am, on Saturday, July 26, at the Fairfield Township Police Department, 6485 Vonnie Vail Court, Hamilton, OH. License exams are free and no test fees will be collected. Additional information may be obtained from Thurl Golden, KD8VLU, (513-939-4891) or Carl Morgan, K8CM, (513-422-9384) Talk-in will be available on W8WRK/R 146.700 - 123 Hz PL.
The annual trunk sales sponsored by the Champaign-Logan Amateur Radio Club is scheduled from 8-12 PM on Saturday, July 26. It will be held outdoors at the Lions Club Community Park located
approximately 1/2 mile East of the intersection of SR68 and SR245 in West Liberty Talk-in will be on the 147.000 W8FTV repeater. There is NO CHARGE for admission or for sales. Just show up
and open your trunk or tailgate Two things to note --West Liberty is north of Springfield on State Route 68. And the repeater, which has good coverage, uses a PL of 100 Hz. It’s back for 2014! no, the “it” doesn’t refer to the upcoming football season! To find out what I am talking about, visit http://www.ohkyin.org/hamfest.php
I visited Hamilton County ARPSC, QCEN, and Oh-Ky-In field day sites. I arrived at Hamilton County ARPSC just in time to see the crew carbo loading in preparation for raising their antenna and setting up equipment. They were not alone! QCEN and Oh-Ky-In members, including yours truly, were known to have inhaled several “chefs delights” to keep them on their “A game” for the duration of the operation. W8NFM reports that QCEN (Queen City Emergency Net) ran as a "3F station from W8VVL. Operations were continuous with a total of 19 operators.
Eric, N8YC, Oh-Ky-In ARS’ field day chair reports that this year’s field Day was an astounding success. He said that the setup team was one of the largest the club has ever had. All stations were aptly manned almost the entire time with plenty of operating time for new and seasoned hams alike as well as many non hams. The late night aroma of steaks on the grill and a bonfire along with QSO'S in one ear and crickets in the other undoubtedly made memories that club members won’t soon forget.
73, Kitty, W8TDA
By: Jim Yoder W8ERW - TC
We are in the heat of the summer and my AC has been spinning the electric meter like a gyroscope here in Tiffin. Perhaps I ought to look into a solar solution to give me some relief.

We had a great Field Day this year in Seneca County. The Seneca Radio Club again hosted our event which was well planned and executed. Dan AC8NP is working on our submission and should have
our final score calculated shortly. Mike KC8WH organized the SSB station setups along with antennas. Gregg WJ8Y handled the CW station and along with his excellent fist, racked up a pile of
contacts. Overall, the bands this year were not a lot of help and the number of contacts was a bit shy of what we had hoped for. On the upside, we had many visitors and youngsters come out to see what we were doing and they got in some operating time alongside one of the many Elmers who eagerly assisted and coached. Our County EOC was also well represented by Director Dan KC8PBU and his assistant Mike KC8BUJ. Both are a very active and integral part of ARES in the county.
Our N3FJP logging software performed very well and without a hitch while supported by our MESH network. Jeff WB8REI also deployed a Raspberry Pi configured as an FM broadcast transmitter which allowed nearby receivers to listen to the several recorded audio clips he made during Field Day. Our local newspaper, The Advertiser Tribune also covered us well with a nice picture in the Sunday edition.
Jeff is now working on a VOIP application to run on the MESH utilizing the Raspberry Pi as the PBX. We have both been accumulating the hardware etc. to put this into operation. Our target is to have this all working for use during the Cross Country Carnival, an annual ARES supported event later this fall. We have used a dedicated RF video arrangement in the past which provided event officials with real time observations of the course. This year we will add several IP cameras running on the MESH network along with VOIP communications and keyboard to keyboard capability. Time permitting; we may have a look at a D-Star implementation also.
I am again making good progress on the ARES training database after losing the hard drive on one of my computers. Adding data from the many submissions I have received involves several lookup procedures and coordination of all the elements being included in the data. I am now back in business with three screens to work from. For those of you who are taking courses either from FEMA or ARRL, be sure to save your certificated electronically and forward to me for inclusion. The data is being entered into an MS access database and will provide some useful data to our ARES leadership including statistics and documentation on our readiness.
Thanks to everyone who has already taken the time to forward their information to me.
I think I have Mark WD8KQX talked into a visit to the Van Wert Hamfest this month. If we both work at it, we may get our “Kitchen Pass” stamped to be in Elyria for the NOARS fest as well.
If you see us, Mark loves to talk as much or more than I do. Flag us down and we’d both be glad to talk up some good conversation with you. There is always something exciting going on in the Ohio Section.
73, Jim, W8ERW
By: David Maynard, WA3EZN - STM
Some Tips for Checking Into a Net and Message Handling - Rule number one: listen, listen, listen.
I don’t advocate multi-tasking while traffic handling, but during the sending of a message – stop and listen. It allows the receiver a chance to interrupt and clarify or confirm part of the message. Sometimes, it prevents an entire message from being sent again in error. Sometimes, it allows confirmation of a message sooner.
If we just take those few seconds to listen between our transmissions we can detect interference on frequency, hear someone trying to interrupt, or get confirmation that the message is getting through precisely as it should. Yes, you can learn a lot just by listening. At the very least, it’s a good idea to listen between the preamble and the addressee, at the first break (just before the text), and at the break at the end of the text. As for those technical problems, just going from transmit to receive a few times in the course of the message will pay off.
The more we can listen, the better we will be at doing what we do. If using push-to-talk operation when transmitting a message, un-key the microphone often so the receiving station may break in if necessary.
In listening to the traffic on the OSSBN I have noticed an increase of stations talking over other stations or what is called doubling. This is not only a nuisance but causes the net to go into a spastic mode and wastes a lot of time. Although some of this may be caused by propagation a lot of it is simply one station not listening to the other station. Here are some examples of the type of doubling that I hear.
Nuisance: a person, thing, or situation that is annoying or that causes trouble or problems.
Lets pick on the net control stations first. A station tries to check in to the net and the net control asks for a relay because the station checking in is not heard well. A station offers to relay and does relay the station call and that the station has traffic. Because the net control station is too quick on the microphone button they ask the relaying station to find out if the station checking in has traffic. With a little patience the net control station would not have talked over the station doing the relaying and would know there is traffic to be listed.
A net control station asks for check-ins one at a time please! This means that stations checking in should wait for the previous station to be recognized before they try to check in. There is nothing wrong with this procedure because the net control station is in charge of the net and can run it however they want. If everyone would listen there would be no problems but sure enough several stations have to be first all the time to check in, they talk over each other and ignore the net control request for one station at a time. The possible result is that none of the station will be heard and recognized by the net control and they waist valuable net time sometimes trying a second time to check in. There are no special points or rewards for being the first to check-in to any net.
How about the net that isn't there. You are on 40 meters where the signals are 10 or 20 over 9. You have good copy on many station including some that are in Ohio. You get on the 80 meter net frequency a few minutes before the net is to be called. When the net is supposed to start you hear what might be you net control station but you are not sure because the station is too weak to be heard. You wait and hear what appears to be the strongest station check into the net but the signal strength is S1 or S2 and you can not hear anyone else on the frequency. You know it is not your radio because you heard stations on 40 meters. Yet you are aware that the net must be progressing because you heard that one weak station check-in. The net control apparently continues the net on the 80 meter frequency and does not even think about checking 40 meters. After several minutes you check out several frequently used 40 meter frequencies and can not find the net. The net control has chosen to continue on 80 meters even though only a few if any stations can hear the net. There is no reason to continue listening so you shut your station down and do not try to check into the net even if you have traffic.
Make a written list of traffic you need to transmit by destination, e.g. Michigan, West Virginia, or the location in Ohio, prior to checking into the net; have the traffic readily available in an orderly manner so as not to require a frantic search for it when the time comes to send it. Example: MI 2, WV 3, Cleveland 1, Cincinnati 3 etc.
Remember to send your message slow enough for the receiving station to copy your message on paper. Also have a copy of the International Phonetic Alphabet readily available The phonetics have been used and tested over the past 50 years so as to preclude any ambiguity in their meaning.
The number ZERO (0) is not the letter "O". It is pronounced as ZERO and not as OH or OWE. The letter "O" phonetically is OSCAR. Example: Amateur call sign KB0ABC is Kilo Bravo Zero Alfa
Bravo Charlie and not Kay Bee Owe Aay Bee Cee. Think of the foregoing example when seeing the number ZERO in a message and always use the proword figure(s) before sending numbers like 3, 15
or 20 etc in the text of the message. FIGURE or FIGURES identifies the next piece of information as a number or group of numbers.
INITIAL (s) or LETTER-GROUP identifies the next item as a single letter group or group of letters. The acronym ARES should always be spelled out using the International Phonetic Alphabet by say Alfa Romeo Echo Sierra and not pronounced as a word.
I SPELL identifies that the next word as having a unique spelling or is a proper name. I also use this technique when the proper name can have more than one spelling or I have trouble clearly pronouncing the word.
The net control station is always always on the net frequency regardless if it is not the normal net frequency. If you are not on the same frequency as the net control YOU are not on the net frequency.
That's enough for this month. If you are interested start by listening to the Ohio Single Sideband Net on 3972.5 daily at 10:30 AM, 4:15 PM and 6:45 PM. Who knows, If I can hear the net control you may hear me check into the net.
73, David, WA3EZN
By Connie Hamilton, N8IO ASM
Field Day was something else this year for me.
I made it to the 5 clubs that were on the FD Locator, First was Portsmouth Club Site I was very impressed. AA8KY and guided into their site, Thanks Bill! He also sent me the article in their local news paper where I was quoted.
Next was the Athens Club site for a short visit with them. On to Coshocton, they were shut down due to the weather for awhile. Next was to Cambridge in time to hear a Radiogram was sent to me just before I walked up.
Zanesville was next and the last and visited with them before starting home. 464 total miles from home to home.
Then the problems started. I had not turned my porch light on before leaving that morning.. Coming from the carport I cross some grass then a short sidewalk where I hit the broken cement and slammed into it and landed on my nose. After 911 and a trip to the Hospital, I finally got home and in the house at 2:30 a.m.
My Son Mark was down from Maine for a week and he and his gang fixed the cement, cleaned out the carport, fixed the Hot Water Tank vent and got rid of a car of my husband had that didn’t run.
My nose is healed and will have physical therapy for additional sore places from the fall.
Looking forward to the Section Conference on the 2nd for my official 1st outing since field day.
73/88, Connie, N8IO
From: Scott Yonally, N8SY - Section Manager
Hi Everyone,
Field Day is now in the books as well as all the festivities of the 4th of July. Speaking of Field Day, did you have one of the Cabinet members pop in on your site? A number of us were out and about. I personally put over 700 miles on the car and visited 23 different locations. I would have loved to have hit more than I did, but I just ran out of time and energy. Connie, N8IO put over 400 miles on her vehicle and I know that Bob, K3RC and Jim, W8ERW were also out and about.. All the pictures that have been submitted are now posted on the website. You can find them at: http://arrl-ohio.org/fd-pix/index.html
Ok, enough of that.. Now on to the business at hand..
CC&R's being looked into once again.. As announced by the ARRL HR 4969 is being introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives.
In June, 2014 with Congressman Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) as the sponsor and Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-2) as co-sponsor, HR 4969 - the "Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014" - was introduced
into the 113th Congress. This bipartisan effort would direct the FCC to extend the "reasonable accommodation" provisions for Amateur Radio antennas to include all types of land-use regulation, including deed restrictions and restrictive covenants.
More details on this can be found on the ARRL website at: http://www.arrl.org/hr-4969
Over the past several weeks there have been several major announcements that were made that affected the Ohio Section, but they were made through the League “reflector.” I had a number of calls from you folks complaining that the word didn’t get to them, and they had to receive the information third hand. After some investigation it was discovered that the folks complaining weren’t subscribed to the League’s reflector to receive important messages from the Section Manager or Division Director/Vice Director. Please, if you haven’t looked at your settings with the League in some time, I strongly urge you to do so. You access these settings from your account. Just go on-line to the League and submit your logon and password. From there you go to “edit your profile” at the top of your profile page is a tab called “Edit Email Subscriptions” and then read down the entire list and check all of those items that are of interest to you, including the one that states “News and information from your Division Director and Section Manager (Note: Some Divisions/Sections may not send notices.)” this will then sign you up to receive those important messages from me and the Division Director.
Now, for those of you who may not want to go to all that bother, or you are not League members, you still have a chance to get these important emails. All you have to do is to “Opt-In” on the Ohio Section website.. Here’s the link: http://arrl-ohio.org/forwarder/forwarding.html You can also find this link on the bottom left corner of the main page of the Ohio Section website. I urge you all to make sure that everyone, regardless of whether they are a League member or not, knows that they can always “Opt-In” at any time. Oh, didn’t know that the Ohio Section had a website?? We do.. You can find it at: http://arrlohio.org If you don’t have this website set as your home page, I urge you to do so. This website is one of the exceptions to the rules.. It changes all the time, it’s never stagnate and it’s forever changing. I would recommend that you check into the website at least 3 times per week.
We have a new Section Emergency Coordinator – Stan Broadway, N8BHL. Stan was (is) the Emergency Coordinator for Delaware County.
Here’s the short listing on Stan’s Bio.
Police –
• Deputy Sheriff
• Patrol
• Jail
• Dispatch
Fire / EMS
• Volunteer firefighter, EMT/Bridged (30 years) • Technician level Haz Mat • Incident Command, long list of FEMA courses • Extensive training creation and delivery (tabletop, incident, and
• Grant development
• Planning Communications
• Certified APCO Comm Center Manager
• Technical experience developing repeater-based systems • FCC Amateur Radio “Extra” class license (highest possible) • Built and configured console system in the early days of the Tornado Spotter Net at National Weather Service, Columbus
• Over 20 years experience as police/fire dispatcher in busy Columbus suburban departments • Familiar with newest mobile technology in radio/RF/IT/dispatching • Webmaster, fire and
emergency sites
Disaster / Tornado
• Control Operator for 14 years, member of management team Central Ohio Severe Weather Spotters Network (N.W.S. National Recognition) • Developed, wrote, and presented training seminars
across Ohio • Xenia, OH Tornado outbreak (34 fatalities) established EOC and worked on management team with National Guard
• Later consulted with Columbus on findings and results • Several other large-scale tornado outbreaks with damage and injury • Blizzard of ’78 experience • Member, Port Columbus Air Crash committee (two years)
• 18 years managing, training and budgeting computer operations and groups • Extensive national awards for journalism and web applications • Extensive planning experience (1,5 and 10 year planning)
As you can see, Stan is extremely qualified to take the reins as Section Emergency Coordinator..
I’m very proud to have Stan join the Section Cabinet as our SEC..
Stan can be reached at: broadways@standi.com
Stan will be working on a number of items, but one of the most important of those items is to bring “FUN” back into what we do. Yes, there’s definitely a serious side to the emergency communications business, but there’s also got to be the “fun” side too. I remember what someone once said to me, and it has stuck with me ever since.. “If it ain’t fun, then I don’t want to do this anymore.” I do understand that statement and I have to agree. So, we’re all going to do our best to bring “FUN” back to Amateur Radio and the projects that we do.
Please welcome Stan as the new Section Emergency Coordinator for the Ohio Section..
We have a new Division Director and Vice Director. As of 12 noon on July 7th Jim Weaver, K8JE officially retired as Director. As per the ARRL By-Laws on succession, Dale Williams, WA8EFK
who was the Vice Director now becomes the Director. President Kay Craigie, N3KN has appointed Tom Delaney, W8WTD as the new Vice Director.
Are you ready for the Ohio Section Conference? This year we have teamed up with the Columbus Hamfest. It will be August 2nd at the Aladdin Shrine Temple, right across the street from Easton Mall on the east side of Columbus. The Hamfest will begin at 8am and the forums will begin at 9am.
Here’s what’s on for the forums..
09:00 – 11:00 VE Testing
09:00 – 10:00 Skywarn – John Montgomery, N8PVC
10:00 – 11:00 ARES/ARESMAT – Mark Griggs, KB8YMN
11:00 – 12:00 OSSBN Semi-Annual meeting - Mike Hayward, KC8WH
12:00 – 13:00 ARRL / Conference Awards Presentation - Scott Yonally, N8SY
This year there will be an Allan Severson (AP8P) recipient. You’ll just have to wait until the hamfest to find out just who it is. You’ll also have to wait to find out who the winner of the Annual Newsletter Contest winner is as well.. There’s lots of reasons to attend.. but the biggest one that I can think of is.. “It’s going to be FUN!!”
The City of Marietta has passed a new ordinance banning the use of all electronic devices while the vehicle is in motion. Joe Wigal, W8JTW has been in contact with the Law Director of Marietta over this new law to get a better clarification of where Amateur Radio fits in all of this. Now there’s good news to report to this story.. The Marietta City Council President contacted Joe in an email to let him know that Amateur Radio was excluded in this law. This does go to show you that if you work with your government officials, they will usually listen to you and do what is right.
Ohio's Speaker Bureau.. I know that this has been said a million times before, but it’s always worth repeating, don’t forget to invite one of the Ohio Section Cabinet members to your next club meeting. The entire Cabinet is Ohio’s Speaker’s Bureau. If you’d like any of us to come and be a speaker at your function for FREE, please feel free to give any of us a call, we'll do our very best to be at your function.
That’s going to do it this month from here.. I hope to see all of you at the various hamfests or meetings soon and who knows, maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones to get a “mug” on me.
Have a question? Feel free to give me a call or write to me.. Oh.. by the way, I’ve come up with a new surprise for the mugs.. You may just fine an extra surprise inside the cup!!
My email and phone number are always listed on the Ohio Section Website http://arrlohio.org
as well as on page 16 of QST..
73, Scott, N8SY
07/26/2014 | German Ridge Jamboree
Jul 26-Jul 27, 1323Z-1320Z, W8GBH, Powhatan Point, OH.
Eastern Ohio Amateur Wireless Association.
17.140 14.225 7.225 3.880.
QSL. Rob Fish, 67689 Mills Rd,
Saint Clairsville, OH 43950.
08/01/2014 | Annual Pro Football Hall Of Fame Festival
Aug 1-Aug 3, 1800Z-2000Z, W8AL, Canton, OH.
Canton Amateur Radio Club.
28.365 21.365 14.265 7.265.
Certificate. Roger Gray, W8VE, 3506 21st St NW,
Canton, OH 44708.
Send QSL and $2.00 for S&H to event Mgr W8VE www.w8al.org
08/02/2014 | Chillicothe Ross County Ohio Fair
Aug 2-Aug 9, 1600Z-1800Z, W8BAP, Chillicothe, OH.
Scioto Valley Amateur Radio Club.
28.455 14.280 7.250 3.860. Certificate.
Don Barnhart, 31 Anna Marie Dr, Londonderry, OH 45647.
Event is to help celebrate the centennial of ARRL and to
publicly promote Amateur radio operations. Station to
operate entire week UTC 1600 to 1800 hours. EDST.
Noon to 2 PM.
08/10/2014 | Fair Winds Alternative Energy Ham Event
Aug 10-Aug 11, 0000Z-0000Z, W8BM, Berea, OH.
Cuyahoga Amateur Radio Society. 7.250.
Certificate & QSL. CARS, PO Box 31264, Independence, OH 44131.
Operation using Solar and Wind Power at the Cuyahoga County Fair.
Talk in 146.820 PL 110.9. Full details on times, frequencies
and how to apply for custom QSL and Certificate at www.qrz.com/db/w8bm
08/16/2014 | Commemorating Alliance, OH as the home of Ohio's State flower; the scarlet carnation.
Aug 16, 1400Z-2100Z, W8LKY, Alliance, OH. Alliance Amateur Radio Club.
14.250 14.035 7.240 7.035. Certificate & QSL.
Alliance Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 3344, Alliance, OH 44601. www.w8lky.org
08/22/2014 | D-Day Reenacment Conneaut,Ohio -- 70th Anniversary of Normandy Landing
Aug 22-Aug 23, 1300Z-1900Z, W8BHZ, Conneaut, OH.
Conneaut Amateur Radio Club. 14.240 7.240.
QSL. CARC ARS W8BHZ, PO Box 661, Conneaut, OH 44030.
The largest annual D-Day Reenactment in the US. The Conneaut
Amateur Radio Club in conjunction with D-Day Ohio is
operating a special event station during the weekend reenactment
of the Normandy Landing. 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of this
historical landing.
Commemorative QSL cards will be printed for the event.
It is now the largest annual event in the United States
commemorating D-Day-June 6th 1944 .
Please see visit www.ddayohio.us for on the reenactment
event. www.qsl.net/w8bhz
08/29/2014 | 20th Anniversary of The Shawshank Redemption movie
Aug 29-Aug 31, 1400Z-2000Z, KD8KWV, Bellevue, OH. Harold R. Wolfe.
14.250 7.250 3.850 146.940. QSL. Harold R. Wolfe, KD8KWV,
358 High St, Bellevue, OH 44811.
Celebrating the filming locations of The Shawshank Redemption.
Historical sites include The Ohio State Reformatory, as well other
locations on the historical Shawshank Trail located in Mansfield, Ohio.
08/29/2014 | The Shawshank Redemption 20th Anniversary
Aug 29-Aug 31, 1200Z-1600Z, W8WE, Mansfield, OH.
InterCity Amateur Radio Club. 14.250. QSL. IARC, PO Box 713, Bellville, OH 44813.
Times and frequency may change. Check out the club website for up to
date information. www.w8we.org
07/19/2014 | NOARSFEST
Location: Elyria, OH
Sponsor: Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
Website: http://NOARS.net
Van Wert County Fairgrounds
07/20/2014 | 27th Annual Van Wert Hamfest
Location: Van Wert, OH
Sponsor: Van Wert Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://w8fy.org
07/27/2014 | Portage Hamfair '14
Location: Randolph, OH
sponsor: Portage Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://Hamfair.com
Aladdin Shrine Center
08/02/2014 | Columbus Hamfest/Ohio Section Conference
Location: Columbus, OH
Sponsor: Voice of Aladdin Amateur Radio Club (W8FEZ)
Website: http://www.columbushamfest.com
Trumbull County Fairgrounds
08/17/2014 | Warren ARA's Annual Hamfest & Computer Show
Location: Cortland, OH
Sponsor: Warren Amateur Radio Association
Website: http://www.w8vtd.org
Robert Pinn Armory
08/24/2014 | The Cuyahoga Falls ARC's 6th Annual Tailgate Hamfest
Location: Stow, OH
Sponsor: Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club
Website: http://cfarc.org/tailgate2014.html

It’s FAIR SEASON 2014 in Ohio!
By Dave Dextradeur, W1GBA
It’s that time of year again friends and neighbors, summer is upon us which means that it’s time for fairs in the 88 counties in the Buckeye State! It is also a golden opportunity for us to show off our hobby (avocation to many) in its best light and recruit “new blood” into ham radio.
The ARRL has all kinds of promotional literature available both free and at a very nominal cost for use as handouts at the various exhibits that will make it easy for fairgoers to really understand what ham radio is all about. While I realize that the various fairs are several days in length, planning is the key to a successful evolution and I am sure that the Ohio Section Cabinet officers would be able to lend their voices and advice in order to make whatever the various clubs decide to do a resounding success!
73, Dave, W8GBB